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At: Hullabaloo, 41 Westgate, Shipley, BD18 3QX

Est: 1956



A to Z of Past Guests


There are more than 735 past guest acts listed here, most with links, but note that the artist - Ramblin' Jack Elliott, for example - might not have been anywhere near the Topic in more than fifty years. See our page of past gigs 1957-on for a chronological listing of dates. Links are to the guest's own site if found, otherwise to a review, interview, Wikipedia page, obituary or even Mudcat thread. A few guests are still missing, mainly from the late 50s and early 60s, but not many. Send changes and alerts to Nick Waller.

Pete Abbott

Mike Absalom
Stanley Accrington
Bill Adair
John Adams
Aiken's Drum
Aire Play
Alien Folklife
Maartin Allcock
Amazing Mr Smith
Alistair Anderson
Harvey Andrews
Christi Andropolis
Ron Angel
Martin Appleby & John Townsend
Jess and Richard Arrowsmith
Wendy Arrowsmith
Dave and Toni Arthur
Sue Ashby and Lynne Heraud
Steve Ashley
Gary and Vera Aspey
Mary Asquith
Amy Atkinson and Midnight Special
Alex Atterson
Auld Triangle
Cliff Aungier

Roy Bailey
Bruce Michael Baillie
Barbara Baker Jazz Quintet
Duck Baker

Bar the Shouting

Damien Barber
Bill Barclay
Les Barker
The Barnsley Lads
Sam Barrett
Gren Bartley
Richard Bartram and John Coverdale
Beggar’s Bridge
Dominic Behan
Peter Bellamy

Belshazzar's Feast
Steve Benbow
John Birkby
Bisserov Sisters
Black Horse Fairy
Jack Blackman

Shirley Bland
Tom Bliss

Niamh Boadle
Harry Boardman
Eric Bogle & John Munroe
Pete Bolton and Mick Jackson
Peter Bond
Oliver Bootle
Ron Trueman Border
Geoff Bowen
James Bar Bowen
Bowie, Bliss & Cockerham
Maggie Boyle

Boys of the Lough
Sam Bracken
Marian Bradfield

Bradford Women Singers

Dave Brady
Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne
Kate Bramley
Rodney Branigan
Sunjay Brayne
Anne Briggs
Bright Season

Derek Brimstone
Jon Brindley
The Broadside
The Brooks Band
Dave and June Brooks
Broom Bezzums
Brother Crow
Tom and Barbara Brown
Paul Buckley
Dave Bull
Bully Wee Band

John Burge
Sue Burgess and Paul Wrigley
Dave Burland
Burnt Peat
Tonie Burrell
The Bushbury Mountain Daredevils

Packie Byrne


Bill Caddick
Dave Calderhead
Dave Camlin
Alex Campbell
David Campbell
Fil Campbell and Tom McFarland
The Ian Campbell Folk Group
Sean Cannon
Canny Fettle
Tony Capstick

Guy Carawan
Kyle Carey

Bernard Carney
Martin Carter
Martin Carthy

Pete Castle
Colin Cater
Pauline Cato
Andy Caven
The Celebrated Ratcliffe Stout Band

Michael Chapman
Maire Ni Chathasaigh
Keith Christmas

Sebastian Clark

Anthony John Clarke
George Clarke
Josienne Clarke and Ben Walker

Rosie Clegg
Rod Clements

Bill Clifton
Roy Clinging and Neil Brookes
The Cobblers

Phil Cockerham
Cocky (1977)
Cocky (1989 - a different band amazingly)
Chris Coe
Pete Coe
Dominic Collins
Johnny Collins
Shirley Collins and Dolly Collins
Christine Collister and Clive Gregson
Billy Connolly
John Conolly
Judy Cook
Pat Cooksey and Brian Patten
Michael Cooney
Christine Cooper

Gerry Cooper
Gerry Cooper & Phil Snell

Mike Cooper
Rodney Cordner and Jean-Pierre Rudolph

Jim Couza
Debra Cowan
John Coy
Craig and Willoughby
Stuart and Joy Crampton
Crickmore: Crewe
The Crimple Mountain Boys
Crooked Oak
The Cropper Lads

Crowdy Crawn
Jimmy Crowley
Hamish Currie
The Cutlers
Cut-Throat Jake

Dab Hand
Heather Dale
Karl Dallas
Cory Danyluk and Sarah Card
Dark Horse
Dark Lantern
Sandy Darlington and Jeanie Blackmar McLerie
Bob Davenport
Gavin Davenport

Gareth Davies-Jones
Roger Davies
Dill Davis
Pete Davies
Sarah Dean
The Delta City
Kevin Dempsey and Joe Broughton
Kate Denny

Nigel Denver
Richard Digance
Diz Disley
Donkey's Breakfast
Keith Donnelly
Mick Doonan
Rosie Doonan
Stuart Douglas
Dovetail Joint
Nick Dow
Downham & Nudger
Paul Downes
Dr Sunshine's Pavement Show
Robin Dransfield
The Druids
Judy Dunlop

The Durbervilles

Bobby Eaglesham
Cameron Edgar
Jane Edwards
Elbow Jane
Jim Eldon
Anna Elias and the Forlorn Hope
Derek and Dorothy Elliott
Ramblin' Jack Elliott
Mike Elliott
Dave Ellis & Boo Howard
Ellie Ellis
Julie Ellison
English Tapestry
Miriam Backhouse Erasmus
Lowri Evans

Fabulous Salami Brothers

Ian Fairbairn
Fake Thackray (John Watterson)
Richard Farina
Dave "Baz" Farrar
Julie Felix
David Ferrard
Lulu Fidler
The Jill Fielding Band
James Findlay

Rebekah Findlay
Archie Fisher
Cilla Fisher and Artie Trezise
Ray Fisher
FOS Brothers

Chris Foster
Bob Fox
Susie Fox
Martin Francis

Friendly Visit
Desi Friel
Tich Frier
Finbar and Eddie Furey


Bella Gaffney
Vin Garbutt
Robin Garside and Paul Gough
Dick Gaughan
The Gentleman Players
Dave Gibb
David Gibb and Elly Lucas
Derek Gifford
Tom Gilfellon
Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen
Katriona Gilmore and and Jamie Roberts
Gordon Giltrap
Brian Golbey
Jim Gordon and Pete Howells
John Goodluck

Dave Goulder
Grace Notes
Benny Graham

Davey Graham
Stan Graham
Richard Grainger
Karin Grandal-Park and Rosie Clegg

Anne Gregson
Clive Gregson
Sara Grey and Kieron Means

Jed Grimes
Wendy Grossman
Bridget Guest and Roy Wilcock
Isaac Guillory
Rahel Guzelian

Hadrian's Union
Dave Haigh
Hair of the Dog
Tony Hall
The Hall Brothers
Gerry Hallom
Kieran Halpin
Rev Hammer
Keith Hancock
Hand On Heart

Johnny Handle
Paul Handyside

Larry Hanks

Stéafan Hannigan
Mike Harding
Rosie Hardman
Phil Hare
Harp and a Monkey
Geoff and Penny Harris
Jack Harris
Roy Harris
Sue Harris
Paul Harrison
Jon Harvison
Dr John Hasted and Lyn Hasted
Hawg's Folly
Edwina Hayes

Elton Hayes
The Hayes Sisters
Mick Haywood
Richard Heacock and Becky Price
Joe Heaney
Ray Hearne
Hebric (formerly Thae Breagh )
Hedgehog Pie
Hamish Henderson
Lynne Heraud & Pat Turner
Susan Herndon
Herring's Belly
Carolyn Hester
James Hickman and Dan Cassidy
Steve Hicks and Lynn Goulburn
Geoff Higginbottom

High Level Ranters
Andy Hill
Ian Hill
The Hillsiders
Keith Hinchcliffe
Mick Hipkiss
Sam Hird
Luke Hirst
Hobson and Lees
Laura Hockenhull
Holbeck Mummers
Maggie Holland
Holme Valley Tradition
Hom Bru
The Hometowners
Sarah Horn and James Cudworth

Hot Pot Belly Band
Hoover the Dog
Hot Vultures
The House Band
Simon Howarth and Andy May
Howden Jones
Richard Hudson
Alan Hull

Alistair Hulett
Shaun T Hunter
Ashley Hutchings
Jimmy Hutchison
Hut People
Jacquelyn Hynes Trio

Hamish Imlach
The Incredible String Band
Instruments of Torture
Sally Ironmonger & Brian Carter
Andy Irvine
Jim Irvine
The Islanders

Gerry Jackson
Luke Jackson
Bert Jansch
Gloria Jeffries
Dean Johnson
Robb Johnson
Pete Snaky Jake Johnson
Vera Johnson
Jolly Jack
John James
The Jay Birds
Aidan Jolly

Bill Jones
Chloe Jones
Dave Jones (with Mick Hipkiss)
Janet Jones

Nic Jones
Wizz Jones
Fred Jordan
Lorraine Jordan
Louise Jordan
Jovial Gentlemen
Jugular Vein
Jungr & Parker
Just Us with Liz Ingrams

Dariush Kanani
Will Kaufman

Dave Keddie

Gwyneth Keen and Scarlett Bazaar
Kemp's Jig
Keith Kendrick
Keith Kendrick and Sylvia Needham
Enda Kenny
Jonathan Kershaw (with Beck Si
Louis Killen
Kimber's Men
King's Shilling (Ray Jane)
Shona Kipling
The Kipper Family

John Kirkpatrick
Tom Kitching and Paul Sullivan
Tom Kitching
Kitsyke Will
Knight's Anthem
Roger Knowles
Alexis Korner

Robin Laing
Lakeman Family Band
Geoffrey Lakeman

Phil Langran Band
Eddie Lawler
Tim Laycock
Lazy Reel
Gina Le Faux
Tom Leary
Anne Lennox-Martin
John Leonard
Tony Levy
Tom Lewis

Clive Leyland
Lime Scurvy

Anne Lister
Marie Little
Bert Lloyd
Joe Locker
Gerry Lockran

LocTup Together
Martin Long (now Martin Young)
Jon Loomes
Loose Covers
Los Zimmos
Lost Nation Band

Kevin Loughran
Jezz Lowe and the Bad Pennies
Lowtown Blues
Trevor Lucas
Jane Ludlam

Ewan MacColl
Jimmie Macgregor
Ian McCann and the Roan County Boys
Thomas McCarthy

Jamie McClennan
Tom McConville
John McCormick
Helen McCreary

Jacqui McDonald and Bridie O'Donnell
Duncan McFarlane
Kirsty McGee and Mat Martin
Matt McGinn
Ed McGurk & Caffrey
Ian McKone
Ewan McLennan
Rory McLeod
Alison McMorland
Luc McNally
Gerry McNeice
Jason McNiff
The McPeakes
Sarah McQuaid
Jim Mageean
Magic (
Keith Christmas and Julia Howe
Magic Lantern
Magna Carta
Major Mustard's Travelling Show

Jim Malcolm
Flossie Malavialle
Manchester Folly
Chris Manners
Ian Manuel
Tony Martin and Andy McColl
Sam Martyn
Keith Marsden
The Marsden Rattlers
Ian Scott Massie
Patsy Matheson

The Mathews Brothers
Ceri Rhys Matthews
Mark Mawby
Maxie and Mitch
Paul Metsers

Marilyn Middleton-Pollock
Mile Roses, The

Dick Miles
Mick Miller
Steve Dan Mills
Chris Milner

Mr Gladstone's Bag
Mixing up the Medicine
Molly Bloom

Tim Moon
Christy Moore
Dave Moorehouse
Michael Moore
Morfran Heights
Elaine Morgan

Tony Morris
Pete Morton
David Moses
David Moss
Muckram Wakes
Mulberry Blue
Zoe Mulford
Mundy Turner
Noel Murphy

Pete Nalder

Tom Napper Tom Bliss
Liz Narey
Adrian Nation
Andi Neate
Steve and Kristi Nebel
Steve Needham and Peter Norman

Chris & Siobhan Nelson
New Heritage (Brian Senior & Keith Marsden)
New Lost City Ramblers
David Newey

Chris Newman
Mark Newman
Ken Nicol
Simon Nicol

Rab Noakes
Peter Norman and Norrie Spence

Northern Front
Ruth Notman
Notts Alliance

Paul O'Brien

Donal O'Connor
Steve O'Donoghue
Al O'Donnell
O'Hooley & Tidow
Kathy O'Sullivan
Jackie Oates
The Old One Two
Old Richmond String Band

Old Rope String Band
Tania Opland and Mike Freeman
The Oyster Band

Jon Palmer Acoustic Band
George Papavgeris
Henry Parker
Jools Parker
John Parkes
Chris Parkinson
Bernie Parry
John Pashley
Pedigree Chums

Ceri Mai Pedrick
Bob Pegg
Carole Pegg

Pegleg Ferret
Pendas Way
Brian Peters
Steve Phillips
Ed Pickford
Pig Bucket Ensemble
Pilgrim's Way

William Pint and Felicia Dale
Graham Pirt
Michelle Plum
Plum Hall
Bill Price
Darren Poyzer

Graham and Eileen Pratt
Becky Price
Ruth Price and Sadie Greenwood
Maddy Prior and Tim Hart

The Queensberry Rules
The Quiggs

Rare Breed
Rag Mama Rag
Jon Raven
Kath Reade
Red Hippo
Jean Redpath
Alan Reid and Rob van Sante
Jon Rennard
Jim Reynolds
Ribbon Road
Ripley Wayfarers

Risky Business
The Riversiders
Roaring Jelly
Fiona-Katie Roberts
Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman
Dana and Susan Robinson
Sue Rock
Fran Rodgers
Sally Rogers
Roisin Ban
Roll Back The Carpet
Rolling Crones
Tony Rose

Leon Rosselson
Michael Rossiter
Jane Rothfield and Allan Carr
The Rubber Wellies
Kate Rusby
Alistair Russell
Greg Russell and Ciaran Algar
Janet Russell

Mick Ryan and Pete Harris
Paula Ryan
Pat Ryan and Ken Howard

Liz Ryder

Denis Sabey
Bill Sables
The Sail Pattern
Elaine Samuels

Bev Sanders
Hannah Sanders & Ben Savage
Colum Sands
Sandy and Jeanie
Eddie Saxton
Pete Sayers

Scarlet Heights
Scarlett Bazaar
Nancy Schneeloch
Scolds Bridle
Eddie Seaman

Peggy Seeger
Kim Seymour
Bonnie Shaljean
Anna Shannon

Dave Shannon and Sam Bracken
Pamela Wyn Shannon
Graham Shaw
Dave Shea and Norma Collins
Mike Sheardown
Tom Shepley's Band
Chris Sherburn and Denny Bartley
Show of Hands
Bill Shute and Lisa Null
Beck Si
The Sidewinders
Mike Silver
Jerry Silverman
Johnny Silvo
Lester Simpson
Martin Simpson
Barry Skinner

Barry Smith
Emily Smith
Pete Smith and John Buckley
Steve and Ruth Smith
Peter and Barbara Snape
Phil Snell
Mike Soar and John Guy
Stefan Sobell

Joe Solo

Kenny Speirs and Joe Wright
Katie Spencer
The Spinners
Spring Chickens
John Squire
Pete Stanley
Staverton Bridge
Joe Stead
Sam Stephens
Simon Stephenson
Calum Stewart
The Stewart Family aka The Stewarts of Blair

The Strid & Den Miller Trio
John Strong
Nick Strutt
John Stuart
Ray Stubbs
Justin "Slade the Leveller" Sullivan
Redd Sullivan
Sully and Suzie
Martin Sumpton
Roger Sutcliffe
Swan Arcade
Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer
Dave Swarbrick
Tufty Swift
Brian Swinton
Miranda Sykes

June Tabor
Tony Taffinder
Tall Stories
John Tams
Tattie Jam
Cyril Tawney

Allan Taylor
Bram Taylor
Brian Taylor
Jeremy Taylor
Ron Taylor
Teesside Fettlers
Jake Thackray
Thae Breagh (later Hebric)
Hans Theessink
Thomas, Harris and Marshall
Karen and Colin Thompson
Pete Thompson and Alan Bell
Iain Thomson and Marc Duff
Jane Threlfall and Carl Hogsden
Kathryn Tickell
Paul Tiernan
Steve Tilston
Saskia Tomkins
Tony and Dave
Joe Topping
The Trials of Cato
The Tuppenny Ceilidh Band

Steve Turner
Gordon Tyrrall

Union Jill

Fintan Vallely
Voicemail Harmony
aka Voicemale
Sammy Vomáčka
Dave Vermond
The Vultures

Mal Waite
Eddie Walker
Paul Walker & Karen Pfeiffer
Penni McLaren Walker
John Waller
Dave Walters
Jake Walton
Lucy Ward
Pamela Ward and Paul Cherrington

Jeff Warner
The Wassailers
Mike Waterson

The Watersons
Helen Watson and Suzie Adams
Geoff Watson
Roger Watson
Peta Webb
Hedy West
Emily Weygang and Ben Harker
Kellie While
White Hart
Brian Whitmee
Whitney Gin
Heather Whittaker
Gary Wilcox and Phil Hulse
Phil Wilcox
Bob Williamson
Nickie Willis and Vince Jerrison
Roger Wilson

Tony Wilson
Wilson McGladdery
Winter Wilson
The Wilsons
Jim Wishart
Bob Wood
Dave Wood
Pete Wood
Tim Wood
Wool Exchange
Clive Woolf
PJ Wright

John Wright Band

Bernard Wrigley
Martin Wyndham-Read

Yan Tan Tether
Charley Yarwood
The Yetties
Yorkshire Folk Company
Yorkshire Relish

Mary-Jane and Winston Young
The Young Tradition
The Young 'uns


John Zarfas


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