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At Hullabaloo, 41 Westgate, Shipley, BD18 3QX



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A List Of Topic Club Dates Since 1957

1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965
1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975
1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985
1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995
1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015
2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025
| 2026 | 2027

        Below is a list of most of the dates at The Topic since 1957. Click on a date above or scroll down - it is one long page. There are a few gaps in the early years, but it is much closer to completeness than it was once, due to a labour of love by long-time club member Trevor Charnock.
     We had a good list of club night activities from 1992 onwards, but information on the first 35 years of the club was patchy until relatively recently, when Trevor started a several-years-long project to put together information from a variety of sources for the period from 1957 to 1991, for which the club owes him many thanks.
    For 1970 to 1991 he mostly used flyers, handouts and Topic ads in Tykes' News. For the period before 1970 he recovered some once-lost club minute and treasurers' books, and he also scoured microfilms from the Telegraph & Argus archives in the Central Library for ads the Topic placed, which was particularly useful for the 1950s. At one point he spotted a poster in the background of a photo of a club night in 1960 which gave him four dates! There's still a gap from late 1962 to early 1964 due to a lack of minute-keeping by the club then.
     Trevor writes about the things he found and the things he is looking for in his article Topic Folk Club Guest List Through The Years in our History section. If you have records, memories, memoirs and photos that would boost the club's history pages please get in touch with him via the web site or e-mail him at
     An alphabetical list of acts, most with web links, is on the A to Z of Past Guests page of this site.


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Suez Crisis and Soviet invasion of Hungary. Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean resurface in the Soviet Union. Elvis Presley in the US charts for the first time. First Eurovision Song Contest. Start of the Topic Folk Club, and thus of History.

Actually, we have no precise dates for 1956 just yet. So here is an imprecise one:

September - first meeting of what would become the Topic Folk Club. [See our History pages for information on the very earliest days.]

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Sputnik launched, the first man-made satellite.

[Club night information for 1957 comes from ads in the Telegraph & Argus]

Friday July 5th. Guitar Practice 7pm. Skiffle 7.45pm every Friday at The Laycock Rooms Albion Court.
Friday July 19th. Skiffle tonight, at The Topic Folk Club. [The Laycock Rooms had now been taken over and had become The Dragon & Peacock Chinese Restaurant]
Friday July 26th. Guitar practice 7pm. Skiffle 7.45pm. Topic Folk Club at The Dragon & Peacock.

Friday Aug 9th Guitar practice 7pm. Skiffle 7.45pm at The Topic Folk Club every Friday at The Dragon & Peacock.
Friday Aug 16th Guitar practice 7pm. Skiffle 7.45pm at The Topic Folk Club every Friday at The Dragon & Peacock.
Friday Aug 30th Topic Folk Club, every Friday. The Dragon & Peacock

Friday Sept 20th Topic Folk Club, every Friday at The Dragon & Peacock
Friday Sept 27th Topic Folk Club, every Friday at The Dragon & Peacock

Friday Oct 18th Topic Folk Club. Every Friday at the Dragon & Peacock
Saturday Oct 19th Dr John Hasted Folk, banjo and guitar. Plays and teaches at The Topic's Saturday skiffle Session, at The Dragon & Peacock [John, who had come up from London, would seem to have been the club's first paid guest - though possibly only paid expenses ]
Friday Oct 25th The Topic Folk Club.

Friday Nov 22nd The Topic Folk Club. Skiffle groups and individual folksingers welcome.
Friday Nov 29th The Topic Folk Club, skiffle and folk song.

Friday Dec 6th The Topic Folk Club, skiffle and folksong help in both.
Friday Dec 26th Boxing Day. The Topic Folk Club, skiffle and folksong.

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EEC founded, Krushchev takes over in USSR, The Bridge on the River Kwai wins 7 Oscars. Instant noodles go on sale for the first time.

[Club night information for 1958 comes from ads in the Telegraph & Argus]

Friday Jan 17th. Topic Folk Club every Friday skiffle and folksongs at The Dragon & Peacock - members only. [It would seem that the club had become so popular that it needed a members-only policy]
Friday Jan 24th. Topic Folk Club at the Dragon & Peacock. Next week we have special guests from London.
Friday Jan 31st. Tonight at The Topic Folk Club The Dragon and Peacock. Special guests from London - Dr John Hasted on 12-string guitar and banjo, with Irish traditional singer Dominic Behan.

Friday Feb 14th. The Topic Folk Club at The Dragon & Peacock The Delta City and the Hillsiders - Skiffle and folksong 8pm.
    [Both groups were made up of regulars at The Topic. Delta City were to go on and win a National Competition for a guest spot on National Televisions Six Five Special]
Friday Feb 28th. The Topic Folk Club at The Dragon & Peacock. Riversiders and Hillsiders an evening of skiffle and folksong.

Friday Mar 7th. The Topic Folk Club at The Dragon and Peacock 7.30pm The Sidewinders and Hillsiders the best in skiffle and folksong.
Friday Mar 14th. The Topic Folk Club every Friday at The Dragon & Peacock. The Riversiders and The Vultures, the best in skiffle and folksong.
Friday Mar 28th. The Topic Folk Club at The Dragon & Peacock. The Delta City and The Hillsiders Skiffle and folksong.

Friday Apr 11th. The Topic Folk Club. Tonight Delta City skiffle and folksong at 7.30pm. This is the club's last night at The Dragon & Peacock. To accommodate our increased membership from next Friday we will meet at Unity Hall Rawson Square from 7.30pm.
Friday Apr 18th. The Topic Folk Club meet for the first time at Unity Hall Rawson Square from 7.30pm for the best in skiffle and folksong.
Friday Apr 25th. The Topic Folk Club at Unity Hall Rawson Square from 7.30pm normal club night of skiffle and folk song. Practice of techniques and swapping of ideas.
Saturday Apr26th. The Topic Folk Club, Special concert at Unity Hall Rawson Square from 7.30pm with special guests From London John Hasted and Shirley Collins. Members only.

Friday May16th. The Topic Folk Club Unity Hall Rawson Square. Normal club night of skiffle and folksong - also listen to records and swap techniques.

Friday June 13th. The Topic Folk Club Unity Hall Rawson Square. Skiffle and folksong, dont forget the Wednesday night club for listening to records and swapping techniques.
    [It would seem that there was a workshop type evening being run on a Wednesday night, not sure when it started or how long it ran for at this point. I am just putting what it said in the club's T & A advert - TCharnock]
Friday June 20th. The Topic Folk Club at Unity Hall Rawson Square, always something new on a Wednesday and Friday night.

Friday 19th September - The First AGM of the club.
Held at The Unity Hall, Rawson Square. Although the club was formed in September 1956, this was the first official Annual General Meeting. A constitution was agreed but the wording was not minuted.
Listed below is the first elected committee and offices: Committee Eddie Saxton, Vince Lacey, J Ellis, Miss Jacquie Richmond, Miss L Humells. Secretary Miss Isobel Allott, Treasurer. John B Stuart (JB) President Mr A Lancaster.
    [On Tuesday Sept 23rd an advert was put in the T&A for the first Topic Folk Club AGM to be held for the election of Officers and club policy discussions at 8pm Friday September 26th at 8pm. This advert was repeated on Thursday September 25th. The strange thing is that the club minute book records the first club AGM on the 19th of September and the next minutes after these are for October 10th. I may try and find out if any old member that I know can throw light on this. I think that September 19th should be listed as the AGM at this point. - TCharnock]

Saturday Dec 27th. The Topic Folk Club invites all members to a Grand Christmas Party and Dance to be Unity Hall Rawson Square at 7.30pm. Come along and make this a grand reunion event.
    [This may have been the first time the club did not open on a Friday, it being Boxing Day.]

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Castro takes over in Cuba. Buddy Holly is killed. The Dalai Lama flees Tibet. Alaska becomes 49th US State. The first American combat deaths in Vietnam. Launch of the Mini in the UK. The first section of the M1 is opened. Antarctic Treaty is the first major Cold War treaty, reserving the Antarctic for peaceful purposes. Ben Hur gets 11 Oscars.

[Club night information for 1959 comes from ads in the Telegraph & Argus]

Friday Jan 9th. The Topic Folk Club at Unity Hall Rawson Square. Every Friday at 7.30pm for folksongs, blues and spirituals.
Friday Jan 16th. The Topic Folk Club at Unity Hall Rawson Square. Every Friday at 7.30pm for folksongs, blues and spirituals, members and guests one shilling (5 new pence)
Friday Jan 23rd. The Topic Folk Club at Unity Hall every Friday from 7.30 pm normal club night folksongs, blues and spirituals members and guests.
Saturday Jan 24th The Topic Folk Club at Unity Hall Rawson Square present a special concert at 7.30pm with John and Lyn Hasted. Members and Guests three shillings. Redd Sullivan tickets accepted.
    [We do not know the significance of Redd Sullivan tickets being accepted - presumably there was a cancellation an earlier week. This I think was John's last visit to the club. Lyn Hasted was John's second wife - TC].

Friday Feb 27th. TheTopic Folk Club, every Friday, from 7.30 at Unity Hall Rawson Square. Folk songs, blues and spirituals. Members and Guests.

Friday March 6th. The Topic Folk Club every Friday, from 7.30 at Unity Hall Rawson Square. Folk songs blues and spirituals. Members and Guests.

Friday Sept 4th. The Topic Folk Club now meet every Friday at The Fox and Goose Northbrook Street Canal Road. For folksong, blues and spirituals. Please note rule change no admission for under eighteens.

Friday Sept 18th. The Topic Folk Club's Second AGM at 8pm. At the Fox and Goose, Northbrook Street
Committee and Officers elected: Paul Tattersall, D Aldread, Alan Emmett Eddie Saxton, Vince Lacey, D Mills Secretary Miss Molly Brown, Treasurer John B Stuart. President A Lancaster

Friday Oct 9th. The Topic Folk Club at The Fox and Goose Northbrook Street from 7.30 Normal club Night of folksong, blues and spirituals.
Saturday Oct 10th. The Topic Folk Club at The Fox and Goose Northbrook Street from 8pm. The club Presents one of London's leading folk singers Steve Benbow. Admission to Members only three and sixpence.

12th December - Saturday Hootenanny for the purpose of raising club funds.

We are sure Jerry Silverman was also a guest this year from the 25th Anniversary pamphlet produced in 1981, but we don't know the specific date.

We think Ramblin' Jack Elliot appeared at some point this year, or maybe early in 1960, but have no specific date record. We have a photo of him taken by Eddie Saxton at the Fox and Goose (which hosted the club Sept 1959 to April 1960).

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Harold MacMillan makes Wind of Change speech. John F Kennedy wins US presidential election.

15 January - The Topic Folk club at The Fox and Goose Northbrook Street from 7.30pm normal club night of folksong, blues and spirituals.
16th January - Saturday Concert featuring Jimmie MacGregor and Shirley Bland Admission 3/6
29th January - The Stewart Family

5th February - Roy Harris
6th February - Saturday Concert featuring The Crimple Mountain Boys
Support: Club regulars John Pashley, Eddie Saxton and John B Stuart
20th February - Jacqui McDonald and Bridie O'Donnell
26th February - Normal club night of folksong, blues and spirituals, from 7.30
27th February - Britain's leading folksinger, Robin Hall Admission three and sixpence.

[ Sometime in between the above gig and May 4th the club moves from the Fox and Goose back to Unity Hall. The committee meeting on May 4th was held at Unity Hall.]

14th May - Saturday Hootenanny Club Fund Raiser

23rd September - The Third AGM
Committee and Officers Elected: J B Stuart, D Aldred, P Tattersall B Emmett, M Cunningham. Treasurer D Mills. Secretary Miss M Brown.

1st October - Saturday Concert Featuring Steve Benbow
29th October - Saturday Hootenanny for club funds

17th December - Saturday Concert featuring Winston and Mary-Jane Young

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Yuri Gagarin is the first human to go into space. Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Berlin Wall is built. JFK commits USA to landing on the moon by the end of the decade. Lady Chatterley's Lover obscenity trial in the UK. Satire boom in the UK: Private Eye first published, and the Establishment club founded.

10th February (Fri) - Normal club night.
11th February (Sat) - Alex Campbell and Joe Locker, admission three and sixpence.
22nd April - Saturday Hootenanny for Club Funds

3rd May - Wednesday Film Show in Club Room
5th May (Fri) - Normal club night, 7.30 start
6th May (Sat) - Steve Benbow, admission three and sixpence.
26th May (Fri) - Normal club night, 7.30 start
27th May (Sat) - Club resident Alex Eaton

16th June (Fri) - Normal club night, 7.30 start
17th June (Sat) - Joan and Rena Swankie from Scotland

8th July - Saturday Concert featuring The Heritage Singers Alan Emmett and Bert Worth
29th July - Saturday Concert featuring Dave Keddie and Eddie Saxton

26th August - Saturday Concert featuring Mark and Sue (Mark Newman and Sue Rock)

16th September - Saturday Concert featuring Winston and Mary-Jane Young

11th November - The Fourth AGM
Committee and Officers elected: Alan Emmett, John Barraclough, T Greenwood, Vince Lacey, Terry Stott, A Diepetris and Sandra Kitchingham. The Secretary and Treasurer were not elected at this point but at later committee meeting Sandra Kitchingham was elected Secretary and Terry Stott as Treasurer.

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Algeria gains independence. Telstar, the world's first commercial communications satellite, goes into orbit. Marilyn Monroe dies. Cuban missile crisis. That Was the Week That Was starts on TV. Nelson Mandela is jailed (for the next 27 years).

19th January (Fri) - Normal club night.
20th January (Sat) - The Spinners from Liverpool.

20th July - Martin Carthy and Louis Killen, admission two and sixpence.
    [This was the gig which the two made the epic journey up from London on a scooter, a journey taking approx nine hours. Both artists still remember it to this day. - TC]

    [Some time between the above gig and the next one I have recorded the club moves to The Sun Inn Sunbridge Road. There are no club minutes recorded between November 30th 1962 and January 29th 1964 to give an exact date of the move. However in Denis Sabeys history of The Topic published in the third quarter of 1968 Tykes' News he comments on The Topic moving to The Sun late 1963 - TCharnock].

16th November - The Fifth AGM.
Committee and Officers elected: Alan Emmett, Miss Jaquie Richmond, John Barraclough, William McLocklan, Dave Keddie, D Harris, A Edmondson. Treasurer Terry Stott. Secretary Sandra Kitchingham.

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JFK assassinated, the same day that Aldous Huxley and CS Lewis die. Doctor Who starts. Also, sexual intercourse, according to Philip Larkin. Profumo Affair. Beatles first LP. That Was the Week That Was ends on TV. Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman into space. The Great Train Robbery takes place.

9th July (Tue) - A L Lloyd and Alf Edwards, admission three and sixpence.

Roger Sutcliffe says on his Facebook page that he first played The Topic this year, so we can list at least one performance.

The reason for the paucity of the information between 1962 and 1964 is that there were no minutes kept between the 30th of November 1962 and the 29th of January 1964. So although there was activity at the club during this time no records were kept.

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The Beatles start the British Invasion of America. The first BASIC program is run. The last executions in the UK take place. Mary Poppins is released. Cosmic microwave background radiation is discovered. Gulf of Tonkin incident escalates Vietnam War. Krushchev is deposed in the USSR, Harold Wilson become PM in the first Labour government in 13 years.

28th February - Dave Brady

22nd May - Jean Redpath

26th June (Fri) - Normal club night
27th June - Saturday Concert featuring Bill Clifton (USA) with support from The Crimple Mountain Boys from Harrogate

18th July - Saturday Concert featuring Jaqui and Bridie - Jacqui McDonald and Bridie O'Donnell

12th September - Saturday Concert featuring The Spinners
25th September - Cyril Tawney

13th November - The Sixth AGM
Committee and Officers elected: D Gledhill, T Sheals, P Sheals, J Wilcock J Pashley, L Phillips, R Hipworth, K Brady, B Lane, C Goodhall. Treasurer T Stott. Secretary H Stevenson.

20th November - Martin Carthy

4th December - Tony and Dave - Tony Irvine and Dave Spalding, from Sheffield
18th December - Sandy Darlington and Jeanie McLerie Blackmar

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Winston Churchill dies. Jim Clark wins Formula One championship and Indianapolis 500 race. Bob Dylan goes electric at Newport. Mont Blanc tunnel opens. Thunderbirds starts on ITV. Brady and Hindley arrested for the Moors Murders. 70 mph speed limit imposed on British roads.

1st January - A Concert to welcome The New Year featuring The Topic's Resident Singers
29th January - The Stewart Family

5th February - Roy Harris
6th February - Saturday Concert featuring The Crimple Mountain Boys, John Pashley, John B Stuart and Eddie Saxton
26th February - Jacqui and Bridie

26 March - Sandy Darlington and Jeanie McLerie Blackmar

30th April - Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger - at The Textile Hall, Westgate

14th May - Joe Heaney

4th June - Barry Skinner
25th June - The McPeakes

16th July - Tommy Gillfellon

27th August - The Islanders

8th October - The Seven Hills Folk Group
[Brian Senior, Keith Marsden, Howard Marsden and Christine Atkinson] 29th October - Ian McCann (of the Malcolm Price Trio)
12th November - The Seventh Club AGM.
Committee and Officers Elected. D Gledhill, T Sheals, P Sheals, J Pashley, J Wicock, L Phillips, R Hipworth, K Brady, B Lane, C Goodhall, D Sabey, J Slater. Treasurer T Stott. Secretary H Stevenson.

19th November Club Meeting
26th November Bert Jansch

3rd December Club Meeting
10th December Robin Williamson and the Incredible String Band
17th December Club Meeting
24th December Club Meeting and concert given by club regulars
31st December Club Meeting for the New Year

We know the following also appeared in 1965 from a list in the 25th Anniversary pamphlet produced in 1981, but we don't know the specific dates:

Nigel Denver
Mark Newman
John Freshwater
Harry Boardman
The Spinners
Pete Sayers
Gerry Lockran
Hedy West
New Lost City Ramblers

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Cultural Revolution kicks off in China. The Vatican abolishes the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (index of banned books). England wins the 1966 World Cup, the only year it really counted. Star Trek starts. Aberfan disaster in Wales. Walt Disney dies (and is not frozen in cryonic suspension).

7th January - Club Meeting
14th January - Club Meeting
21st January - Club Meeting
28th January - Club Meeting and Concert with Paul and Georgina Smith

4th February - Club Meeting
11th February - Club Meeting and Concert with Matt McGinn
18th February - Club Meeting
25th February - Club Meeting

4th March - Club Meeting
11th March - Club Meeting and Concert with Martin Carthy and also Dave Swarbrick showed up
18th March - Club Meeting
25th March - Club Meeting and Concert with Guy Carawan

1st April - Club Meeting
8th April - Club Meeting and Concert with Ian McCann
15th April - Club Meeting
22nd April - Club Meeting
29th April - Club Meetingand Concert with Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger

6th May - Club Meeting and Concert with Jacqui and Bridie
13th May - Club Meeting
20th May - Club Meeting
27th May - Club Meeting and Concert with Johnny Handle

3rd June - Club Meeting
10th June - Club Meeting
17th June - Club Meeting
24th June - Club Meeting

1st July - Club Meeting
8th July - Club Meeting and Concert with The New Folk
15th July - Club Meeting
22nd July - Club Meeting
29th July - Club Meeting and Concert with Harry Boardman

5th August - Club Meeting
12th August - Club Meeting plus Featured Spot by Roger Sutcliffe
19th August - Club Meeting and Concert with Roy Harris Jack Elliott of Birtley was originally booked but
                        had to cancel owing to illness, and indeed died during this year.

26th August - Club Meeting
     [ August 26th 1966 was the first night that The Topic ran a raffle. It had been noted that the club bank balance had been steadily dwindling with nothing being added to it for two years. It was decided to try running a raffle to see how it went. The prize was to be a record token to the value of 15 shillings (75pence today). They took £1 6s 8d on the raffle, which was just under half what they took on the door for that club night. And so it has kept going ever since. - Trevor Charnock]

2nd September - Club Meeting and Concert with Jimmy and The Sinn Feiners
9th September - Club Meeting
16th September - Club Meeting and Concert with Trevor Lucas
23rd September - Club Meeting
30th September - Club Meeting

7th October - Club Meeting
14th October - Club Meeting featuring The Cropper Lads
21st October - Club Meeting
28th October - Club Meeting

4th November - Club Meeting and Concert with Harry Hart
11th November - Club Meeting

18th November - The Eighth Club AGM.
Committee and Officers elected: T Sheals, P Sheals, J Pashley, J Wilcock, L Phillips B Campbell-Lane, J Slater. S. Holgate, S Farrell Treasurer T Stott. Secretary P Butterfield

9th December - Alex Campbell

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Donald Campbell killed in Bluebird K7 attempting a speed record on Coniston Water. The Summer of Love in San Francisco and Segeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Six Day War in the Middle East. North Sea Gas starts to come ashore in the UK. Torrey Canyon oil tanker disaster. First Boeing 737 flies. Sandie Shaw wins Eurovision Song Contest with Puppet On A String. Colonels take over in Greece. Vladimir Komarov killed on re-entry of Soyuz 1, the first space traveller to die on a mission. Fairport Convention play their first gig. Colour TV on BBC2 starts. Sweden switches from driving on the left side to the right side of the road one day at 5am. Che Guevara shot. Ceausescu becomes leader of Romania. Christiaan Barnard does world's first heart transplant.

6th January - Nigel Denver

3rd February - Club Night
10th February - Matt McGinn
17th February - John Wall and his Jug Band
24th February - The Cropper Lads

10th March - Martin Carthy
17th March - Club Night
24th March - Guy Carawan

14th April (Fri) - Club Night
15th April (Sat) - Roger Sutcliffe and Frank McConnell
5th May - Jaquie and Bridie
12th May - Stony Brooks
26th May - Club Night

9th June - Hamish Imlach

7th July - Trevor Lucas
14th July - Dave Keddie
21st July - Stefan Sobell
28th July - Harry Boardman

4th August - Club Night
11th August - John Wall

8th September - Harry Boardman
15th September - The Argosy
22nd September - Diz Disley

13th October - Johnny Handle
27th October - Alexis Korner

10 November - Hamish Imlach
17th November The Ninth Club AGM
Committee and Officers elected: N Ingram, C Ormanroyde, D Heatherington,T Gough, D Sabey, S Holgate, P Butterfield, M Sheals, T Sheals. Treasurer T Stott. Secretary J Heatherington.
24th November - Leon Rosselson

15th December - Local singers Roy and Val Bailey

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Riots and anti-Vietnam demos all over the place. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinated. Prague Spring and Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In starts . My Lai massacre in Vietnam. 2001: A Space Odyssey premieres. Nixon wins US election. This was the only year of the twentieth century during which no British service personnel were killed in action. On Christmas Eve Apollo 8 becomes the first manned spacecraft to orbit the moon.

19th January - The Jug Band

2nd February - Roy and Val Bailey
16th February - Mike Cooper

29th March - Tom Gilfelon

11th April - Ian McCann and The Roan County Boys
26th April - Martyn Wyndham-Read

10th May - Barry Skinner
17th May - Mary Asquith
24th May - Christy Moore

7th June - John Steel
21st June - Roy Harris

5th July - Diz Disley
19th July - The Teesside Fettlers
26th July - Roger Sutcliffe

2nd August - Mary Asquith
16th August - John Rennard plus The John Wall Jug Band and also Roger Sutcliffe
30th August - Noel Murphy

13th September - Mike Cooper
27th September - Tim Hart & Maddy Prior

11th October - Dave Miles and Dave Brindley
18th October - Humblebums - Billy Connolly and Tam Harvey
25th October - Rosemary Hardman

8th November - Pete Nalder
15th November - Roy and Val Bailey Also The Club AGM
22nd November - Pete Stanley and Brian Golbey
29th November - Roger Knowles and Nick Strutt
    [The Sun Inn was locked, so the club had to find another venue, The Market Tavern, for two months - TC]
6th December - Martin Carthy and Dave Swarbrick
13th December - Martyn Wyndham-Read
20th December - Christy Moore plus Bob and Carole Pegg
27th December - Derek and Dorothy Elliott

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Beatles do their last live performance, on the roof of their Apple office. Boeing 747 first flies. Concorde first flies. Yasser Arafat elected head of the PLO. British troops deployed in Northern Ireland. Robin Knox-Johnston becomes the first person to sail around the world solo without stopping. Charles de Gaulle steps down as president of France. Lennon and Ono do their Bed-In. The halfpenny ceases to be legal tender in the UK. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11 make the first manned landing on the moon. Chappaquidick incident kills Mary Jo Kopechne and permanently damages Edward Kennedy's career. Woodstock festival. Manson family killing of Sharon Tate and others. Monty Python's Flying Circus first on TV. The first message is sent over ARPANET, the precursor of the internet.

3rd January - Roger Sutcliffe
10th January - Hamish Imlach
17th January - The Cumberland Folk
24th January - The Humblebums - Billy Connolly and Tam Harvey
31st January - Dave Burland
[One night only at The Rawson Hotel]
7th February - Roger Watson and Colin Cater
    [At The Ukrainian Club for the next few weeks]
14th February - Diz Disley and Jimmy McKinley
21st February - The Yetties
from the West Country 28th February - Packie Byrne

7th March - Cliff Aungier
14 March - Mary Asquith
21st March - Mick Hipkiss
28th March - The Broadside
from Grimsby
4th April - Roy Harris
11th April - Robin Dransfield
18th April - Leon Rosselson
from London 25th April - Rosemary Hardman

2nd May - Pete Stanley with Roy and Val Bailey
9th May - Martyn Wyndham-Read
16th May - Dave Burland
23rd May - Roy and Val Bailey
30th May - The Young Tradition

6th June - Gerry Lockran
13th June - Ian Manuel and Mike Waterson
20th June - Tom Gilfellon
27th June - Tony Capstick

4th July - Roger Knowles and Nick Strutt
11th July - Derek and Dorothy Elliott
18th July - Bob and Carole Pegg
25th July - Jon Rennard

1st August - The Folk Weavers - Ruth and Brian Brittain and Roy Harris
8th August - Mike Harding
15th August - Mary Asquith
22nd August - Finbar and Eddie Furey
29th Augusts - Mick Hipkiss

5th September - Stefan Sobell
12th September - Singers and Musicians Night
19th September - Roger Watson and Colin Cater
    [At The Star Hotel for the next 22 years]
26th September - Tony Rose

3rd October - The Mathews Brothers
10th October - Brian Golbey and Pete Stanley
17th October - The Louisville Burglars
24thOctober - Roger Sutcliffe
31st October - Bob Axton

7th November - Tim Hart and Maddy Prior
14th November - Gerry Lockran
21st November - Mike James and Barrie Roberts Also Club AGM
28th November - Jugular Vein

5th December -
12 December - Allan Taylor
19th December - Roger Sutcliffe
[Ralph McTell had originally been booked but his agent withdrew him as his burgeoning career demanded bigger venues; Roger Sutcliffe appeared for the second time in two months]
26th December - Boxing Day - Club was closed

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First international Pan Am 747 jumbo lands at Heathrow. Apollo 13 blows up on the way to the moon. Beatles split up. Nixon invades Cambodia. World Cup in Mexico. Heath wins election. Bertrand Russell and General de Gaulle die. 150,000 killed in East Pakistan typhoon.

2nd January - Singers and Musicians Night
9th January - Roger Knowles and Nick Strutt
16th January - Hamish Imlach
23rd January - Bernard Wrigley
30th January - Roy Bailey

6th February - Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
13th February - Roger Sutcliffe
27th February - Martin Carthy

6th March - Johnny Handle
13th March - Dave Shannon and Sam Bracken
20th March - Tony Capstick
27th March - Old Richmond String Band

3rd April - Mary Asquith
10th April - Jon Rennard
17th April - Dave Burland
24th April - Jon Raven

1st May - Stefan Sobell
8th May - Robin and Barry Dransfield
15th May - Jugular Vein
22nd May - Michael Cooney
29th May - Tony Rose

5th June - Archie Fisher
12th June - Roy Harris
19th June - Dave Campbell
26th June - Gerry Lockran

3rd July - Louis Killen
10th July - Nic Jones
17th July - Roger Watson and Colin Cater

21st August - The Cutlers - From Sheffield; Pete Garrett guitar, Ken Atkinson and Tony Irvine vocals
30th October - Marie Little

6th November - Mick Hipkiss & Dave Jones.
13th November - Leon Rosselson
20th November - Dill Davis
27th November - Roger Knowles & Nick Strutt

4th December - Jimmy Hutchison
11th December -

18th December - Jon Rennard
25th December - Club Closed for Christmas Day

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Ibrox Park disaster kills 66. Britain goes decimal. Idi Amin takes power in Uganda. London Bridge rebuilt in Arizona. Three USSR cosmonauts die after occupying the world's first space station. First British soldier killed in Ulster. India defeats Pakistan and Bangladesh is created. Louis Armstrong dies. Kurt Waldheim is new UN chief.

8th January - Dave Shannon & Sam Bracken
15th January - Dave & Toni Arthur

5th February - Jugular Vein
26th February - Johnny Handle

5th March - Roy Harris
12th March - Tony Rose
19th March - Dave Burland
26th March - Bill Sables

2nd April - David Campbell
9th April - Bernard Wrigley
16th April - Mathews Brothers
23rd April - Roy & Val Bailey

7th May - Sara Grey - fine American singer
14th May - Count Orlando's Spasm Circus
21st May - Marsden Rattlers Band Traditional North-eastern band.
28th May - John Pashley Traditional, contemporary, ragtime, hilarity and vulgarity

4th June - Bill Clifton Originator of radio folk music programmes — great American Musician and singer — do not miss this night
18th June - Jimmy Hutchison Scottish ballad singer — 1970 Blairgowrie Festival champion.
25th June - Archie Fisher Super traditional and contemporary Scottish singer and guitarist.

2nd July - Mike Harding Hay-oop, it's our lad.
9th July - King's Shilling Trio from Liverpool.
16th July - Christy Moore Wild man from Ireland.
23rd July - Northern Front - Mike Elliott, Ed Pickford, Nick Fenwick
30th July - The Teesside Fettlers — Vin Garbutt plus — traditional and contemporary Teesside songs.

6th August - Peter Bellamy ex Young Tradition
13th August - Therapy - Dave Shannon, Sam Bracken and Fiona Simpson - contemporary
20th August - Dorothy & Derek Elliott - traditional with bells on.
27th August - Tony Capstick - no comment.

3rd September - The Druids - Keith Kendrick, John Adams,Mick Hennessy, Judi Longden, Dave Broughton, Derek Pearce) - fantastic ceilidh band from Derby.
10th September - David Campbell - singer and songwriter.
17th September - Richard Bartram & John Coverdale
24th September - Vin Garbutt - Versatility personified.

1st October - Richards & Coe - Peter Coe & Christine Richards, traditional English duo
8th October - Bill Sables Northeastern singer — musical saw, Jews harp etc.
15th October - Bill Barclay - ‘Let your hair hang low'
22nd October - Rosie Hardman - a really big night.

29th October - Dave Burland - another big knight.

5th November - Dave and June Brooks Also Club AGM
12th November - Dave "Baz" Farrar
19th November - John Pashley - traditional, contemporary, ragtime, hilarity and vulgarity.
26th November - Brian Senior & Keith Marsden - traditional — guitar — concertina and‘organ'.

3rd December - Anne Briggs
10th December - Martin Carter - Traditional humorist.
17th December - Dave & Heather Brady - Inexplicable.
24th December - Singers Night featuring Richard Hudson, Gerry Jackson & other Singers
31st December - Come All Ye - Members free, guests 10p and Singers paid. (Bar until 12.15 am).

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Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland. Britain joins EEC. Miners' strike and power cuts. Nixon visits China. J Edgar Hoover dies after nearly 50 years as head of FBI. Munich Olympics: Mark Spitz & Olga Korbut triumph but 11 Israeli hostages killed. The Godfather comes out. Nixon wins landslide in re-election. Apollo 17 makes Gene Cernan the last man on the moon (in the 20thC, anyway). Andes plane crash passengers eat fellow passengers to survive.

7th January - Clive Woolf - Excellent singer and guitarist.
14th January - Mathews Brothers - Irish entertaining multi instrumentalists.
21st January - Peter Bellamy - ex Young Tradition. — traditional.
28th January - Andy Irvine - Funniest man this side of the Pecos.

4th February - Knight's Anthem - Blackpool's answer to Steeleye Span.
11th February - Sara Grey - Fine American traditional singer

18th February - Knowles & Stanley - Roger Knowles and Pete Stanley - the best in country music.
25th February - Dave Shannon & Fiona Simpson- Ex Therapy — much new material.

3rd March - Tony Capstick - Funniest man the other side of the Pecos.
10th March - Bill Barclay - "Polly's Piddling Poodle"
17th March - Hamish Imlach - Scotch Whiskey's best vocal advertisement.
24th March - Nic Jones - Great traditional singer.
31st March - Finbar & Eddie Fury - Probably most accomplished Irish duo on the scene

7th April - Tony Rose - West country wonder.
14th April - Vera Johnson - Excellent singer and songwriter from our late Empire.
21st April - Tom Gilfellon - One of the best singer/guitarists to come out of the North-East Scene.
28th April - Martin Carthy - Brilliant singer musician — recently prominent member of Steeleye Span.

5th May - Rosie Hardman - excellent singer and writer of some of the most valid of today's songs.
12th May - Mike Harding - Aye-oop it's our lad.
19th May - Vin Garbutt - Besides being the greatest tin whistle player in captivity, he is also the most prolific writer of songs about modern Teesside.

26th May - Sam Bracken

2nd June - Rab Noakes
9th June - Cyril Tawney
16th June - The Cobblers - Brian Whitehead and Barry
23rd June - Derek and Dorothy Elliott
30th June - Denis Sabey

7th July - Dave Burland
14th July - Denis Sabey
21st July - Singers' Night with featured Artist Dave "Baz" Farrar
28th July - Jacqui and Bridie

4th August - Bill Price
11th August - Knight's Anthem
18th August - Dave Moorehouse and Dave "Baz" Farrar
25th August - Mike Absalom

1st September - Bob Pegg and Nick Strutt
8th September - Gordon Giltrap
15th September - Gary and Vera Aspey
22nd September - Roger Knowles and Pete Stanley
29th September - Bob Davenport

6th October - Martyn Wyndham-Read
13th October - Alex Campbell
20th October - Swan Arcade
27th October - Martin Carthy

3rd November - Jim Wishart
10th November - 16th Anniversary Night with Johnny Silvo & David Moses and full supporting artists
17th November - Dave & June Brooks
24th November - Mathews Brothers

1st December - Marie Little
8th December - Finbar & Eddie Furey
15th December - Carole Pegg's Band
22nd December - Christmas Festivities featuring Mike Harding
29th December - New Year Celebrations featuring Tony Capstick

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LBJ dies. Watergate blows up. Israel shoots down Libyan airliner. Noel Coward, WHAuden, JRRTolkien and Pablo Picasso die. 100 Somerset women die in Basle plane crash. US launches Skylab. Allende killed in CIA-backed Chile coup. Yom Kippur Israel-Arab war. World oil price surge. Princess Anne marries. Three-day week in Britain. Pink Floyd's The Dark Side Of The Moon is released.

5th January - ‘Welcome 1973' with Martin Carthy
12th January - Therapy
19th January - Bobby Eaglesham
26th January - Bernard Wrigley

2nd February - Stefan & Liz Sobell
9th February - Johnny Handle
16th February - New Heritage Singers Brian Senior and Keith Marsden

23rd February - Hedgehog Pie

2nd March - Roy Bailey
9th March - John Leonard & Mick Miller
16th March - Roger Knowles and Pete Stanley
23rd March - Harry Boardman
30th March - John Pashley

6th April - Dave Burland
13th April - Alex Atterson

20th April - Easter Celebrations with Peter Bellamy
27th April - Hawgs Folly - incl. Andy Speachley, Sue Anderson and Eamon O'Tourland

4th May - Pendas Way
11th May - Swan Arcade
18th May - Hamish Imlach
25th May - Vin Garbutt

1st JuneSam Bracken
8th June - Alex Campbell
15th June - Staverton Bridge - Sam Richards, Tish Stubbs and Paul Wilson
22nd June - Dorothy & Derek Elliott
29th June - Mary Asquith

6th July - Nic Jones
13th July - Leon Rosselson
20th July - Tony Rose
27th July - Tom Gilfellon

3rd August - English Tapestry Ruth and Brian Brittain and Andrew Taylor
10th August - Ripley Wayfarers Mick Peat, Barry Renshaw, Andrew Train, Arthur Renshaw, Phil Langham
17th August - Dave Turner
24th August - Gary & Vera Aspey
31st August - Janet Jones

7th September - Bob Davenport
14th September - Muckram Wakes
21st September - Martin Wyndam Read

28th September - Barbara Dickson

5th October - Jim Wishart
12th October - Johnny Collins
19th October - The Watersons (Roy Harris was booked but cancelled).
26th October - Mathews Brothers

2nd November - Roy Bailey
9th November - 17th Anniversary Night with The Watersons
16th November -
John James
23rd November - Peter & Chris Coe
30th November - Noel Murphy

7th December - Ray Fisher
14th December - Therapy
21st December - Christmas Festivities featuring Tony Capstick
28th December - New Year Celebrations presenting Martin Carthy

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Solzhenitsyn exiled from USSR. Local Government reorganisation abolishes Ridings, creates Humberside. Wilson becomes PM for third time, and the fourth. Turkish DC-10 crash at Paris kills 344. West Germany wins World Cup. Greek colonels ousted. Selassie overthrown after 60 years in Ethiopia. Peron dies. Cyprus partitioned. Nixon resigns, Ford pardons him. 20% inflation. Lucan disappears after nanny's murder. John Stonehouse MP reappears after faking death. Birmingham pub IRA bombs.

4th January - WELCOME 1974 with Hedgehog Pie
11th January - Jeremy Taylor
18th January - Bernard Wrigley
25th January - Finbar & Eddie Furey

1st February - Alex Campbell
8th February - New Heritage
15th February - Peter Bellamy
22nd February - John & Sue Kirkpatrick

1st March - Gordon Rakes
8th March - John Leonard & Mick Miller
15th March - Local Singers Night

22nd March - Johnny Handle
29th March - Dave Burland

5th April - Threefold
12th April - EasterTime - Mike Harding & the Brooks Band
19th April - Pendas Way
26th April - Derek Brimstone

3rd May - Jim Boyes
10th May - Dorothy & Derek Elliott
17th May - Geoff & Penny Harris
24th May - Swan Arcade
31st May - Thae Breagh - Dave Calvert guitar, mandolin, banjo and vocals, Malcolm Stocks accordion and mandolin, Jimmy Bond guitar and mandolin and John Bromley on bodhran, low whistle and vocals. (replacing Staverton Bridge, who had to cancel and re-schedule for later in the year)

7th June - Vin Garbutt
14th June - Nic Jones
21st June - John Goodluck
28th June - Kight's Anthem

5th July - Richard Digance
12th July - Bob Eaglesham
19th July - Chris Foster
26th July - Dave Bull

2nd August - John Pashley
9th August - Staverton Bridge - Sam Richards, Tish Stubbs and Paul Wilson
16th August - Ripley Wayfarers Mick Peat, Barry Renshaw, Andrew Train, Arthur Renshaw, Phil Langham
23rd August - Leon Rosselson
30th August - Mike Absalom

6th September - Roy Harris
13th September Mathews Brothers
20th SeptemberMuckram Wakes
27th September - Magic Lantern
- founder, Taffy Thomas - folk theatre company using puppets

4th October - Marie Little
11th October - Crooked Oak - Steve Evans, Paul Bagley
18th October - English Tapestry Ruth and Brian Brittain and Ross Winston
25th October - Pat Cooksey & Brian Patten

8th November - 18th Anniversary Night: Elliott & Coe plus Burland
15th November - Johnny Collins
22nd November - Tup - Keith Kendrick, Jim Boyes and Lester Simpson - a capella (Miriam Backhouse was booked but cancelled)
29th November - Sam Bracken

6th December - Lord Mayor's Charity Night with Local Singers
13th December - Harry Boardman
20th December - The Watersons
27th December - Christmas Festivities featuring Tony Capstick

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Thatcher becomes Tory leader. Apollo-Soyuz joint US-USSR space mission. Vietnam War ends, Cambodia falls to Khmer Rouge. West Indies win first cricket world cup. UK referendum says Yes to EEC. Terracotta army discovered in Xian. Eamonn de Valera dies. British Leyland nationalised. Beirut torn up by civil war. Franco dies, monarchy restored in Spain. Whitlam sacked as Australian PM by Queen's governor. Fawlty Towers starts.

3rd January - 'Welcome 1975' Martin Carthy
10th January - Burnt Peat [Bernard Davey, Bodram and Vocals; Dave Bulmer, Accordion; Tom Napper, Mandolin and Banjo; Tony Wilson, Banjo, Pete Norman, Guitar
] 17th January - Cilla Fisher & Artie Trezise
24th January - The Boys Of The Lough
31st January - Dave Farrar

7th February - Muckram Wakes
14th February - Bob Pegg
21st February Lazy Reel - Kevin Burke, Tom Madden and Chris Andretti
28th February - Michael Moore

7th March - Bernard Wrigley
14th March - Ray Fisher
21st March - John Pashley (John Goodluck - Ill health cancellation at short notice and was replaced)
28th March - Dave Calderhead

4th April - Gary & Vera Aspey
11th April - Allan Taylor
18th April - Roger Sutcliffe & Nick Strutt
25th April - Peter Bellamy

2nd May - The Teesside Fettlers
9th May - Mike Harding
16th May - Yorkshire Folk Company
[ Consisting of New Heritage (Keith Marsden & Brian Senior); Pendas Way (Tony "Bomber" Aked, Damien, Aked, Brian Lishman, & Ian Rowlands); Janet Jones (who had appeared for one week on Hughie Green's Opportunity Knocks); and Bernard Fawcett (singer and front man)].
23rd May - Dave & June Brooks
30th May - Hawgs Folly- incl. Andy Speachley, Sue Anderson and Eamon O'Tourland

6th June - Hebric - John Bromley, Philip Bond, Malcolm Stocks, Dave Calvert and others
13th June - Threefold
20th June - Bob Davenport
27th June - Bully Wee

4th July - John Goodluck (hiss voice went during night so he was replaced by local singer Bill Price)
11th July - Dave & Viv Speight
18th July - Mary Asquith
25th July - Chris Foster

1st August - Cyril Tawney
8th August - White Hart
15th August - John Leonard & John Squire
22nd August - Kitsyke Will - Bob Thomas, Peader Long, Tony Baylis and Chas Marshall (Mike Absalom was booked, cancelled and was replaced)
29th August - Geoff & Penny Harris

5th September - Sean Cannon
12th September - Swan Arcade
19th September - Jim Wishart
26th September - Widdershins

3rd October - Tony Rose
10th October - Mr Gladstone's Bag
17th October - Roger Sutcliffe (stood in at short notice as Marie Little broke down on her way)
24th October - Dave Burland
31st October - Sam Bracken -

7th November - 19th Anniversary Weekend: Roy Bailey & Leon Roselson
8th November - Saturday Afternoon - Sing Around with Johnny Collins & local singers
Saturday Evening - Widdershins
14th November - Archie Fisher
21st November - Mathews Brothers
28th November - English Tapestry Ruth and Brian Brittain and Ross Winston

5th December - Crowdy Crawn
- Brenda Wootton and Mike Silver 12th December - John & Sue Kirkpatrick
19th December - Bill Price (Roy Harris cancelled the booking at short notice and was replaced.)

26th December - Dave Farrar

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Concorde starts commercial flights. Agatha Christie and Howard Hughes die. Wilson quits. Drought in Britain. US is 200, and Carter wins election. Borg wins Wimbledon. Viking lands on Mars. 100 die in Soweto. Wilkie wins swimming gold in Montreal Olympics, James Hunt wins F1 Championship. Chairman Mao dies; his widow and the Gang of Four are jailed for plotting to take over. Sex Pistols make splash. Rocky is a hit.

2nd January - Welcome 1976 with The Watersons
9th January - Bob Williamson
16th January - Derek & Dorothy Elliott
23rd January - Vin Garbutt
30th January - Hot Pot Belly Band

6th February - Louis & Sally Killen
13th February - Pete & Chris Coe
20th February - Tony Capstick
27th February - Cilla & Artie Trezise

5th March - Michael Moore
12th March - Singers from The Fox at Shafton, Barnsley
19th March - Robin Garside & Paul Gough (June Tabor had to cancel at short notice due to a throat infection)
26th March - Mike Elliott

2nd April - Allan Taylor
9th April - Sam Bracken (Tim Laycock cancelled at short notice due to joining Magic Lantern)
16th April - Pat Ryan
23rd April - Rosie Hardman
30th April - Mountain Ash

7th May - Derek Brimstone
14th May - Muckram Wakes
21st May - John Pashley
28th May - John Leonard & John Squire

4th June - Bill Caddick
11th June - Martin Carthy
18th June - Hamish Imlach
25th June - Peter Bellamy

2nd July - Roger Sutcliffe
9th July - Roy Harris
16th July - Jim Irvine & Jim Boyes
23rd July - Gary & Vera Aspey
30th July - Bob Pegg

6th August - June Tabor
21st August - Residents & Local Singers
13th August - Residents & Local Singers

27th August - Dave Farrar

3rd September - Derek and Dorothy Elliott Dave Burland had been booked but was ill.
10th September - Nic Jones
17th September - Leon Rosselson
24th September - Kitsyke Will

1st October - White Hart
8th October - Tony Rose
15th October - Mathews Brothers
22nd October - English Tapestry Ruth and Brian Brittain and Steve Reynolds
29th October - Mr Gladstone's Bag

5th November - Chris Foster
12th November - 20th Anniversary Weekend Cyril Tawney
14th November - Sunday at Bradford Library Theatre - Allan Taylor's Cajun Moon were booked but unfortunately due to a late acrimonious break up of the Band this concert had to be cancelled
19th November - Roy Bailey
26th November - Johnny Collins ( + rearranged AGM from 5th)

3rd December - Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger
10th December - Peter Bond
17th December - Peter Bellamy
24th December - Robin Garside & Paul Gough
31st December - New Years Eve Party Night

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Roy Jenkins is president of EU. Gary Gilmore is executed. 574 die in Tenerife 747 collision. Red Rum gets hat trick. Packer splits cricket. Elvis, Charlie Chaplin and and Werner von Braun die. Queen's Silver Jubilee. Bhutto ousted by Zia in Pakistan. Boycott gets his 100th 100. Sadat addresses Knesset. Close Encounters of the Third Kind comes out. And Saturday Night Fever.

7th January - Welcome 1977 with Tony Capstick
14th January - Geoff & Pennie Harris Night Recorded live for BBC Folkweave Programme.
21st January - Bill Price
28th January - Pegleg Ferrett

4th February - Bill Caddick
11th February - Jean Redpath
18th February - Vin Garbutt
25th February - Pete & Chris Coe and John Adams

4th March - Michael Moore
11th March - Canny Fettle - Bob Diehl, Steve Turner, Gerry Murphy and Bob Morton
18th March - John Kirkpatrick & Sue Harris
25th March - Roaring Jelly - Clive Harvey, Derek Pearce and Mick Hennessy

1st April - Derek, Dorothy & Nadine Elliott
8th April - Fred Jordan
15th April - John Pashley
22nd April - Allan Taylor
29th April - Dave Burland

6th May - Muckram Wakes
13th May - June Tabor
20th May - Somerville Gentlemen's Band
27th May - Dave Farrar

3rd June - Packie Byrne & Bonnie Shaljean
10th June - Strawhead
17th June - Roger Sutcliffe - (National Folk Event for EFDSS )
24th June - The Celebrated Ratcliffe Stout Band

1st July - Graham & Eileen Pratt
8th July - Bob Pegg
15th July - Gordon Tyrrall
22nd July - Mick Ryan & Jon Burge
29th July - Threefold
- Phil Speight, Jeff Wallbank, Jim Ellison and Jamie ODwyer

5th August - Squire
12th August - WRFF Roadshow -( For West Riding Festival Funds )
19th August - Dave Walters
26th August - Graham Shaw

2nd September - Bill Caddick
9th September - Hedgehog Pie
16th September - Wendy Grossman
23rd September - White Hart
30th September - Leon Rosselson

7th October - Roy Harris
14th October - Alison McMorland
21st October - Cyril Tawney
28th October - Nic Jones

4th November - Roy Bailey
11th November - 21st Anniversary Night with The Watersons
18th November - Somerville Gentlemens' Band (Mr Gladstone's Bag cancelled at short notice and were replaced)
25th November - Peter Bond

2nd December - Cocky - Kevan Hall, Keith Calton, Malvern "Mal" Dann and Clive Whiffin
9th December - Pat Ryan
16th December - Chris Foster
23rd December - Major Mustard's Travelling Punch & Judy Show
- Mike and Caz Frost 30th December - Tony Capstick

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Amoco Cadiz sinks. Aldo Moro kidnapped and shot. Argentina wins World Cup. Superman flies. Test tube pioneer Louise Brown is born. Jomo Kenyatta dies. Liberal leader Thorpe goes on trial for murder. Pope John Paul dies after 33 days in office, the shortest papal reign 1,226 years. 913 commit suicide at Jonestown, Guyana. Golda Meir dies.

6th January - Welcome 1978 Mathews Brothers
13th January - Sean Cannon
20th January - Strawhead
27th January - Pegleg Ferrett

3rd February - Geoff & Penny Harris (Penny was ill and Geoff did the gig alone)
10th February - Sam Bracken
17th February - Mike Soar
24th February - Dave Burland

3rd March - Allan Taylor
10th March - Yorkshire Relish ( Derek, Dorothy and Nadine Elliott )
17th March - Hebric
24th March - Good Friday Special: Peta Webb & Alison McMorland
31st March - Mr Gladstone's Bag

7th April - Cilla & Artie Trezise
14th April - Tim Laycock (ex Magic Lantern)
21st April - Muckram Wakes
28th April - Mick Ryan & Jon Burge

5th May - Martyn Wyndham-Read
12th May - Vin Garbutt (Advance tickets from club )
19th May - Ron Taylor (founder member of The Songwainers)
26th May - Louis Killen

2nd June - Bob Pegg
9th June - Robin Garside & Paul Gough
16th June - Tykes Association Road Show (All proceeds to Association)
23rd June - Graham & Eileen Pratt
30th June - The Auld Triangle

7th July - Fred Jordan
14th July - Packie Byrne & Bonnie Shaljean
21st July - Nick Dow
28th July - Cut Throat Jake - William Howarth on concertina, Dave Fisher keyboard and accordion, guitar and flute, Dave Milly Morton guitar, harmonica and mandolin, John Clifton guitar, mandolin and fiddle and fronted by Steve Linstead on Bodhran and vocals. Dave Burland stepped up with them to do harmonies from time to time.

4th August - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall
11th August - Mike Absalom
18th August - Mick Doonan (of Hedgehog Pie)
25th August - Shirley & Dolly Collins

1st September - Singers' Night - All proceeds to the Andrea Oats Fund
8th September - Bill Caddick
15th September - Roy Bailey
22nd September - Pete Wood
29th September - Peter Bond

6th October - The Watersons — Advance Tickets
13th October - Bill Shute & Lisa Null
20th October - Dave Walters
27th October - Tufty Swift (John Kirkpatrick & Sue Harris had to give backword at last moment and were replaced)

3rd November - 22nd Anniversary Weekend Martin Carthy Advance Tickets
10th November - Cyril TawneyPreceded by A.G.M
17th November - June Tabor
24th November - Leon Rosselson

1st December - The Somerville Gentlemen's Band
8th December - Pat Ryan
15th December - White Hart - Geoff Bibby, Dave Cotton and Cynthia Sheath
22nd December - Festive Foolery with Tony Capstick
29th December - Prepare for the New Year with New Heritage

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Shah driven out of Iran; Khomeini and Islam take over. Winter of discontent. Three Mile Island nuclear plants boils over. Israel-Egypt peace pact. Rings discovered round Jupiter. Bhutto hanged. Margaret Thatcher wins first general election. Brezhnev and Carter sign SALT treaty. New Polish Pope goes to Poland. 1000th anniversary of Man Tynwald. Mountbatten assassinated. Yorkshire Ripper claims 12th victim. Apocalypse Now. Russians invade Afghanistan.

5th January - Welcome to 1979 with Strawhead
12th January - Sean Cannon
19th January - Wendy Grossman
26th January - And now for something different
: Major Mustard's Travelling Punch & Judy Show

2nd February - Mike Soar & John Guy - Mainly traditional with guitar banjo and mandolin.
9th February - Mathews Brothers - Irish and contemporary music and song with fiddle, guitar and banjo
16th February - Impromptu Singers' Night -Due to snow, booked guest Nic Jones could not make it
23rd February - Dave Burland - Traditional and contemporary song from a member of Hedgehog Pie

2nd March - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall -Lancashire trio singing plenty of traditional participation material
9th March - Allan Taylor - One of the country's finestsinger/songwriters.
16th March - Yorkshire Relish - A quartet — the Elliotts plus Parkinson — performing traditional song
23rd March - Roy Bailey - Fine singer of traditional and contemporary song.

6th April - Tufty Swift - Traditional and music hall material from a member of the Umps & Dumps' Band. Remember his great night standing in for John Kirkpatrick and Sue Harris last year
13th April - Graham Shaw - Traditional, contemporary, own songs and monologues with and without guitar
20th April - Tom Shepley Band - From across the Pennines, combining traditional songs and tunes on a wide variety of instruments.
27th April - Pegleg Ferret - Popular North—East trio with traditional and music hall songs and tunes

4th May - Pete & Chris Coe
11th May - Bob Pegg - Long-established folklorist and songwriter.
18th May - Kevin Loughran - Gary & Vera Aspey were booked initially but had to cancel
25th May - Tim Laycock- Traditional and Music hall songs and tunes

1st June - Vin Garbutt - Incredible, fantastic, hilarious! Don't be disappointed, get your tickets early. At the club only. Members from May 4th others from May 18th.
8th June - John Kirkpatrick & Sue Harris - Traditional Music hall and contemporary song and music from one of the country's leading folk duos
15th June - Roger Sutcliffe - Bradford's blues superstar — proceeds to E.F.D.S.S.
22nd June - Pete Howells & Jim Gordon- Contemporary duo from Wakefield.
29th June - The Auld Triangle - Traditional and contemporary material from Lancashire quartet.

6th July - Geoff Bowen & Dave Farrar - Song and tunes on guitar and two fiddles.
13th July - Nick Dow - From London; traditional song with guitar
20th July - Mick Doonan & Tom Brown - Traditional song and tunes with guitar, piccolo and uillean pipes.
27th July - Yorkshire Relish - The Elliots & Parkinson, with traditional song and tunes.

3rd August - T.A.F.C. Roadshow -Proceeds to Association
10th August - Mike Absalom - Highly original contemporary act.
17th August - Squire - Traditional four-piece harmony group - Dave Taylor, Kevin Thurlow, Janice Holt and Hilary Simpson-Wood.
24th August - Colin Thompson - From the midlands, traditional and contemporary song with guitar.
31st August - Singers' Night - All singers especially welcome.

7th September - Hot Vultures - One of the country's top blues acts, Ian A Anderson on guitar and Maggie Holland
14th September - Gary & Vera Aspey - Help celebrate 10 years at the Star with this popular duo.
21st September - Packie Byrne & Bonnie Shaljean -Mainly Irish material with harps, harmonium and whistles.
28th September - Eddie Walker - From Teeside; American folk-blues, rags and own songs.

5th October - Tranter's Gallup - Mike Soar and John Coy - From Selby; traditional and contemporary with mandolin and guitars.
12th October - Michael Moore - One of the country's top singer- songwriters.
19th October - Graham & Eileen Pratt - Ever popular guests from Gloucestershire; Traditional and own songs
26th October - David Burland Bill Caddick had to cancel as he was ill

2nd November - 23rd Anniversary Weekend: Nic Jones - Fine singer and musician, mainly traditional with guitar and fiddle.
9th November - White Hart - Unaccompanied British traditional trio from Cheshire.
16th November - Roger Sutciffe & the Demolition Blues band - Bradford's own blues superstar with his band: bound to be amazing
23rd November - Cyril Tawney - Long-established folklorist, songwriter and singer of traditional song.
30th November - The Winfield Brothers - A crazy, zany Hawaiian night from Woolworth refugees.

7th December - Pat Ryan - Female singer from Lancashire; Traditional and contemporary song
14th December - English Tapestry - Ruth and Brian Brittain and Dave Griffiths - Traditional and Music Hall songs in 3-part harmony perfection
. Celebrate the coming and arrival of Christmas and the New Year
21st December - New Heritage - Traditional and own songs with a wide range of instruments.
28th December - Tony Capstick - Traditional and Contemporary song plus his own brand of humour.

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Mugabe elected Zimbabwe premier. Mount St Helens explodes. US-Iran hostage crisis. Peter Sellers, Steve McQueen, Hitchcock and Sartre die. SAS storm Iran's London embassy. Ovett, Wells and Coe win at Moscow Olympics. Iraq invades Iran. Walesa and Solidarity strike in Poland. Diana emerges as new Charles girlfriend. Who shot JR in Dallas? Reagan wins election. John Lennon shot. Tito dies.

4th January - The Somerville Gentlemen's Band - Traditional/Music Hall plus tunes from multi instrumental foursome
11th January - Sean Cannon - Mainly Irish traditional material.
18th January - Singers Night Proceeds to Imperial Cancer Research - Frank Cahill & Roger Sutcliffe welcome you and other singers
25th January - Cauldron - Five piece group, mainly traditional songs and tunes - Leighton Hirst on fiddle, Alan Hughes on accordion, Charlie Walker on Guitar Jimmy Bergin on tenor Banjo John Bromley on vocals

1st February - Tufty Swift -Traditional and Music Hall songs and tunes with melodeons and fiddle
8th February - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall - Three piece participation group from Lancashire, with various instruments
15th February - June Tabor & Martin Simpson - Traditional and contemporary song from newly formed superstar duo
22nd February - Sam Bracken & Bobbie Eaglesham - Mainly Irish and Scottish material from members of Five Hand Reel.
29th February - Roy Bailey & Leon Rosselson - A rare chance to see this duo in a folk club.

7th March - Roger Sutcliffe - Bradford's Blues export holds an 'at home' night.
14th March - Alistair Anderson - King of the concertina plus Northumbrian small pipes.
21st March - Graham Shaw - Traditional, own songs and monologues.
28th March - Tony Rose - The West Country Wonder; traditional song with with guitar and concertina

4th April - Singers' Night - Club regulars and others to give a good Good Friday Night
11th April - The Wassailers - Traditional song and tunes from Lancashire trio.
18th April - Bill Caddick - Well-known songsmith comes for rearranged booking from last year.
25th April - Pyewackett- The village band with traditional songs and tunes. - Ian Blake (clarinet, recorders, soprano sax, bass guitar, keyboards and vocals), Rosie Cross (bassoon, tambourine, and vocals), Mark Emmerson (violin, viola, keyboards, drum and vocals), Laurie Harper (violin, mandolin, mandola, bass guitar, and vocals), Bill Martin (Guitar, accordion, keyboards and vocals)

2nd May - Bob Pegg - Long-established folklorist and songwriter.
9th May - Strawhead- A highly entertaining traditional trio from Lancashire.
16th May - Wendy Grossman -On tour from America with traditional songs and tunes.
23rd May - Kevin Loughran - Popular Leeds lad singing Traditional and Contemporary material.
30th May - The Celebrated Ratcliffe Stout Band - A highly original contemporary act from Northampton

6th June - Singers Night (had to be held at short notice as Mike Absalom decided to go and live in America; he had tried to make contact to tell us but Secretary away, post card informing us arrived late)
13th June - Gerry Hallom - Back from Australia with songs, tales and monologues.
20th June - Pre-National Folk Day Singers Night - Club regulars and others — proceeds to E.F.D.S.S.
27th June - White Hart - Three part harmony with traditional British songs.

4th July - Mike Doonan & Tony Wilson - Hedgehog Pie and Iona men combine for songs and tunes
11th July - Colin Cater - Mainly traditional songs and tunes with concertina.
18th July - Graham Pirt -Standing in for Squire who cancelled due to group breaking up.
25th July - Tim Laycock - Traditional and Music hall songs and tunes with duet concertina

1st August - John Kirkpatrick & Sue Harris - Traditional, Music Hall and Contemporary — not to be missed Advance tickets available.
8th August - Tom McConville & Kieran Halpin - mainly traditional Celtic songs and tunes

15th August - Sue Ashby & Lynne Heraud - From Hertfordshire, a duo new to the area.
22nd August - Singers Night - Another of our popular singers nights.
29th August - Vin Garbutt - Incredible, fantastic, the one and only Tin Whistle Pest. Advance tickets are available.

5th September - Nick Dow - From Birmingham with traditional song + guitar.
12th September - Manchester Folly - Lancashire trio new to the area with traditional and Music hall songs.
19th September - Graham & Eileen Pratt- Fine duo who attract more admirers with every visit.
26th September - Gerry Lockran - Internationally known Blues Star.

3rd October - Major Mustard's Travelling Show - The most unique show on the folk scene.
10th October - Bob Thomas, Chas Marshall, & Tony Harris - Ex-Kitsyke Will and Kempion men with traditional songs and tunes.
17th October - Jim Mageean - Sings songs with choruses - shanties, sea, drinking and ballads.
24th October - Hamish Imlach - Songs and humour from Scotland's leading musical export.
31st October - Hallowe'en Singers Night - Fancy dress optional but a prize for the best; proceeds to Algerian Red Cross.

7th November - 24th Anniversary Night: English Tapestry - Ruth and Brian Brittain and Roy Griffiths - Three part harmony in song to perfection.
14th November - Pat Ryan - A Lancashire Lass with traditional and contemporary songs.
21st November - Alex Campbell - A folk world legend in his own time.
28th November - Roger Sutcliffe & Demolition Blues Band - Bradford's Blues superstar plus band--- wild man wild!

5th December - Roy Bailey - A very popular and fine singer of traditional and contemporary songs.
12th December - Singers Night - One of our more informal nights.
19th December - The Watersons ( no tickets; just come early ) - What can one say except to repeat: come early.

26th December CLOSED for Boxing Day - One of the club's very, very rare closed nights

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1981 - The Club's Silver Jubilee Year
Peter Sutcliffe trial in Ripper case. Gang of Four split from Labour to create Social Democrats. Charles and Di marry. Reagan shot at. Columbia launched on first Space Shuttle flight. Brixton, Moss Side, Toxteth riots. Pope shot. Bob Marley dies. Israel bombs downtown Beirut. Botham wins Headingley Test. Sadat assassinated, Mubarak takes over. French Lieutenant's Woman.

2nd January - Nic Jones - Fine exponent of songs and tunes with guitar and fiddle
9th January - Sean Cannon - Annual visit from the silver-voiced Irish traditional singer
16th January - Vin Garbutt (no tickets; again, come early - Comes to fulfil booking cancelled through illness last year).
23rd January - Singers Night - Another informal night — come see or sing
30th January - Liz Jenkinson & John Carey - Local duo with songs and tunes on guitar and fiddle

6th February - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall - Popular Lancashire visitors, with participation songs and tunes
13th February - Singers night - Come All Ye for a good old sing.
20th February - Packie Byrne & Bonnie Shaljean - Mainly Irish material with harps, harmonium and whistles
27th February - Tony Rose -Traditional song with guitar and concertina from the West Country Wonder.

6th March - June Tabor - A vary rare solo gig from June–don't miss it.
13th March - The Oyster Band (No Tickets) yes in the club, this exciting multi-instrumental band.
20th March - Martin Wyndham- Read - Fine singer of Australian and English ballads
27th March - Mathews, Wilson, Doonan (Recorded by BBC Radio Leeds as part of Radio Leeds Feastweek) Newly formed band on tour; mainly Celtic material.

3rd April - Tufty Swift - Music hall and traditional songs and tunes; a melodeon wizard.
10th April - Martin Carthy (No tickets) - What can be said about this man that's not known.
17th April - Good Friday Singers Night - A good old-fashioned type of evening.
24th April - Martin Simpson - Mainly American songs and tunes; guitarist extraordinaire.

1st May - Strawhead - Songs of the olden time from this dynamic trio.
8th May - Bob Pegg - Singer-songwriter and respected folklorist.
15th May - Helen Watson & Suzie Adams - Newly formed duo, but no strangers to the club.
22nd May - Hom Bru - A band of multi-instrumental Shetland musicians.
29th May - John Coy - But not in his ability to sing traditional songs.

5th June - Singers Night ( ** means no door charge; optional collection usually taken )
12th June - Roger Sutcliffe - blues from the Bradford Delta
19th June - Singers Night ( ** )
26th June - Sammy Vomacka -First British Tour — not to be missed.

3rd July - Singers Night ( ** )
10th July - Pete Thompson & Alan Bell - From the North East with traditional sons and tunes.
17th July - Singers Night ( ** )
24th July - Graham Shaw - Contemporary, traditional and own songs.
31st July - Singers Night ( ** )

7th August - Footloose -Val Bailey's groupwomen's songs in folk music.
14th August - Steve Turner - Ex-Canny Fettle; traditional songs and tunes
21st August - Singers Night ( ** )
28th August - Tom McConville & Kieran Halpin - Popular Leeds duo with traditional songs and tunes.

4th September - Singers night ( ** )
11th September - Peta Webb & Webbs Wonders - Traditional music from long established London band
18th September - Robin Dransfield - Traditional and contemporary song from this former Harrogate resident.
25th September - The Gentleman Players (Geoff Bowen, Dave Farrar and Jamie O'Dwyer). Pyewackett were booked but had to cancel

2nd October - Singers Night ( ** )
9th October - Graham & Eileen Pratt - Traditional and contemporary songs from this fine duo.
16th October - The High Level Ranters - From Tyneside Music Hall to Northumbrian pipes
23rd October - Singers Night had to be held as Diz Disley failed to turn up; no reason given before or after, discovered later he had a reputation for this.
30th October - Cilla Fisher & Artie Trezise - The very best of Scottish folk singing.

6th November - Footloose (Val Bailey's group stood as Roy Bailey, her husband, was ill)

- ----------------------------------------------------------

12th Nov - Workshop with BOB PEGG
(Thu) This well-known folksinger, songwriter and folklorist presents a new look at folklore, especially that of the Calder Valley. Everyone is welcome to come along and hear about forgotten local customs, illustrated with rare field recordings collected by Bob Pegg, and may even help to bring to light undiscovered folklore.

(Fri) This well known multi-instrumental band from Kent will be presenting an exciting, lively evening of songs and tunes, as the main guests of this special Silver Jubilee Night.

(Sat from noon) With the Oyster Band and all other musicians and singers who have recovered from Friday night (who remembers 1975 when we last did this)

14th Nov - Grand Silver Jubilee Ceilidh with THE OYSTER BAND
(Sat from 8pm at Shelf Village Hall) Celebrating 25 years of folk song and music in Bradford.

(Sun from noon) For anyone who has still not had enough and can play, sing or simply sit, stand, drink and listen.

20th November - Mick Doonan & Tony Wilson - Irish music par excellence.
27th November - Tim Laycock - Traditional and Music hall song and tunes with duet concertina.

4th December - Gary & Vera Aspey - Internationally known duo.
11th December - Singers Night (Was supposed to be the Somerville Gentlemen's Band but due to heavy snow in Warwickshire they could not get up to the club)
18th December - Pat Ryan - Lancashire lass sings traditional and contemporary songs.
25th December - CLOSED

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Laker Airways and DeLorean Cars crash. Chariots of Fire wins Oscars. Argentina invades Falklands, UK invades them back. Pope visits Britain for the first time in 450 years. Fagan visits Queen's bedroom. Israel invades Lebanon; Falangists massacre Palestinian refugees. Italy wins World Cup. Princess Grace of Monaco killed. ET and Romans in Britain. Channel 4 starts up.

1st January - CLOSED Rare closings for festive celebrations and recoveries.
8th January - Sean Cannon - Celtic songs from the cannon's mouth.
15th January - Singers Night (** informal, no door charge, optional collection)
22nd January - Strawhead - Dynamic singing from the Book of England.
29th January - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall - Popular participationists, singers from Lancashire.

5th February - Nic Jones - Top singer and guitarist.
12th February - Leon Rosselson - Sharp self penned songs to make you think.
19th February - Singers Night (**)
26th February - Jez Lowe - Traditional songs from his native North-East.

5th March - Martin Carthy - The number one of the folk revivalists.
12th March - Eric Bogle & John Munroe - We have waited six years for this night! Don't miss it.
19th March - Martin Wyndham-Read - Songs of Britain and Australia.
26th March - Singers Night (**)

2nd April - White Hart - Traditional three part harmony group from Warrington.
9th April - Singers Night (**)
16th April - The Watersons - It's all been said before, so come early.
23rd April - Somerville Gentlemen's Band - Rearranged booking of this multi instrumental band.
30th April - June Tabor - A very rare solo gig! Don't miss it.

7th May - John Kirkpatrick (* No advance tickets on sale just come early) - Songs and tunes, traditional and contemporary.
14th May - Vin Garbutt ( * ) Songs, tunes and humour from Mr Tin Whistle Pest.
21st May - Singers Night ( ** )
28th May - Johnny Handle - Songs, tines from this son of Tyneside.

4th June - Singers Night ( ** )
11th June - Roy Bailey - Contemporary and traditional songs, from a long-time favourite.
18th June - Singers Night ( ** )
25th June - Bob Pegg - A forthright songwriter, from traditional sources.

2nd July - Roger Sutcliffe - Old ginger blues himself, at the Bradford Delta.
9th July - Footloose - A woman's point of view with traditional and contemporary songs.
16th July - Jacquie & Bridie - Good time folk from duo long time missed from this area.
23rd July - Heather Whittaker - Traditional and contemporary songs, new guest to this area.
30th July - Singers Night ( ** )

6th August - Hot Pot Belly Band - A different night, away from our normal format.
13th August - Singers Night ( ** )
20th August - The Gentlemen Players - Music and song from a variety of periods and traditions.
27th August - Singers Night ( ** )

2nd September - Dave Burland - Radio Aire's very own.
10th September - Mike Chapman - Very rare club gig from legendary hero.
17th September - Singers Night ( ** )
24th September - Burnt Peat - Irish night with popular Leeds band.

1st October - Alistair Anderson - Master of the concertina.
8th October - Tim Wood - Contemporary songs and guitar from new song writing talent.
15th October - Sally Rogers - On tour from America, Ballads with guitar, banjo and dulcimer.
22nd October - Singers Night ( ** )
29th October - Jim Mageean & Johnny Collins - Shanties to the fore from two fine singers now as a duo.

5th November - Paul Metsers - Fine song writer from New Zealand rapidly making a name for himself on the scene.
12th November - 26th Anniversary Night: Hamish Imlach - Song and humour from this Scottish folk entertainer.
19th November - Tony Rose - The West Country Wonder — traditional song with guitar and concertina.
26th November - Isaac Guillory - Sammy Vomacka had to cancel at short notice

3rd December - Peg Leg Ferret - Reformed giants of the folk scene
10th December - High Level Ranters - Long established Tyneside group.
17th December - Xmas Party with Pat Ryan and Aikens Drum - Advance tickets are available.
24th December - Closed for Christmas
31st December - Closed for New Year - We don't close all that often.

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Borg retires at 26. Greenham Common protests at nuclear cruise missiles. Hitler Diary spoof explodes. Thatcher wins second election. Sally Ride becomes first female US astronaut. David Niven dies. Aquino assassinated in Philippines. USSR shoots down Korean civil airliner. 299 French and US marines killed in Beirut suicide bombing. Cecil Parkinson resigns over love-child. US invades Grenada. Brinks-Mat bullion haul. Gandhi wins Oscars. Compact Discs introduced.

7th January - Strawhead - Songs from the olden thyme.
14th January - Sean Cannon - Songs, stories and lilts from popular Irish lad.
21st January - Jacquie & Bridie - Back again, by special request.
28th January - Pete Davies - Singer/guitarist from the North East.

4th February - Tony Capstick - The man himself! Come early.
11th February - Nic Dow - Traditional song and guitar.
18th February - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall - Popular visitors with humour and participation.
25th February - Leon Rosselson - The songwriter of the 1980's

4th March - Archie Fisher - Long established Scottish singer with guitar accompaniment.
11th March - Jim Eldon - Cheeky folk entertainer from Hull.
18th March - Jim Couza - On tour from America — exceptional dulcimer player.
25th March - Bill Caddick - Welcome return for one of the best singer songwriters.

1st April - Good Friday ----- Club Closed
8th April - Tim Laycock - Songs & concertina with traditional music hall flavour.
15th April - The Watersons -Legendary group on annual visit --- please come early.
22nd April - Isaac Guillory - Guitarist ex. Al Stewart and Barbara Dickson Bands.
29th April - Vin Garbutt - The old grey whistle pest ---- please come early.

6th May - Sully & Suzie - All Irish banjo champion with vocals and percussion.
13th May - Harvey Andrews - First time at the Topic --- please come early.
20th May - Burnt Peat - Irish night with popular Leeds Irish Band.
27th May - Stanley Accrington - Fast becoming known as a top folk comedian.

3rd June - Mike Chapman - Quick return for the legendary guitarist.
10th June - Jez Lowe - Fine singer guitarist from the North East.
17th June - Bernard Wrigley - Humour from the Bolton Bullfrog.
24th June - Roger Sutcliffe - Bradford's own Blues' man

1st July - Bryony - All girl trio, harmony and instrumental.
8th July - Martin Carthy - The man himself ---- please come early.
15th July - Ellie Ellis & Sara Grey - American traditional music
22nd July - Martin Appleby & John Townsend - New duo on tour from the South.
29th July - Cockersdale - Local vocal group.

5th August - Gordon Tyrrall - Traditional music, guitar, flute and vocals.
12th August - Hot Pot Belly Band - And now for something completely different.
19th August - Graham Shaw - Song, guitar and humour from popular local artist.
26th August - Bob Pegg - Much respected songwriter and performer.

2nd September - Dave Burland - Radio Aire's very own top lad.
9th September - Dave Swarbrick & Simon Nicol - ( ticket only ) First Topic visit of Fairport favourites.
(Their performance of Sloth here tonight was recorded and now appears on the recent Dave Swarbrick retrospective boxset 4-CD Swarb!, so anyone listening to that would have some evidence of the character of the club in those Star days - Ed Webo.)
16th September - Tony Wilson & Ian Fairbairn - Traditional, contemporary, Music hall songs with guitar banjo and fiddle.
23rd September - Roy Harris - Chorus songs to the fore from this fine singer.
30th September - Packie Byrne
- Wit, tunes and songs from this Irish character.

7th October - Kieran Halpin - First solo appearance from this great singer.
14th October - Tony Hall - First time in the North for this top melodeon player.
21st October - Sam Stephens & Anne Lennox-Martin - Top duo from the South.
28th October - Dick Miles - Traditional song with concertina.

4th November - Tim Wood - Talented singer songwriter.
11th November - 27th Club Anniversary Weekend: June Tabor - First lady of folk, rare solo club gig. See separate advert for Ceilidh details.
18th November - Jimmy Crowley - Traditional song and own material from Irish Vin Garbutt.
25th November - Stanley Accrington - Humorous chap.

2nd December - Pat Ryan - Songs with guitar accompaniment from popular Lancashire lass.
9th December - Graham & Eileen Pratt - Welcome return from popular duo.
16th December - Xmas Party with Bryony and Martin Appleby & John Townsend - Supper included in admission price.
23rd December - Club closed for Xmas
30th December - Club closed for New Year

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Chernenko succeeds Andropov in USSR. Torvill and Dean win Olympic gold in Sarajevo, as do Daley Thompson and Tessa Sanderson in LA. John Betjeman and Eric Morecambe die. UK miners' strike. York Minster burns after lightning strike. Navratilova wins 5th Wimbledon. Richard Burton dies. Mrs Gandhi assassinated on way to talk to Peter Ustinov. Bhopal kills and blinds thousands.Gorbachev visits UK.

6th January - Strawhead - Big start for the year, songs from the olden thyme.
13th January - Sean Cannon - Now a member of The Dubliners, Irish song and humour.
20th January - Magna Carta - Chris Simpson's legendary folk band.
27th January - Doonan, Thomas, & Burge - Exciting band of talented individuals.

3rd February - Leon Rosselson - Songs with a message
10th February - Tony Capstick - The lad himself.
17th February - Tundra - Doug and Sue Hudson - Popular duo from Kent.
24th February - Tich Frier - The hit of Whitby festival.

2nd March - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall - Humour, participation from popular Lancashire trio.
9th March - Martin Wyndham-Read - By popular request, fine singer in the traditional vein.
16th March - Jim Couza - The American dulcimer wizard.
23rd March - Roger Sutcliffe - Blues from the Bradford Delta.
30th March - The Watersons - Rare chance to see this legendary group, now in semi retirement.

5th April - The Spinnners - extra Thursday Special charity concert for War on Want; the band took no fee and raised £400
6th April - Jim Eldon - Loveable folk character from East Yorkshire.
13th April - Jacquie & Bridie - Good time folk from long established duo.
20th March - Good Friday Charity Singaround - In aid of Cancer Research.
27th March - Maxie & Mitch - The hilarious Geordie outfit.

4th May - Calennig - Welsh traditional music.
11th May - Harvey Andrews - The Songwriter.
18th May - Robin Garside & Chris Parkinson - Parkinson stood in for Paul Gough
25th May - Peter Bellamy - Carry on Kipling.

1st June - Burnt Peat - Well received Leeds Irish Band
8th June - Martin Carthy - Needs no introduction.
15th June - Ron Taylor & Sue Taylor - One half of Regal Slip on tour from the South.
22nd June - Steve Turner - Ex Canny Fettle — Traditional material, concertina accompaniment.
29th June - Byrony - All female band — instrumental and vocal.

6th July - Stanley Accrington - Songs, lunacy and hats.
13th July - Vin Garbutt - The Old Grey Whistle Pest — come down early.
20th July - Kathy O'Sullivan - On tour from Australia- harp playing — Celtic flavour.
27th July - Cockersdale - 4 piece vocals featuring Keith Marsden.

3rd August - Club Singaround Free admission.
10th August - Andy Caven - Contemporary with a touch of Rock n Roll.
17th August - Club Singaround - - Free admission
24th August - Tony Wilson - Traditional, contemporary, music hall with guitar and banjo.
31st August - Gordon Tyrrall - Guitar, whistle, flute, Irish flavour.

7th September - Club Singaround Free admission - collection in aid of Cancer Research.
14th September - Martin Appleby & John Townsend - Excellent duo from York.
21st September - Dave Swarbrick & Simon Nicol - Tickets £3 non members, £2 members Fairport favourites make a welcome return.
28th September - John Coy - Fine traditional singer with guitar accompaniment.

5th October - Jane Rothfield & Allan Carr - American & Scottish folk music featuring fiddle and banjo.
12th October - Cyril Tawney - Long established writer of so many club standards.
19th October - English Tapestry - Ruth and Brian Brittain and Roy Griffiths - Excellent harmony folk singing.
26th October - June Tabor - First lady of folk unaccompanied singing at the highest level.

2nd November - Kieran Halpin - Talented songwriter on tour from Ireland.
9th November - 28th Club Anniversary Weekend: Harvey Andrews - Contemporary folk song at its best. (See separate advert for Saturday Ceilidh)
16th November - Jez Lowe - Excellent return of North East folk song both contemporary and traditional.
23rd November - Tony Hall - Melodeon virtuoso of Fieldvole fame, a must for Morris enthusiasts.
30th November - Keith Hancock - Exciting new purveyor of contemporary material in traditional vein.

7th December - Andy Irvine - Planxty star on rare solo gig.
14th December - Pat Ryan - Traditional and contemporary songs from our favourite Lancashire lass.
21st December - Xmas Special with The Watersons - Carols to the fore with legendary folk group.
28th December - Closed for the New Year

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More than 40 fans killed in Bradford stadium fire. 40 more crushed at Heysel. LiveAid raises awareness and money for Ethiopia. Clive Sinclair launches C5. £1 falls to almost $1. Gorbachev takes over in USSR on Chernenko's death. Coke launches New Coke. Roy Plomley dies after 44 years of presenting Desert Island Discs. 325 killed in bombed Air India jetliner. Mengele's skull found. Becker wins Wimbledon at 17. Laura Ashley and Rock Hudson die. Mexico earthquake.

4th January - Strawhead - Songs of the olden thyme.
11th January - Jim & Lynette Eldon - Songs from one of Yorkshire's leading collectors plus clog dancing from Lynette
18th January - Roger Sutcliffe - Blues from the Bradford Delta
25th January - Magna Carta - Chris Simpson's legendary folk band.

1st February - Charity Singaround - Free admission --- collection in aid of charity.
8th February - Leon Rosselson - Songs with a message.
15th February - Graham Pirt - A two hour workshop on the Miners' Union with film slides and song.
22nd February - The Oyster Band - Leading folk electric band.

1st March - Dick Miles - Concertina and traditional song
8th March - Charity Singaround ---- free admission
15th March - Rab Noakes - Singer songwriterof long standing.
22nd March - Tony Capstick - The lad himself.
29th March - Martin Wyndam-Read - well respected traditional singer.

5th April - Easter Singaround ---- free admission
12th April - The Kipper Family - Songs from the Trunch Tradition.
19th April - Charley Yarwood - First time at club ---- fine traditional singer.
26th April - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall - Good chorus singers from Topic favourites.

3rd May - Jim Couza - The Dulcimer Wizard.
10th May - Roaring Jelly - Clive Harvey, Derek Pearce and Mick Hennessy - Farewell tour from folk loonies.
17th May - Bryony - All female vocalists & instrumentalists.
Bradford City fire disaster

24th May - - Charity Singaround
25th May - Special Saturday concert
                 with Swan Arcade, Gary and Vera Aspey and Stanley Accrington
The Bradford City fire happened on the 11th May and these events raised £350 for the disaster fund.

31st May - Richard Grainger - Traditional and contemporary songs with guitar accompaniment.

7th June - Dave Burland - Smart lad from Barnsley and Radio Aire fame.
14th June - Dick Gaughan - Recognised as leading singer on the folk scene adm Members £1.50 non members £1.80.
21st June - Singaround Admission free
28th June - Dab Hand - - Tom McConville, Gordon Tyrall & Tom Napper - Exciting new band admission members 90p non members £1.50.

5th July - Martin Carthy - The singer, the guitarist Admission members 90p Non Members £1.80.
12th July - Singaround Admission free.
19th July - Wool Exchange - New local band with Jimmy, Dave and Liz. admission members 50p non members 60p.
26th July - Ian Hill - Geordie songs, traditional and contemporary. Admission members 50p non members 60p.

2nd August - Singaround Admission free.
9th August - Joy & Stuart Crampton - Chorus songs to the fore. Admission members 50p non members 60p.
16th August - Singaround free admission.
23rd August - Closed - Whitby Folk Festival.
30th August - Singaround admission free.

6th September - Kemps Jig - Local lads from Leeds --- members 50p non members 60p.
13th September - Vin Garbutt - The Old Grey Whistle Pest. Members 90p non members £1.80.
20th September - The Fabulous Salami Brothers - Feats of strength and stupidity. Members 90p non members £1.80.
27th September - Stanley Accrington - Currently the funniest man on the folk scene.

4th October - Alan Hull - Singer songwriter from Lindisfarne: Fog on the Tyne, Lady Eleanor etc Members £2.00 non members £3.00.
11th October - Keith Hancock - Contemporary songs in traditional vein, with melodeon accompaniment.
18th October - Canadim - Songs and tunes with Irish flavour.
25th October - Tony Rose - Fine revivalist singer of longstanding.

1st November - Tich Frier - The Scottish Wizard.
8th November - Topic 29th Anniversary Night - An Evening with Cecil Sharp and Ashley Hutchings Special night with folk founder of Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention Albion Band etc.
15th November - Club A.G.M.
22nd November - Roger Sutcliffe - Bradford's Hoochie Coochie man.
29th November - Kieran Halpin - One of the best contemporary singers for the 1980s --- members 90p non members £1.50.

6th December - Tony Hall - Melodeon magician from Fieldvole fame
13th December - June Tabor & Martin Simpson - First lady of folk with talented guitarist. Members £2.00 Non-members £3.00
20th December - Swan Arcade - Bradford's very own, rare club gig. Members £1.50 Non-members £2.00.
27th December - Closed for Xmas

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Space Shuttle Challenger blows up on launch. Olof Palme shot in Sweden. Baby Doc thrown out of Haiti. James Cagney and Cary Grant die. US strikes Libya. Chernobyl blows up. Hand of God helps Argentina win World Cup. Spycatcher banned. 1500 Cameroonians killed by CO2 from lake. Geoffrey Boycott sacked by Yorkshire. Mike Tyson youngest heavyweight champ. Halley's Comet returns. Superlight plane circumnavigates world non-stop.

3rd January - Strawhead - Songs from the olden thyme.
10th JanuaryJovial Gentlemen - John Bromley, Steve Buckley and Bruce Baillie - Refreshing local band.
17th January - The Wilsons - Legendary Geordie band , first visit to club.
24th January - Tony Wilson - Geordie funster.

31st January - Holme Valley Tradition - Excellent four piece harmony.
7th February - Leon Rosselson - Songs to make you think.
14th February - Kieran Halpin - rescheduled gig for gifted songwriter.
21st February - Steve Turner
28th February - Geoff Higginbottom-Original talent from Stockport.

7th March - Roger Sutcliffe's 40th Birthday Extravaganza - For one night only blues super group with many guests.
14th March - Gary & Vera Aspey - Popular Lancashire duo.
21st March - The Kipper Family - From the Trunch Tradition.
28th March - Good Friday, Easter Singaround

4th April - Martin Wyndam-Read - Traditional songs with a down under flavour.
11th April - Paul Metsers - Exciting songwriter from New Zealand.
18th April - Tufty Swift - Of Bakewell Tart fame---a must for melodeon freaks.
25th April - John Coy - A good local singer.

2nd May - Singaround
9th May - Dab Hand - Best band on the scene.
16th May - Sean Cannon - Popular member of the Dubliners.
23rd May - Keith Marsden - Traditional and contemporary songs.
30th May - Herring's Belly - Stuart Crampton and Roy Hardacre - popular duo.

6th June - Allan Taylor - Long established singer songwriter.
13th June - Swan & Burge - Solo gig from two members of the 'Solicitors'.
20th June - John James - Best guitarist in the business.
27th June - Paul Buckley & Chris Newman - Swing, Jazz, blues duo.

4th July - Nick Dow - Traditional songs guitar accompaniment.
11th July - Ian Hill - Geordie, Irish, guitar and banjo.
18th July - Roar - Former House Band members on tour from Scotland.
25th July - Martin Carthy - Needs no introduction.

1st August - John Pashley - Makes a welcome return to the folk scene.
8th August - Mick Haywood - Yorkshire songs and stories.
15th August - Whitney Gin - Local harmony group.
22nd AugustClosed for Whitby Festival
29th August - Wool Exchange - Bradford's very own.

5th September - Bryony - All girl vocal and instrumental trio.
12th September - Singers Night - By popular request a return to regular singers nights.
19th September - Magna Carta - Chris Simpson's legendary folk rock band.
26th September - Stuart Crampton Benefit Night - All star guest bill.

3rd October - Kevin Loughran - The Leeds thrush sings traditional and humorous ballads.
10th October - Dave Speight and 'Shelto' - Two of the area's top blues exponents.
17th October - Singers Night
24th October - Harvey Andrews - International singer songwriter.
31st October - Mike Sheardown - A songwriter fast making himself a name

Club's 30th Anniversary

7th November - Ewan MacColl & Peggy Seeger Members £2.00 Non Members £3.00

8th November - Strawhead
12 noon in the Star Hotel, Compere Roger Sutcliffe Members 90p Non members £1.30.

Saturday Evening at Shelf Village Hall: Grand Concert with:
Tom Napper, Andy Irvine, Strawhead, Roger Sutcliffe Tickets £4.00

14th November - Singers Night Featuring - The Barnsley Lads - Ray Padgett, John Booker and others - A special featuring 'Barnsley Lads' formally known as 'Sod All'.
21st November - Pete Castle - A Topic newcomer with a reputation as a good guitarist
28th November - Vin Garbutt - The Old Tin Whistle Pest, please come early.

5th December - Stanley Accrington - Direct from the Commonwealth Games
12th December - Roger Sutcliffe - Blues from the Bradford delta with Old Rog.
19th December - Christmas Singers Night
26th DecemberClub Closed

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Terry Waite kidnapped in Beirut. Andy Warhol dies. Herald of Free Enterprise capsizes with bow doors open, killing 200. Thatcher goes to Moscow, wins third election. Matthias Rust flies light plane to Red Square. Oliver North testifies in Iran-Contragate. Michael Ryan shoots 14 in Hungerford. Hurricane-force winds kill 17 after Michael Fish says there's nothing to worry about. King's Cross Tube fire.

2nd January - Sing In The New Year
9th January - Jolly Jack - Martin Hall, Alan Taylor and Dave Weatherall - Traditional songs, participation and humour.
16th January - Sean Cannon - Popular Irish ballad singer from the Dubliners.
23rd January - The Wilsons - Popular re-booking for best group in the Country.
30th January - Downham & Nudger - Duo from Lancashire.

6th February - Leon Rosselson - Songs with a message.
13th February - Kieran Halpin - Popular singer-songwriter on tour from Ireland.
20th February - Singers Night - By popular request another singers night.
27th February - Tich Frier - On tour from Glasgow.

6th March - The Donald Swaine Benefit Night
13th March - The Kipper Family - From the Trunch Tradition.
20th March - Singers Night
27th March - Hans Theessink - Euro bluesman

3rd April - Dave Burland - The Barnsley thrush.
10th April - Dick Miles - Concertina and traditional songs.
17th April - Singers Night
24th April - Aire Play - A Topic debut for Linda & Barbara.

1st May - Jim Couza - Dulcimer wizard.
8th May
15th May - Tonie Burrell - Songs from mediaeval to present day, dulcimer and guitar.
22nd May - Dave Goulder - The January man in May.
29th May - Gordon Tyrrall - Solo spot for Dab Hand man.

5th June - Tony Martin & Andy McColl - Up and coming local duo.
12th June - Singers Night Admission free
19th June - Kathryn Tickell - Outstanding female piper.
26th June - Pig Bucket Ensemble - Zany wit, remember them on Leon's night.

3rd July - Les Barker - Hilarious rhymes and poems.
10th July - Singers Night
17th July - Ian Hill - Irish Geordie, guitar and banjo.
24th July - Miriam Backhouse - Super female singer back from South Africa.
31st July - Slade The Leveller (with the Rev Hammer) was booked - a rare solo appearance of the lead singer of New Model Army, but due to the band having a late tour of America offered this Gig had to be cancelled; however there was a good turn out of local artists and a very good impromptu - Singers Night was held instead with - the Rev Hammer finishing off the second half of the night.

7th August - Singers Night Admission free
14th August - Herring's Belly - Stuart Crampton and Roy Hardacre - Local band
21st August - Tony Wilson - Traditional, music hall and enjoyaty.
28th August - Singers Night Admission free

4th September - Martin Carthy - Come early.
11th September - Singers Night
18th September - Clive Gregson & Christine Collister - Ex Richard Thompson Band.
25th September - Bev Sanders - Local singer.

2nd October - Vin Garbutt - The Old Grey Whistle Pest.
9th October - Singers Night
16th October - Hobson & Lees - Superb Guitar duo.
23rd October - John Strong - Contemporary night.
30th October - Roy Bailey - Return of the popular Singer's Singer.

6th November - Whippersnapper -Dave Swarbrick's Band, with Kevin Demspey, Chris Leslie and Martin Jenkins

- The Club's 31st Anniversary Weekend

13th November
- Strawhead
Members £1.00 Non - members £1.75

14th November
Session in The Star from 12.30
With - Swan Arcade, Roger Sutcliffe and others
Members 90 pence Non — Members £1.30

Shelf Village Hall All Star Concert From 7.45pm
- Jake Thackray, Swan Arcade and - John James - Compere Roger Sutcliffe
Saturday night tickets Members £3.50 Non members £4.25
All day Saturday tickets Members £4.00 Non members £5.00


20th November - The Club's A.G.M. And Singers Night
27th November - Tom McConville - Fiddle & Geordie

4th December - Jim and Lynnette Eldon - East Riding songs from Jim plus clog dancing from Lynnette.
11th December - Pete Morton - Voted most promising newcomer on the scene.
18th DecemberThe Concert to finish off 1987: - Slade The Leveller (From New Model Army ) With poems from - Jooles and the songs of - Rev Hammer.
25th DecemberClub Closed

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Palestinian Intifada starts. Eddie the Eagle fails to triumph at Calgary Olympics. IRA three killed in Gibraltar. US shoots down Iranian civil airliner. Iran promises revenge. American civil airliner bombed over Lockerbie. Piper Alpha oil rig explodes, killing 150. Iran-Iraq war comes to an end. 20,000,000 Bangladeshis made homeless by floods. Ben Johnson wins drugs gold at Seoul. Edwina Currie resigns over egg salmonella. Spycatcher published. 100,000 die in Armenian earthquake. George Bush elected US President.

1st JanuaryClub Closed
8th January - Artisan - Promising local unaccompanied group.
15th January - The House Band - Plus support from - Tony Martin & Andy McColl
22nd January - The Wilsons - Plus support from - Herring's Belly - Stuart Crampton and Roy Hardacre
29th January - Harvey Andrews Plus support.

5th February - Rory McLeod the 'Cockney Rebel' - Plus support of - Geoff Higginhbottom.
12th February - Leon Rosselson - Plus support of - Pig Bucket Ensemble.
19th February - Jim Couza - The dulcimer wizard.
26th February - Maire Ni Chathasaigh (Harpist) & - Chris Newman (Guitarist)

4th March - Stanley Accrington - And his zany humour from our Stan.
11th March - Dick Gaughan - Currently the most influential singer on the scene. Support - John Harvison. New lad from Keighley making great strides.
18th March - Singers Night
25th March - The Kipper Family - From the Trunch tradition
Support - HerringsBelly : Stuart and Roy mainly traditional.

1st April - Good Friday Singers Night
8th April - Jez Lowe & Jake Walton - Two exciting talents now together as a duo.
15th April - Singers Night
22nd April - Martin Wyndam-Read -Bi-Centennial special.
29th April - Duck Baker - Legendary American guitarist on tour.

6th May - Brian Whitmee - Excellent local singer.
13th May - Blues Night With Roger Sutcliffe - The evening will feature a guitar workshop from 7-8pm.
20th May - Graham & Eileen Pratt - Ever popular duo.
27th May - Rory McLeod - The name for 1988.

3rd June - Bev Sanders - Great new female singer fast earning a name for herself.
10th June - Ray Fisher With Support from Tufty Swift - A combination not to be missed.
17th June - Singers Night
24th June - Marie Little - She's back; don't miss her.

1st July - Mick Haywood & Friends - Unaccompanied singer with company.
8th July - GordonTyrrall - Musician-singer Dab Hand
15th July - Peter Norman & Norrie Spence - Local duo - well worth getting to know
22nd July - Ian Hill - Multi-talented performer making a name for himself.
29th July - Hair Of The Dog - Local duo.

5th August - Stuart Crampton - Our very own.
12th August - Jon Harvison - Local singer-songwriter.
19th August - Singers Night
26th August - Singers Night

2nd September - Bradford Women Singers - Jane Coker and Company.
9th September - Derek Gifford - Traditional and contemporary songs.
16th September - Vin Garbutt - support from Bandwaggon. Be early or you'll be too late
23rd September - Cosmotheka - (Dave and Al Sealey) - Too good to miss.
30th September - Singers Night

7th October - Hans Theessink - Blues guitarist and singer.
14th October - Cockersdale - Harmony Trio.
21st October - John McCormick - New sound from the U.S.A.
28th October - Spring Chickens - Adrian May and Dave MitchellGood lively night.

4th November - Gunpowder Treason & Plot - Fun & Games Night.

11th NovemberConcert
Mike Elliott " A Comedy Genius" - with support from Whitney Gin
Members £2.5 Non-Members £3.00

12th November From 12 noon
Dr Sunshine's Pavement Show
Lunch time prices members £1.50. Non-Members £2.00.

From 8.30pm Concert
Derek Brimstone " Humour all the way" - Guest MC Tony Wilson.
Evening prices Members £2.50. Non-Members £3.00.
All day ticket Members £4.00. Non-Members £4.50.


18th November - The Club's A.G.M. - Followed by a singaround if time.
25th November - Nick Dow - Back by popular demand.
2nd December - Brian Peters - Singer and Anglo concertina player.

9th December - Singaround
16th December - Strawhead - Christmas Party Night
23rd DecemberClosed For Christmas
30th DecemberClosed For New Year

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Emperor Hirohito dies. Bradford Islamic protestors burn Satanic Verses. USSR leaves Afghanistan. Exxon Valdez runs aground. Hillsborough disaster kills 94. Sonia Sutlciffe wins £600,000 from Private Eye; Ian Hislop says: "If that is justice, then I am a banana." Tiananmen Square kills hundreds. Ayatollah Khomeini and Lord Olivier die. Marchioness sinks on Thames. Guildford 4 freed after 14 years. Berlin Wall falls. Playwright Havel becomes Czech President. Ceaucescu shot. Cold War over. US invades Panama.

6th January - Harvey Andrews - Come early.
13th January - Stuart Crampton Benefit Night
20th January - Singaround - Your turn again.
27th January - Steve Tilston & Maggie Boyle - Two out of three from Shipper Falls.

3rd February - Irish Night - Good music from various artists, jig along with us.
10th February - Dick Miles - Back by popular demand.
17th February - Fabulous Salami Brothers - With their new variety show, just back from U.S.A.
24th February - Kevin Loughran - Melody and mirth.

3rd March - Keith Hancock - Singer-songwriter. He wrote Chase The Dragon
10th March - Singaround come and join us.
17th March - Steve Philips - Puts the blues in your soul.
24th March - Singaround - Good songs, good company. Good Time.
31st March - Leon Rosselson - "Bringing the News from Nowhere".

7th April - Janet Russell - - Scottish traditional songs of the 80s.
14th April - Singaround
21st April - Roger Sutcliffe - Blues from the Bradford delta.
28th April - Jim Couza - Jim's birthday BONANZA.

5th May - Bradford Women Singers - Return by popular request.
12th May - Paul Metsers - Guitar, Appalachian Dulcimer and mando-cello.
19th May - Dick Gaughan - Most influential singer on the scene. Come early if you want a seat.
26 May - Just Us plus Liz Ingrams - 2 vocals and two acoustic guitars = good music.

2nd June - Singaround - It's free so why not come and join us.
9th June - The House Band - Lively Music with a fun band.
16th June - Mal Waite - Traditional and original songs with or without guitar.
23rd June - The Kipper Family - But seriously folks, have a laugh with him and him.
30th June - Roy Bailey - Fine singer, guitarist who successfully combines artistic and political comments.

7th July - SingaroundStill no charge!!
14th July - Jon Harvison - His own and other peoples' songs in his own style.
21st July - Ian Scott Massie& Lulu Fidler - Singer Songwriters plus some traditional.
28th July - Cocky - You will come and Crow about a night of good music. 6-piece Folk Rock Band - and not at all the same Cocky who appeared 12 years ago in Dec 1977. Chris Dyson on fiddle, Duncan Waller bass, Roy Wyke drums, Dave Collins keyboards, Carol Dyson on vocals.

4th August - Singers Night - Will not cost you a thing to have a good sing.
11th August - Singaround - After last week's practice this week will be fantastic.
18th August - Scumalash - 5 MacDonald family players. Traditional Cape Breton Fiddle Music sing songs.
25th August - Singaround Free. Come all ye who be not at Whitby.

1st September - Singaround Free (practice makes perfect)
8th September - Tom McVicker - Songs, whistles — Irish & British. Members £1.00. Non members £1.50.


The Topic took part. Extra gigs were held at the Club, and these are listed as well

12th September, Tuesday
Bradford Women Singers Members £1.50. Non-Members £2.00
A women's choir , excellent songs, excellent company.

13th September, Wednesday
Singaround Free so why not have a go?.

15th September, Friday
Dave Shay Members £1.50. Non-Members £2.00
Contemporary & traditional American songs.

17th September, Sunday
Roy Bailey Members £2.00 Non-Members £2.50.
For all those who begged for him back.

18th September, Monday
The Rambling Boys Members £1.50. Non-Members £2.00.
An Irish Group.

19th September, Tuesday
Scarlet Heights Members £1.50. Non-Members £2.00
Local multi instrumental group.

20th September, Wednesday
Roger Sutcliffe Members £1.50. Non-Members £2.00.

22nd September, Friday Special Event To Close The Festival
Martin Carthy & Dave Swarbrick
Advance Members £3.50. Non-Members £4.50 On the night Members £4.00. Non-Members £5.00.

29th September - Artisan
Members £2.00 Non members £2.50 Yorkshire-based harmony trio.

6th October - CockersdaleMembers £2.00 Non-Members £2.50. 4 piece harmony group
13th October - Singaround Free
20th October - Jez Lowe & Bev Sanders Members £2.00 Non-Members £2.50. New combination for Jez. Excellent music
27th October - MakviragMembers £2.00. Non-Members £2.50.3-piece Hungarian Folk Musicians.

3rd November - Gunpowder Plot Night 50p for all including supper.Anything goes tonight.
10th November - Richard GraingerMembers £1.00 Non-Members £1.50.
17th November - Annual General Meeting ( Members Only )Followed by a singaround.
24th November - Vin Garbutt And The Barnsley Lads Members £3.00 Non-Members £3.50.

1st December - Chris Newman and Maire Ni Chathasaigh Members £2.50, Non-members £3.00. Chris is the man other guitarists love to hate. Maire plays the harp like an angel.
8th December - Singaround - Last one this year.
15th December - Hamish Imlach - Singer-Songwriter of renown.
22nd December - Closed for Christmas
29th December - Closed For New Year

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Nelson Mandela freed from jail after 27 years. Poll tax riot in London. Iraqi supergun seized in Britain. Yeltsin becomes President of Russia. Gummer feeds his daughter beefburgers. 40,000 die in Iran earthquake. West Germany wins World Cup after beating England on penalties in the semi-final. Iraq invades and annexes Kuwait. East and West Germany reunite. Thatcher ousted from Tory party leaderhsip; Major becomes PM. Channel Tunnellers meet under sea. (Little did the rest of us know it then, but Tim Berners-Lee wrote his first memos at CERN regarding something he called the World Wide Web)

5th January - Archie Fisher - Legendary Scot that's not seen a lot.
12th January - Singaround - 1st of the year.
19th January - The Jay Birds - We got the blues tonight.
26th January - Singaround

2nd February - Geoff Higginbottom
9th February - The Wilson Family - Five piece harmony group.
16th February - Marilyn Middleton-Pollock
23rd February - Leon Rosselson - Singer songwriter.

2nd March - Singaround (Free)
9th March - Steve Tilston & Maggie Boyle - Members £2.00. Non-members £2.50. - Brilliant guitar, harmonious singing.
16th March - Roger Sutcliffe - Guitar workshop — early start 7.30pm.Members £150. Non-Members £2.00.
23th March - Singaround ( Free )
30th March - Dick Miles - Members £1.50. Non-Members £2.00. - Traditional song with concertina..

6th April - Hans TheessinkMembers £2.00 Non-Members £2.50. - Blues man from Holland. Brilliant back for third visit.
13th April - The Lakeman FamilyMembers £1.80. Non-Members £2.30. - 5 superb musicians with full range of music.
20th April - Tom McConvilleMembers £2.00. Non-Members £2.50. - Superb fiddle player and singer
27th April - Singaround ( Free ).

4th May - Hand On Heart- Mike Scott, Rob Taylor - Members £1.80. Non-Members £2.30. 3 piece Acoustic Celtic Instrumentalists.
11th May - Janet Russell - Members £2.00 Non-Members £2.50. - Singer songwriter + traditional songs.

8th MayThe Club Moves Away From The Star For This Night:
A Memorial Concert For Ewan MacColl
At Dewsbury Town Hall 7pm till Midnight.

Artists Appearing So Far
Peggy Seeger
Tony Capstick
Dave Burland
Pete Coe
Janet Russell
Roger Sutcliffe
Lost Nation Band

Tickets Main hall where beer is allowed £6.00
Balcony where no beer is allowed £4.00
All The Proceeds To Be Donated To Amnesty International


25th May - Jim CouzaMembers £1.50. Non-members £2.00.The Great Dulcimer player himself

1st June - Al O' Donnell - All the way from Scotland.
8th June - Fintan Vallely - Melodeon, flute and guitar.
15th June - Singaround
22nd June - Keith Hinchcliffe
29th June - Singaround

6th July - Spring Chickens
13th July - Jim Eldon
20th July - Singaround
27th July - Dean Johnson - Contemporary songs.

3rd August - Derek Gifford
10th August - Pat Ryan
17th August - Singaround
24th August - Singaround
31st August - Stanley Accrington

7th September - Chris Newman & Maire Ni Chathasaigh - Excellent guitarist with angelic Harpist.
14th September - Lost Nation Band - Sara Grey, Roger Wilson, Brian Peters.
21st September - Tony Capstick - Combination of traditional music with lots of laughs.
28th September - Singaround Free

5th October - Derek Brimstone
12th October - Phil Hare
19th October - Jungr & Parker - Barb Jungr and Michael Parker - From the infamous Julian Clary Show
26th October - Singaround Free

2nd November - Brian Peters
9th November - Harvey Andrews - With his special one man show.
16th November - A.G.M. followed by Singaround - Members only for AGM please.
23rd November - Folkinger - Folk and Dance from East Berlin Band on tour.
30th November - Roy Bailey - His own songs in his own style.

7th December - Singaround (Free )
14th December - The Kipper Family - With their special Christmas show.
21st DecemberClosed For Christmas
28th DecemberClosed For New Year

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30-strong Allied coalition invades Iraq. Viz sells more than one million copies. Birmingham Six freed after 16 years. Poll Tax abolished. Graham Greene, Freddy Mercury, David Lean and Robert Maxwell die. Rajiv Gandhi assassinated by Tamils. Yugoslavia breaks up. Gorbachev toppled in hardline Communist coup. Yeltsin stands on tank, USSR breaks up. John McCarthy and Terry Waite released in Beirut.

4th January - The Watersons - The family of song.
11th January - Singaround ( Free )
18th January - Gordon Tyrrall - Guitarist par excellence.
25th January - Daaaave Shea & Norman Collins - Singing songwriting duo, excellent musicians.

1st February - Leon Rosselson - Singer songwriter of renown.
8th February - Singaround ( Free )
15th February - Marilyn Middleton-Pollock - Her Voice will entrance you.
22nd February - Steve Tilston & Maggie Boyle - Fabulous guitar work from Steve, dulcet tones from Maggie.

1st March - Cockersdale - Four piece harmony quartet, sheer perfection.

After 21 Years and 6 Months The Club Moves From The Star Hotel To The Peel Hotel

8th March - Roger Sutcliffe - Blues from the Bradford Delta; Guitar workshop at 7pm, before club.
15th March - Theme Singaround - Songs of love and death — Free
22nd March - Talisman - Lancashire duo - Traditional and modern songs accompanied on guitar and bongos

29th March - Singaround Free

5th April - Singers Night - featuring - George Clark's zany humour.
12th April - Whitney Gin - 4 piece Harmony group accompanied on Keyboards, Guitar, Bass & Mandolin.
19th April - Theme Singaround Songs in bad taste — Free
26th April - Dave Burland - Sings everything from Ewan MacColl to The Eagles.

3rd May - Singers Night - Featuring the Voice and Guitar Artistry of - Pete Norman.
10th May - Geoff Higginbottom - Traditional and modern songs with 6 & 12 string guitars. Bodrhan & dulcimer.
17th May - Singaround - Free
24th May - Vin Garbutt - In our opinion the most entertaining and controversial Singer songwriter on the scene.
31st May - Singers Night

7th June - Jez Lowe & The Bad Pennies - Northern Echoes - news views, and songs from the North-East's finest songsmiths.
14th June - Songswop - Free - Join us for an informal evening of songs and tunes.
21st June - Tony Capstick - More mirth and mayhem from everyone's favourite hooligan — Tickets only, book early.
28th June - Jon Harvison - Popular and talented local singer songwriter.

5th July - Terry Leadfingers Silver - Poseur and song thief: guitar, banjo and manual dexterity on mandolin and flageolet.
12th JulyTheme - Singaround - Free - Doom, gloom and despondency - award for most miserable song.
19th July - Folkinger - Song and dance from East Germany - limited space due to dance floor - come early.
26th July - Bread & Roses - Superb female harmonies - hearing is believing.

2nd August - Tony Wilson - Just the right mixture of music and song including the world's loudest banjo.
9th August - Songswop - Free - Another informal night of song and music.
16th August - Martin Wyndham-Read - The best thing to come out of Australia since tinned peaches — fine interpreter of Antipodean songs.
23rd August - Theme Singaround - Free - Songs of mirth and merriment.
30th August - Theme Singaround - Free - Songs of sun, sea and sailors.

6th September - Stanley Accrington - Our Stanley's back with more silly songs in his own inimitable style.
13th September - Chris Newman & Maire Ni Chathasaigh - Unique blend of guitar and traditional Irish harp.
20th September - Leon Rosselson - Superb contemporary songwriter facing the issues of today.
27th September - Roy Bailey - Freedom peacefully — strong messages — beautiful music.

4th October - Singers Night - Featuring - Band X.
11th OctoberTheme - Singaround - Free - Songs of the workplace.
18th October - Second String - Welcome first night for some fine musicians.
25th October - Dick Miles - Contemporary & traditional music from talented singer and concertina player.

1st November - Dave Vermond - Overdue first visit from local singer songwriter.
8th November - A.G.M. followed by - Singaround - Members only for AGM please.
15th November - Phil Hare - Welcome return for thought provoking songwriter & guitarist.
22nd November - Amnesty Benefit Night Featuring - Stanley Accrington & Roger Sutcliffe
29th November - Singaround - Free - A chance for you to join in.

6th December - Singaround - Come and celebrate Eddie's birthday bash!
13th December - Ian Scott Massie - Contemporary songwriter with unique folk and jazz style.
20th December - Strawhead - Overdue return for folk's loudest trio.
27th December - Theme Singaround - Anything but Christmas songs — bah humbug!

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Silence of the Lambs does well at the Oscars. John Major wins election. Benny Hill dies. Punch closes after 150 years. Tyson jailed for rape. Barcelona Olympics. Mansell is F1 champion. Clinton wins election. Francis Bacon dies.

January 3 - The Watersons
January 10 - Los Zimmos
January 17 - Singaround
January - 24 - Singers' Night
January 31 - Tony Martin

February 7 - Chris Newman and Maire Ni Chathasaigh
February 14 - Theme Singaround Love songs
February 21 - Roger Sutcliffe
February 28 - Theme Singaround Drinking songs

March 6 - Singers and Musicians
March 13 - Richard Grainger
March 20 - Harvey Andrews
March 27 - Theme Singaround Times they are a'changing

April 3 - Show of Hands
April 10 - Bradford Women Singers
April 17 - Singers and Musicians for Good Friday
April 24 - Theme Singaround Patriotic songs for St George and Shakespeare

May 1 - Makvirag
May 8 - Singers and Musicians
May 15 - Featured Singers Night: - Sandra Roberts with Bob Taylor
May 22 - Sing-a-round. - Theme: Humbug (May 20 was old date for Xmas)
May 29 - Vin Garbutt

June 5 - Dick Gaughan
June 12 - Bram Taylor
June 19 - Tom McConville

July/August - Singers and Musicians

September 4 - Sing-a-Round
September 11 - Jago
September 18 - Johnny Handle (High Level Ranter)
September 25 - Sing-a-Round

October 2 - Marie Little
October 9 - Derek Gifford
October 16 Featured Singers' Night - Susan Asquith
October 23 - Sing-a-Round
October 30 - Gary and Vera Aspey

November 6 - Roy Bailey
November 13 - Sing-a-Round
November 20 Featured Singer's Night - - Gemini
November 27 - AGM plus Sing-a-round

December 4 - First Principles
December 11 - Geoff Higginbottom
December 18 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
December 25 Closed

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Czech Republic and Slovakia part. Jamie Bulger murdered. Waco seige in USA. Sihanouk returns to the Cambodian throne. Maastricht Treaty ratified by UK. Mostar's bridge destroyed. Northern Ireland peace pact signed.

January 1 - Survivors' Singaround
January 8 - Graham and Eileen Pratt
January 15 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
January 22 - Lorraine Jordan
January 29 (no entry in listings; presumably a singers' night)

February 5 - Pete Bolton and Mick Jackson
February 12 - Singers and Musicians
February 19 - George Clarke
February 26 - Gary and Vera Aspey

Roger Sutcliffe takes over organisation from Brenda Baldwin

March 5 - Joe Stead
March 12 - Local Musicians' and Singers' Night
March 19 - Dick Miles
March 26 - Singaround and Musician Around

April 2 - Chris Newman and Maire Ni Chathasaigh
April 9 - Local Singers' and Musicians' Night
April 16 - Singaround and Musicianaround
April 23 - Phil Hare
April 30 - Local Singers' and Musicians' Night

May 7 - Tony Martin
May 14 - Local Singers' and Musicians' Night
May 21 - Jane Threlfall and Carl Hogsden
May 28 - Local Singers' and Musicians' Night

June 4 - Robb Johnson and Pip Collings
June 11 - Martin Carthy
June 18 - Stanley Accrington
June 25 - Roger Sutcliffe

July 2 - Maxie and Mitch
July 9 - Cyril Tawney

July 16 - September 3 - Local Musicians and Singers Nights

September 10 - Pat Ryan and Ken Howard
September 17 - Leon Rosselson
September 24 - Local Singers and Musicians

October 1 - Singaround/Musicianaround
October 8 - The Wilsons
October 15 - Local Singers and Musicians
October 22 - Singaround/Musicianaround
October 29 - Jim Reynolds

November 5 - Fireworkaround
November 12 - Dave Goulder
November 19 - AGM followed by singasession
November 26 - Old Rope String Band

December 3 - Singaround
December 10 - Geoff Higginbottom
December 17 - Roy Bailey
December 24 The pub...
December 31 ...will be open

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Big earthquake in Los Angeles.Berlusconi wins in Italy. Mandela sworn in as President in South Africa. Channel Tunnel opens. Ayrton Senna killed. OJ Simpson goes on the run. Yasser Arafat returns to Gaza. Tony Blair becomes leader of Labour Party. Carlos the Jackal is hunted down. Baltic Ferry disaster kills 912. UK lottery opens. Russians storm into Chechnya. Rwanda genocide kills 800,000.

January 7 - Music Session - Singaround
January 14 - Los Zimmos
January 21 - Music Session cum Singaround
January 28 - John Kirkpatrick

February 4 - Tom McConville
February 11 - Music Session cum Singaround
February 18 - Johnny Handle
February 25 - Music Session cum Singaround

March 4 - Jay Turner
March 11 - Singers and Musicians Night
March 18 - Steve Phillips

The move to Thursdays rather than Fridays

March 24 - Singers and Musicians Start Thursdays rolling
March 31 - Another Singers' night to get over the shock

April 7 - Highly Strung cancelled
April 14 - Singers and Musicians Session
April 21 - Talisman
April 28 - Singers and Musicians Session

May 5 - Tony Martin
May 12 - Singers and Musicians Session
May 19 - Grace Notes
May 26 - Singers and Musicians Session

June 2 - Jools Parker
June 9 - Singers and Musicians Session
June 16 - Bradford Women Singers (Festival)
June 23 - Roger Sutcliffe (Festival)
June 30 - Marilyn Middleton-Pollock (Festival)

July 7 - Sept 1 - Singers and Musicians Sessions

September 8 - The Inimitable Mr John Pashley
September 15 - Michael Chapman
September 22 - Singers and Musicians Night
September 29 - Lowtown Blues

October 6 - Dark Lantern
October 13 - Rolling Crones
October 20 - Singers and Musicians
October 27 - Richard Grainger

November 3 - Singers and Musicians
November 10 - The Old One Two
November 17 AGM and Singaround

Philomena takes over from Roger Sutcliffe as MC and act booker

November 24 - Avalon

December 1 - Jon Harvison
December 8 - Singaround Session
December 15 - Geoff Higginbottom
December 22 - Singaround session
December 29 - Singaround session

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- 1995
Peter Cook dies. Kobe earthquake kills thousands. Nick Leeson brings down Barings. Aun Shinrikyo sect releases Sarin on Tokyo tube. Harold Wilson dies. World Trade Organisation established. Fossett croses Pacific in a balloon. Schengenland established. Christopher Reeve is paralysed after a horse accident. US Space Shuttle docks with Russian Mir space station for the first time. DVD format comes out. Israeli PM Rabin assassinated. Ken Saro-Wiwa hanged in Nigeria. Serial killer Fred West commits suicide, wife Rosemary sentenced to life imprisonment.

January 5 - Singaround Session
January 12 - Singaround Session
January 19 - Stanley Accrington
January 26 - Singaround Session

February 2 - Kieran Halpin
February 9 - Singaround Session
February 16 - Singaround Session
February 23 - John Kirkpatrick

March 2 - Singaround Session
March 9 - Singaround Session
March 16 - Johnny Silvo
March 23 - Singaround Session
March 30 - Singaround Session

April 6 - Tony Martin
April 13 - Singaround Session
April 20 - Singaround Session
April 27 - Henwen - Gillian Edwards, Fay Gillanders, Magda Phillips, Jill Sampson and Rowena Sommerville

May 4 - Singaround Session
May 11 - Roy Harris cancelled
May 18 - Singaround Session
May 25 - Singaround Session

June 1 - George Clarke
June 8 - Sylvia Needham and Peter Norman
June 15 - Bridget Guest and Roy Wilcock
June 22 - Singaround Session
June 29 - Roger Sutcliffe

July 6 - Bradford Women Singers
July 8 - Attwenger plus - Richard Grainger and Saskia Tomkins

New Venue: Move to the Melborn Hotel, White Abbey Road, Bradford

July 13 - Singaround Session
July 20 - Fiona-Katie Roberts
July 27 - Gordon Tyrrall

August 3-24 - Singaround Sessions

August 31 - Phil Hare

September 7 - Jon Harvison
September 14 - Judging for Traditional Award 1995 + Singaround
September 21 - John Pashley
September 28 - Hall Brothers

October 5 - Prism
October 12 - Roy Harris
October 19 - Dovetail Joint
October 26 - Joe Stead

November 2 - Geoff Higginbottom
November 9 - LocTup Together
November 16 - Tom McConville
November 23 - AGM + Singaround
November 30 - Martin Long

December 7 - Roy Bailey
December 14 - Rare Breed
December 21 - Christmas Party + Singaround
December 28 - Survivors' Singaround

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Dunblane massacre of 16 schoolkids. Sri Lanka win cricket world cup. Deep blue computer beats Gary Kasparov. Government announces BSE could transfer to humans. Manchester and Canary Wharf bombs.Dolly the Sheep is born. Charles and Diana divroce. Taliban take over Kabul. Clinton wins second election. John Howard becomes PM of Australia.

January 4 - The Old One Two
January 11 - Viv Bjerregaard
January 18 - Singaround
January 25 - Jools Parker

February 1 - Risky Business
February 8 - Singaround
February 15 - Elaine Morgan
February 22 - Robb Johnson

March 7 - Singaround
March 14 - Jane Ludlam
March 21 - John Zarfas
March 28 - Brian Taylor

April 4 - Anne Gregson
April 11 - Rare Breed
April 18 - Johnny Silvo
April 25 - Tony Martin

May 2 - Ron Angel
May 9 - Fiona-Katie Roberts
May 16 - Bernie Parry
May 23 - Cathy Winter
May 30 - Singaround

June 6 - Pete Morton
June 13 - Roy Wilcock and Bridget Guest
June 20 - Stanley Accrington
June 27 - Gordon Tyrrall

July 4 - Roger Sutcliffe
July 11 - John Kirkpatrick
July 18 - Alchemy
July 25 - Mike Willoughby

August 1, 8, 15 - Singarounds

August 22 - Kevin Loughran
August 29 - Roy Bailey

September 5 - Jon Harvison
September 12 - Barry Smith
September 19 - Singaround
September 26 - Penni McLaren-Walker

October 3 - The Hall Brothers
October 10 - Phil Hare
October 17 - Prism
October 24 - Geoff Higginbottom
October 31 - Joe Stead

November 7 - AGM + Singaround

40th Anniversary Weekend
November 14 - Robb Johnson and Jon Harvison
November 15 N - Bushberry Mountain Daredevils, Roger Sutcliffe, Cyril Tawney, Bernie Parry, Risky Business (at Windsor Baths)
November 16 - Ceilidh (at Windsor Baths)
November 17 - Survivors' Session

November 21 - Singaround
November 28 - Roy Harris

December 5 - Steve Tilston
December 12 - Martin Long
December 19 - Gaelforce
December 26 - Shindig

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Diane Blood wins right to use her dead husband's sperm to produce babies. Hubble space telescope repaired in orbit. The English Patient gets 9 Oscars. Cheddar history teacher found to be related to 9000-yr old Cheddar cave man skeleton. 39 Heaven's Gate cultists commit suicide to join Hale-Bopp. Channel 5 starts up. Tony Blair wins first election. JK Rowling's first Harry Potter book is published. Lady Di killed in car crash. 60 tourists killed at Temple of Hatshepsut. The term "weblog" coined. China takes back Hong Kong.

January 2 Singers and Musicians
January 9 Bev Sanders and Bob Surgeoner
January 16 The Noisy Planet Band
January 23 Tony Wilson
January 30 Singer-Session (in aid of Amnesty International)

February 6 Rare Breed
February 13 Tom McConville
February 20 Singers and Musicians
February 27 Jed Grimes and Stuart Hardy

March 6 Vin Garbutt
March 13 Brian Swinton and Angie Brown
March 20 Wizz Jones
March 27 Alistair Hulett and Dave Swarbrick

April 3 Mark Atherton and John Price
April 10 Roy Wilcock and Bridget Guest
April 17 Anthony John Clarke
April 24 Anne Curran

May 1 Singers and Musicians
May 8 Jeff Warner
May 15 Enda Kenny
May 22 Snakey Jake Johnson
May 29 Roy Bailey

June 5 Kate Rusby
June 12 Elaine Samuels
June 19 Bernie Parry
June 26 Singers and Musicians

July 3 Roger Sutcliffe
July 10 John Kirkpatrick
July 17 Mike Hurst
July 24 Keith Christmas
July 31 Tanglefoot

August 7-21 Singers and Musicians

August 28 Phil Hare

September 4 Pete Castle
September 11 Brian Swinton and Angela Brown
September 18 Risky Business
September 25 Jez Lowe

October 2 Mike Willoughby
October 9 David Fairfax
October 16 Donkey's Breakfast
October 23 Robb Johnson
Sat October 25 Roger Sutcliffe, Sarah Mallinson, Debbie Warren, Joe Stead
October 30 Geoff Higginbottom

November 6 Kevin Loughran
November 13 Singers and Musicians
November 20 LocTup Together
November 27 Joe Stead

December 4 Johnny Handle
December 11 Kieran Halpin
December 18 Tom Napper and guests
December 25 closed

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Cosmologists discover the expansion rate of the universe is increasing. Unabomber pleads guilty. John Glenn becomes oldest man in space (77) on his second flight, 36 years after his first. Lewinsky crisis hits Clinton (or Clinton crisis hits Lewinsky). Viagra gets first approvals. Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland. Geri leaves the Spice Girls. Google founded. Catherine Cookson, Pol Pot and Ted Hughes die. Shakespeare in Love wins Oscar.

January 01 Singers and Musicians
January 08 Gordon Tyrrall
January 15 Singers and Musicians
January 22 Loobie
January 29 Gerry Hallom

February 05 Stanley Accrington
February 12 Fiona-Katie Roberts and Neal Higgins
February 19 Ray Stubbs and his One Man Blues Band
February 26 Singers and Musicians

March 05 Roy Harris
March 12 Banoffi
March 19 Bernie Parry
March 26 Gaelforce

April 02 Graham and Eileen Pratt
April 09 Tony Wilson and Mick Roberts
April 16 Fil Campbell and Tom McFarland
April 23 George Clarke
April 30 Snakey-Jake Johnson

May 07 Tom McConville
May 14 Enda Kenny
May 21 Galliard
May 28 Anthony John Clark

June 04 Risky Business
June 11 Paul Downes
June 18 Steve Tilston
June 25 Colum Sands

July 02 Hall Brothers
July 09 Travelling Charles Fyson
July 16 Roger Sutcliffe
July 23 The Borrowers
July 30 Jane Edwards

August 06 Singers and Musicians
August 13 Roy Bailey
August 20 Singers and Musicians
August 27 Tony Martin

03 September Bruce Baillie and Barry Smith
10 September Jon Harvison and Dave Moss
17 September Tall Stories (Pat Ryan, Ken Howard and Malcolm Gibbons)
24 September Singers and Musicians

01 October Leon Rosselson
08 October Martin Sumpton
15 October Tania Opland and Mike Freeman
22 October LocTup Together
29 October Keith Christmas and Julia Howe

05 November AGM + Singers and Musicians
12 November Oliver Bootle
19 November Alistair Hulett
26 November Robb Johnson

03 December Les Barker
10 December Grace Notes
17 December Ray Stubbs and his One Man Blues Band
24 December CLOSED

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Designated the International Year of Older Persons by the United Nations, and erroneously thought by many to be the last year of the second millennium AD. Y2K problem excited many people. Global population passed 6 billion. King Hussein of Jordan dies. Columbine High School massacre. Oliver Reed dies during making of Gladiator. NATO in Kosovo war. Posh and Becks marry. George Harrison stabbed. Millennium Dome openbed

07 January Geoff Higginbottom
14 January David Fairfax and Esther Priim
21 January WAZ (Martin Allcock, Pete Zorn and Steve Tilston)
28 January Martin Long

04 February Derek Gifford
11 February Singers and Musicians
18 February Whitney Gin
25 February Fos Brothers Duo

04 March Bram Taylor
11 March John Kirkpatrick
18 March Stuart Boyd
25 March Banoffi

01 April Phil Hare
08 April Tony Wilson and Mick Roberts
15 April Singers and Musicians
22 April Sylvia Needham and Pete Norman
29 April Sarah Mallinson and Debbie Warren

06 May Bee Charmers (Charlie Daykin and Rachel Goodwin)
13 May Singers and Musicians
20 May Jez Lowe
27 May Jim Jarratt

03 June Gordon Tyrrall
10 June Singers and Musicians
17 June John Wright Band
24 June Singers and Musicians

01 July Roger Sutcliffe
08 July Kieran Halpin
15 July Hall Brothers
22 July Singers and Musicians
29 July Stanley Accrington

August Singers and Musicians

02 September Singers and Musicians
09 September Roy Bailey
16 September Singers and Musicians
23 September Chris Sherburn and Denny Bartley
30 September Kim Seymour

07 October Robb Johnson
14 October Risky Business
21 October Singers and Musicians
28 October Brian Peters

04 November Ron Angel
11 November AGM plus Singers and Musicians
18 November Singers and Musicians
25 November Leon Rosselson

02 December Jon Harvison
09 December Singers and Musicians
16 December Vin Garbutt
23 December CLOSED

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Y2k bug fails to bite. Harold Shipman sentenced for murder of at least 15 people (possibly 350). Tate Modern opens. Israel leaves Lebanon. Concorde crashes in Paris. Kursk sinks. UK fuel protest blockades take place. Sydeny Olympics. Bush beats Gore in Presidential race after a month of legal wrangling over Florida votes.

06 January Singers and Musicians
13 January Pete Morton
20 January Banoffi
27 January Geoff Higginbottom

03 February Steve Tilston
10 February Davy Jones and Frank Kay
17 February Bernie Parry and Tony Taffinder
24 February Tony Wilson

02 March John Kirkpatrick
09 March John Harvison
16 March Singers and Musicians
23 March Pete Castle
30 March Bill Jones

06 April John Birkby
13 April Singers and Musicians
20 April Phil Hare
27 April Magic (Keith Christmas / Julia Howe)

04 May Singers and Musicians
11 May Alistair Hulett
18 May Through the Hedge Backwards
25 May Singers and Musicians

01 June Colum Sands
08 June Bernard Carney
15 June Joe Stead
22 June Keiran Halpin
29 June Singers and Musicians
30 June Roy Bailey: Songs of Resistance (at New Beehive)

06 July Roger Sutcliffe
13 July Keith Kendrick
20 July Singers and Musicians
27 July Gordon Tyrrall

3,10,17,24,31 August Singers and Musicians

07 September Alien Folklife (Joan Kosby / Paul Mercer)
14 September Singers and Musicians
21 September Tom McConville and Pauline Cato
28 September Lester Simpson

05 October Damien Barber
12 October Cockersdale (Val Marsden / John O'Hagan /Graham Pirt)
19 October Singers and Musicians
26 October Belshazzar's Feast (Paul Sartin / Paul Hutchinson)

02 November Singers and Musicians
09 November Maggie Boyle and Steve Anstee
16 November AGM, then Singers and Musicians
23 November Vin Garbutt
30 November Robb Johnson

07 December Singers and Musicians
14 December Esther's Lost Boys
21 December Christmas Party singers
28 December Singers and Musicians

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First year of the 21st century and the Third Millennium. Foot and mouth hits the UK. Space Station Mir is steered out of orbit and falls into the Pacific after 15 years of service. Milosevic surrenders. Apple's OSX and iPod launched. Douglas Adams dies at 49. Nepalese Crown Prince kills his family and then himself. Blair re-elected. 9/11 airliner attacks on WTC and Pentagon. Enron collapses. Denis Tito becomes first space tourist, blasting off from Baikonur Cosmodrome. The first Harry Potter film is released. It's 33 years since 2001: A Space Odyssey was released.

04 Jan Singers and Musicians
11 Jan Geoff Higginbottom
18 Jan Singers and Musicians
25 Jan Martin Young (was Martin Long)

01 Feb Singers and Musicians
08 Feb Bill Jones
15 Feb Singers and Musicians
22 Feb Solan (Richard Chaff, Frances Wilkins, Chris Henderson)

01 March Singers and Musicians
08 March Steve Tilston
15 March Kenny Spiers
22 March Singers and Musicians
29 March Banoffi

05 April Kellie While
12 April Singers and Musicians
19 April Jon Harvison and Dave Moss
26 April Phil Hare

03 May Leon Rosselson
10 May Whitney Gin
17 May Bernard Carney
24 May Bob Dylan's 60th Birthday tribute
31 May Singers and Musicians

07 June Brian Peters
14 June Charity Singers Night
21 June Kate Howden and Paul Jones
28 June Roger Sutcliffe

05 July Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies
12 July Singers and Musicians
19 July Singers and Musicians
26 July John Birkby

02, 09, 16, 23, 30 August Singers and Musicians

06 September Alistair Hulett
13 September Hamish Currie
20 September Singers and Musicians
27 September Chris Manners

04 October Bernie Parry and Tony Taffinder
11 October Kinin
18 October Singers and Musicians
25 October Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman

01 November Hoover the Dog
08 November Singers and Musicians
15 November Ray Stubbs
22 November AGM and Singers
29 November Alistair Russell

06 December Through the Hedge Backwards
13 December Keith Donnelly
20 December Jim Jarrett
27 December Singers and Musicians

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Euro introduced. US invades Afghanistan. East Timor becomes independent. Rock music party in the Palace for the Queen's Golden Jubilee - will the Topic have something similar for ours? Brazil wins world cup. Bali bombing kills 200. John Thaw, Spike Milligan, the Queen Mother and Chuck (Bugs Bunny) Jones die.

03 January - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Summertime
10 January - Singers and Musicians - Theme: The Sea
17 January - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Murder and Death
24 January - Tom McConville
31 January - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Revenge

07 February - Robb Johnson
14 February - Singers and musicians: Romance, spite, sadness, love
21 February - Mick Ryan and Pete Harris
28 February - Geoff Higginbottom

07 March - Belshazzar's Feast: Paul Sartin and Paul Hutchinson
14 March - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Ireland and Irish songs
21 March - Chris Ellis
28 March - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Original work

04 April - Jon Harvison
11 April - Solan: Chris Henderson, Frances Wilkins and Richard Chaff
18 April - Ken Nicol
25 April - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Traditional songs

02 May - Kenny Speirs and Joe Wright
09 May - Banoffi
16 May - Bernard Carney
23 May - Kate Howden, Paul Jones and Tony Taffington
30 May - Emily and Ben, plus Duncan McFarlane

06 June - Singers and Musicians.
13 June - Damien Barber
20 June - Visit from Friday 13 Folk Club
27 June - Leon Rosselson

04 July - Roger Sutcliffe
11 July - Slide featuring Tom Bliss
18 July - Singers and Musicians: Theme: Travelling
25 July - Hall Brothers

01 August - Singers and Musicians: Theme: Yorkshire
08 August - Stanley Accrington
15 August - Singers and Musicians
22 August - Singers and Musicians
29 August - Singers and Musicians

05 Sept - Roy Clinging
12 Sept - Singers and Musicians
19 Sept - Pete Castle
26 Sept - Kieran Halpin Featured Support: Anne Curran

03 October - Ray Stubbs
10 October - Singers and Musicians: Theme: Work
17 October - Kimber's Men, incl Joe Stead
24 October - Singer and Musicians: Theme: Leisure
31 October - Phil Hare

07 November - Duncan McFarlane with Instruments of Torture
14 November - Singers and Musicians: Theme: War
21 November - Hoover the Dog
28 November - Mark Newman

05 December - Roy Bailey
12 December - John Kirkpatrick Featured support Eddie Lawler
19 December - Banoffi
26 December - CLOSED

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Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates on reentry, killing seven and making the ISS dependent on Russian launchers. Chinese launch first space mission. $100 million of diamons stolen in Belgium. SARS causes a global health alert. Hu Jintao replaces Jiang Zemin as President of China. US-led coalition invades Iraq and topples Saddam Hussein. Human Genome Project completed. David Kelly commits suicide. Mars gets closest to Earth in 60,000 years, Beagle goes but fails to report back. 38.1 deg C highest temp ever recorded in the UK. Schwarzenegger becomes Governator. Concorde retired.

02 January - Instruments of Torture
09 January - Singers and Musicians - Knavery, cheating & cuckoldry
16 January - Robb Johnson
23 January - Risky Business
30 January - Singers and Musicians - Burns Night & Scotland

06 February - Gordon Tyrrall
13 February - Singer and Musicians - no song similar to the one before
20 February - Geoff Higginbottom
27 February - Steve Tilston

06 March - Singers and Musicians - the Sea, Water, Ships .
13 March - Tim Moon
20 March - Jon Harvison
27 March - Singers and Musicians - Ireland and things Irish

03 April - Paul Tiernan
10 April - Vin Garbutt
17 April - Singers and Musicians - Luck, Chance
24 April - Bill Jones and Sarah Wright

01 May - Singers and Musicians - Death and Destruction
08 May - Jezz Lowe and the Bad Pennies
15 May - Singers and Musicians - Travelling, Migration, Homeland
22 May - Maggie Boyle
27 May - Singers and Musicians - War, Politics, Peace, Passion

05 June - Instruments of Torture
12 June - Pete Morton
19 June - The Lost Boys. Featured Support John Waller
26 June - Singers and Musicians: new material..

03 July - Roger Sutcliffe FS Tony Martin and Roger Knowles
10 July - Tony Martin and Roger Knowles
17 July - Tom Napper Tom Bliss FS: Carole Langdale
24 July - Singers and Musicians: Chorus
31 July - Roy Harris 70th Birthday Round

August - Singers and Musicians

04 September - Kate Howden, Paul Jones and Tony Taffinder FS: Gerry Cooper
11 September - Simon Howarth and Andy May FS: Fountainhead
18 September - Karl Dallas FS:KTB
25 September - Singers and Musicians: Drinking Songs

02 October - Kevin Loughran. FS: Ian Hill
09 October - Bridget Guest and Roy Wilcock
16 October - Darren Poyzer FS: Julie Ellison
23 October - Singers and Musicians: Gaping Goose visit
30 October - Tom and Barbara Brown FS Emily and Ben

06 November - Singers and Musicians: Treason, Plot and Revolt
13 November - Steafan Hannigan and Saskia Tomkins FS: Friendly Visit
20 November - The Amazing Mr Smith FS:Wench All
27 November - Emily Weygang and Ben Harker FS Kevin Young
04 December - AGM and Singers' and Musicians' Night
11 December - Kieran Halpin
18 December - The Durbervilles
25 December - closed

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UN's International Year of Rice. Queen Mary 2 launched. Last Lord of the Rings film gets 11 Oscars. Madrid Al-Qaeda bombings kill 200. EU expands to 25 members incl Poland. SpaceShipOne is the first private space mission. Chechnyans take 1300 people hostage at a school. Colossal tsunami in the Indian Ocean kills nearly 300,000. Taipei 101 becomes tallest skyscraper, at 8metres over half a kilometre tall.

01 January - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Old and New
08 January - Barbara Baker Jazz Quintet
15 January - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Distance, Space and Time.
22 January - Derek Gifford Featured support: Robin and Ben
29 January - Singers and Musicians - Scotland/Burns Theme

05 February - Phil Hare Featured Support: Susie Fox
12 February - Grace Notes Featured Support: Dave Speight
19 February - Geoff Higginbottom. Featured Support: Bruce Baillie
26 February - Singers and Musicians - Theme: The Countryside.

04 March - Barry Smith & The Westport Tinkers FS: The Waggoners
11 March - John Conolly Featured Support: Dave Kidman
18 March - Steve and Kristi Nebel Featured Support: Bar the Shouting
25 March - Singers and Musicians - Theme: colours; reds, blues, yellows

01 April - Mundy Turner Featured Support: Ian Hill
08 April - Keith Kendrick Featured Support: Debra Cowan
15 April - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Cheerful, happy, uplifting songs.
22 April - Duncan McFarlane Featured Support: Eddie Lawler
29 April - Roy Bailey Featured Support: Darren Poyzer

06 May - Singers and Musicians - Theme: English Songs
13 May - Tom McConville Featured Support : Tony Taffinder
20 May - Pete Smith and John Buckley
27 May - Kevin Dempsey and Joe Broughton Featured Support : Hannah and Clair

03 June - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Moon, June, Lunes and Tunes
10 June - Jon Harvison. Featurd Support: Karl Dallas
17 June - Wench All. Featured Support: Loose Covers
24 June - Banoffi Featured Support: Tony Morris

01 July - Roger Sutcliffe Featured Support: Ray Padgett
08 July - Touchwood Featured Support: Codarajo
15 July - Hamish Currie Featured Support: Janet Wood
22 July - Stony Featured Support: Karen and Colin Thompson
29 July - First Double Header- Chris Manners and Fountainhead

August - Singers and Musicians

2 September - Gina le Faux Featured Support: Three Score and Ten
9 September - Jed Grimes Featured Support: Adrian Nation
16 September - Ron Trueman Border Featured Support: Paul Pearson
23 September - Singers and Musicians: Theme: Food
30 September - The Lost Boys. Featured Support: Lyn Geddes

07 October - The Queensberry Rules Featured Support: Dominic Collins
14 October - The Hall Brothers Featured Support: Shaun T Hunter
21 October - Singers and Musicians - Theme: Leaving, parting, separation
28 October - Whitney Gin. Featured Support: Anne Curran

4 November - Julie Ellison Featured Support: Lyte Flyte
11 November - Kimber's Men Featured Support: Shady Coves
18 November - AGM and General Singaround
25 November - Darren Poyzer Featured Support: Steve O'Donoghue

02 December - Ruth Price and Sadie Greenwood
09 December - Vin Garbutt
16 December - Scold's Bridle
23 December - The Durbervilles Featured Support: Holbeck Mummers
30 December - Singers and Musicians: Out with the Old

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Another new Tory leader: David Cameron the fifth since 1996. The space shuttle makes one brief return to space. Adriana Iliescu gives birth at 66, the oldest woman to do so. Saddam Hussein goes on trial. Israel leaves Gaza after 38 years. Former PM Hariri assassinated in Beirut and Syrians leave Lebanon after 29 years. Pope dies, new Pope installed. A380 superjumbo makes first test flight. Labour wins 3rd term. Star Wars and Star Trek both do last episodes. Live8 in Hyde Park. London wins 2012 Olympics. July 7 London tube bombs kill 50. England win Ashes for the first time since 1987. Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans. Huge earthquake hits Pakistan, killing 80,000. Buncefield Oil Terminal blows up. Topic leaves The Melborn Hotel after 11 years.

06 January - Singers and Musicians: Theme: (In with) the new: fresh, original songs
13 January - Joe Stead's lecture on Paul Robeson
20 January - Double Header: Dave Speight and Susie Fox
27 January - Tom Napper Tom Bliss Featured Support - Birkenschawe

03 February - Gordon Tyrrall
10 February - Singers and Musicians: Scottish evening
17 February - Dana and Susan Robinson
24 February - Donal O'Connor

03 March - John Wright Band
10 March - Maggie Holland
16 March - Steve Newman and Tony Cox
24 March - Singers and Musicians - Irish and Welsh songs
31 March - Kate Howden and Paul Jones

07 April - Double Header: George Papavgeris and Shaun T Hunter
14 April - Roy Clinging and Neil Brookes
21 April - Singers and Musicians: Theme: English songs
28 April - Phil Hare Featured Support - Ryan McGovern

05 May - Artisan Featured Support - Mark Wilson
12 May - Singers and Musicians: - Things missing, disappointments.
19 May - Lyn Geddes
26 May -Double Header: Tom Bliss and Mark Newman

02 June - Singers and Musicians - Royalty
09 June - Jez Lowe Featured Support - Darren Poyzer
16 June - Soundsphere
23 June - Tom and Barbara Brown
30 June - Double Header: Janet Wood and Friendly Visit

07 July - Roger Sutcliffe
14 July - Singers and Musicians
21 July - Hall Brothers with Hannah + Clair
28 July - Double Header: Bruce Baillie & Tony Taffinder and Karen & Colin Thompson

August - Unthemed Singers and Musicians

01 September - Jeff Warner
08 September - Kirsty McGee and Mat Martin
15 September - Magna Carta Featured Support - Anne Curran
22 September - cloudstreet Featured Support - Tom Napper and Tom Bliss
29 September - Singers and Musicians: Theme: Plants and Growing

06 October - Dave Gibb Featured Support : Sam Dunkley
13 October - Brian Peters
20 October - The Bisserov Sisters
27 October - Winter Wilson Featured Support : David Camlin

03 November - Singers and Musicians - 49-Up/Time
10 November - Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman Featured Support - Gerry Mcneice
17 November - AGM and Singers' Night
24 November - Steve Tilston Featured Support: Bitter Shanty

01 December - Alan Reid and Rob van Sante Featured Support - Alistair Russell
08 December - Duncan McFarlane Acoustic Band
15 December - Double Header: Gerry Cooper and Kevin Loughran
22 December - Singaround, with Three Score and Ten and the Holbeck Moor Mummers
29 December - Singers' and Musicians' night. Last session at the Melborn!

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2006 - 50th Anniversary Year!

Other 50th birthdays celebrated this year are the Hungarian Uprising, the Suez Crisis and the magazine New Scienitst. The Topic starts at new venue, Cock & Bottle. 350 killed in Haj stampede in Mecca. Charles Kennedy resigns as LibDem leader with alcohol problems. Hamas wins Palestine elections. Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit wins an Oscar. Flintoff leads England to first Test victory in India in 21 years. Bird flu arrives in the form of a dead swan in Cellardyke. Israel pummels Lebanon over the summer after a border incident with Hezbollah. North Korea lets off its first nuclear device. The new and successful Bond is Daniel Craig. Russian spy Litvinenko poisoned in London with Polonium-210. Saddam Hussein hanged.

05 January - Singers and Musicians: Theme: Water. And the new venue!
12 January - Westport Featured Support - Scarlet Heights
19 January - Solan Extended Floor Spot - Achord
26 January - Double Header Kath Reade and Richard Heacock and Becky Price

02 February - Tom Napper Tom Bliss Featured Support : Ian Hill
09 February - Singers and Musicians: St Patrick Burns
16 February - William Pint and Felicia Dale Featured Support - Pedigree Chums
23 February - Roy Bailey Featured Support : Simon Alexander

02 March - Anne Lister Featured support: FYRISH
09 March - Stanley Accrington
16 March - Singers and Musicians Optional Theme: Earth
23 March - Judy Cook Featured support: Andy Hill
30 March - Julie Ellison Featured support: Danyluk and Card

06 April - Rodney Cordner and Jean-Pierre Rudolph
13 April - Singers and Musicians Optional Theme: Fire
20 April - Double Header Emily and Ben and Tim Moon
27 April - Steve Ashley

04 May - John Conolly Featured Support: Vince Jerrison & Nickie Willis
11 May - Singers and Musicians Optional Theme: Air
18 May - Bernard Carney Featured Support: Mulberry Blue
25 May - Pete Abbott Featured Support: Bandersnatch

01 June - Pete Smith and John Buckley Featured Support: Sebastian Clark
08 June - Singers and Musicians Optional Theme: Freedom
15 June - CrossCurrent Featured Support: Cive Leyland
17 June - Cock & Bottle Beer and Folkfest Saturday special with Mulberry Blue, Eddie Lawler, Clive Leyland, Emily and Ben, Bruce Baillie, Lyn Geddes, Tony and Rahel, and John Waller
22 June - Robin Laing Featured Support: Rough Pearl
29 June - Roger Sutcliffe

06 July - Alistair Russell and Chris Parkinson Featured Support: Dark Horse - Cameron Edgar (Irish and Scottish pipes) and Mark Mawby (guitar, vocal),
13 July - The Amazing Mr Smith Featured Support: Ed McGurk
20 July - Double Header Robin and Ben and Entropy
27 July - Roger Sutcliffe Featured Support:Molly Bloom

03 August - Singers and Musicians
10 August - Singers and Musicians
17 August - Singers and Musicians
24 August - Singers and Musicians

An autumn season of performances to mark the founding of the Topic in September 1956

31 August - Jim Malcolm Featured Support:Pillowfish

07 September - Paul Downes
14 September - Vin Garbutt
21 September - The Queensberry Rules
28 September - Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen Featured Support: Notts Alliance

05 October - Beck Sian Featured Support: Mulberry Blue
12 October - Double Header David Moss and Gordon Tyrrall
19 October - Phil Hare Featured Support: The Jill Fielding Band
26 October - Eddie WalkerFeatured Support Paul Harrison

02 November - Allan Taylor Featured Support: The Hall Brothers
09 November - Dana and Susan Robinson Featured Support: Debra Cowan
16 November - Julie Felix
23 November - Singers and Musicians
30 November - Wizz Jones Featured Support: Ryan McGovern

07 December - Tom Kitching and Paul Sullivan Featured Support: Pigjig
14 December - Kieran Halpin Featured Support Aidan Jolly
21 December - Scarlet Heights (the Original Duo) Featured Support: The Holbeck Mummers and Three Score and Ten
28 December - Singers and Musicians

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51st year. Bulgaria and Romania join the EEC. South Korea's Ban Ki-moon becomes UN Secretary-General. England surrender the Ashes in a 5-0 whitewash. David Beckham moves to the US for a quarter billion dollars. The rebuilt Wembley is finally opened. Several British TV companies are involved in dodgy phone-in scandals. Hoo-ha over 15 Royal Navy personnel kidnapped by Iran, and the selling of their stories afterwards. Mass shooting kills 33 at Virginia Tech. Ian Paisley and Martin McGuinness sit together in Stormont. Tony Blair hands over to Gordon Brown after 10 years as PM, and immediately the nation is assailed by terrorist attacks in London and Glasgow, floods all over the place and a return of foot and mouth. And England fails to qualify for Euro 2008. Lewis Hamilton has a storming start to his Formula 1 career and fails to win his debut championship by just one point. Alesha Dixon wins Strictly Come Dancing. Benazir Bhutto is assassinated.

04 January - The Durbervilles
11 January - Tom Napper Tom Bliss Featured Support - Gerry McNeice
18 January - Singers and Musicians
25 January - Jez Lowe Featured Support - Liz Ryder

01 February - Double Header Gerry Cooper and Clive Leyland
08 February - Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer Featured Support - Roger Davies
15 February - Pete Morton and Floorspots
22 February - Hall Brothers Featured Support - Dave Haigh

01 March - Singers and Musicians
08 March - Grace Notes
15 March - Double Header Laura Hockenhull and Mulberry Blue
22 March - John Wright
29 March - Mark Newman Featured support - Whitney Gin (Mick Folkard, Tony Suttill, Phil Donely, Chris Folkard)

05 April - Martin Carthy
12 April - Steve Tilston Featured support: Chris and Siobhan Nelson
19 April - Singers and Musicians
26 April - Anthony John Clarke Featured support - Sam Hird

03 May - Tom McConville and Dave Wood Featured Support - Simon Alexander
10 May - Double Header Bandersnatch and Lyn Geddes
17 May - Sketch
24 May - Singers and Musicians
31 May - George Papavgeris Featured support - Katriona Gilmore and Jamie Roberts

07 June - Julie Ellison Featured Support - Ryan McGovern
14 June - Pete Abbott Featured support - Elbow Jane
21 June - Singers and Musicians
28 June - Duncan McFarlane Acoustic Band Featured support - Bruce Baillie

05 July - Roger Sutcliffe
12 July - Double Header FYRISH and Liz Ryder
19 July - Invited Singers Night Local perfomers Rahel Guzelian, Tony Levy, Ceri Mai Pedrick, Simon Alexander, Dave Kidman and John Waller.
26 July - Robb Johnson Featured Support - YLEM

02 August - Singers and Musicians
09 August - Singers and Musicians
16 August - Singers and Musicians
23 August - Singers and Musicians
30 August - Singers and Musicians

06 September - Roy Bailey
13 September - cloudstreet Featured Support - John Burge
20 September - Laura Hockenhull Featured Support - Dark Horse - Rachael Sutcliffe (harp and vocals ), Cameron Edgar (Irish and Scottish pipes), with Russell Jalland (percussion) and Mark Mawby (guitar, vocal),
27 September - Singers and Musicians

04 October - The Music of The Carter Family
11 October - Hoover the Dog Featured Support - Heather Dale
18 October - Double Header Rosie Clegg and Roger Davis
25 October - Bob Fox

01 November - Clive Gregson Featured Support - Ceri Mai Pedrick
08 November - Julie Felix
15 November - Sara Grey and Kieron Means Featured Support - Michael Rossiter
22 November - Allan Taylor
29 November - Double Header Bitter Shanty and Tony Taffinder and Mark Mawby

06 December - Phil Hare Featured Support - Allen Smith
13 December - Singers and Musicians
20 December - Scarlet Heights Featured Support - Holbeck Mummers
27 December - Singers and Musicians

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Violence and ethnic tension in Kenya kick off the year after apparently rigged elections. The Topic moves to the Bradford Irish Club. Worst snowstorms in China in 50 years. In Cuba, Castro stands down in favour of his brother. Zimbabwe in crisis, including a rigged election. The Beijing Olympic flame's tour of cities around the world is met with protests about Tibet. House prices finally start to fall in the UK. Boris Johnson becomes Mayor of London, ousting Ken Livingstone after 8 years. Huge cyclone hits Burma, killing more than 100,000 people. Arthur C Clarke dies. 42-year old Austrian woman freed after 24 years locked in her basement by her father. Huge earthquake hits China, killing tens of thousands. UK wins 47 medals at the Beijing Olympics, including 19 gold. Russia and Georgia have a small war that presages a new Cold War. Worldwide credit crunch, bank collapses and rising food prices presages recession, depression and the collapse of civilisation and the deaths of billions. China launches a 3-man space mission and undertakes its first spacewalk. Lewis Hamilton becomes the youngest-ever Formula 1 champion. Barack Obama is elected US President. Woolworths goes bust. Sir Chris Hoy is BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

03 January - Singers and Musicians
10 January - Kimber's Men Featured Support - Voicemale
17 January - Double Header Dark Horse - (Rachael Sutcliffe (harp and vocals ), Cameron Edgar (Irish and Scottish pipes) and Mark Mawby (guitar, vocal), and Chris Milner
24 January - David Moss and Masha Kaestner Featured Support - Otra
31 January - Elbow Jane

07 February - Singers and Musicians
14 February - Jon Harvison Featured Support - Geoff Watson
21 February - Double Header Gareth Davies-Jones and Katriona & Jamie Roberts
28 February - Emily Smith with Jamie McClennan Featured Support - John Parkes

06 March - Singers and Musicians
13 March - Jackie Oates
20 March - Double Header Pillowfish and YLEM
27 March - Ceri Rhys Matthews and Christine Cooper

03 April - Singers and Musicians
10 April - Debra Cowan and Pete Smith Featured support: Peter & Barbara Snape
17 April - Bernard Carney Featured support: Troy Faid
24 April - Double Header Danyluk and Card and Chris and Siobhan Nelson

01 May - Tom Bliss
08 May - Fil Campbell
15 May - Cockersdale Featured Support - Desi Friel
22 May - Ember (Emily Williams and Rebecca Sullivan) Featured Support - The Tuppenny Ceilidh Band
29 May - Double Header Pamela Ward and Paul Cherrington and Kate Bramley

05 June - Singers and Musicians
12 June - Soundsphere
19 June - John Conolly
26 June - Singers and Musicians

03 July - Roger Sutcliffe
10 July - Ruth Notman
17 July - Hall Brothers + John Carey
24 July - Triple Whammy: Ed McGurk, Mixing Up The Medicine, and Paul Wrigley & Sue Burgess
31 July - Eddy O'Dwyer with special guest Tony Levy

07 August - Singers and Musicians
14 August - Singers and Musicians
21 August - Singers and Musicians
28 August - Singers and Musicians

04 September - Roger Davies
11 September - Bandersnatch Featured Support - John Hepworth
18 September - Singers and Musicians
25 September - Double Header Notts Alliance and YLEM

02 October - Singers and Musicians
09 October - The Amazing Mr Smith
16 October - Kirsty McGee and Mat Martin
23 October - Singers and Musicians
30 October - Bryony

06 November - Celtish
13 November - Mark Newman Featured Support - Lazy Dazy
20 November - Fiona Katie Roberts Featured Support - Traditional Echoes
27 November - Tich Frier

04 December - Singers and Musicians
11 December - Tom Bliss
17 December - Scarlet Heights Featured Support - Holbeck Mummers NB we know 17th was a Wednesday
25 December - Closed! for the first club night since 2003

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Israel-Gaza war over the new year. Matt Smith announced as new Doctor Who. 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11. Airbus ditches in Hudson River with no deaths among the 155 on board. Biggest snowfall in the UK for 18 (or in the South West, 30) years. JG Ballard dies, as do Clement Freud, Bill Frindall, John Mortimer, Keith Floyd, Tony Hart, Norman Painting (Phil Archer), Patrick McGoohan, Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and long-time colour cameraman Jack Cardiff (A Matter of Life and Death, Black Narcissus, The African Queen, The Vikings, Death on the Nile and Rambo: First Blood Part II). Slumdog Millionaire wins 8 Oscars. Big earthquake in Italy. Piracy off the Somali coast gets more headlines. Swine Flu pandemic kills more than 14,000 around the globe, though it is less deadly than originally feared. Expenses row dogs some MPs. Jenson Button becomes Formula 1 World Champion. Mass protests in Tehran follow a disputed presidential election. The deaths of Bill Stone, Henry Allingham and Harry Patch during 2009 means that this November 11th - 91 years after the First World War ended - was the first Armistice Day with no soldier, sailor or airman of the millions in the The Great War left alive to bear witness. Big climate change conference in Copenhagen doesn't go very well.

01 January - Closed
08 January - David Ferrard
15 January - Double Header Wendy Arrowsmith and Berkana
22 January - Pete Morton
29 January - Flossie Malavialle

05 February - Singers and Musicians
12 February - Janet Russell
19 February - Landermason
26 February - Stanley Accrington

05 March - Singers and Musicians
12 March - Gina le Faux
19 March - Irish Night with Phoenix
26 March - Bernie Parry

02 April - Singers and Musicians Featuring John Waller and his Tapestry CD
09 April - Marie Little
16 April - Double Header Acoustica and Gerry McNeice
23 April - Rosie Doonan
30 April - The Durbervilles

07 May - Singers and Musicians
14 May - Kieran Halpin
21May - FYRISH
28 May - Steve Turner

04 June - Singers and Musicians
11 June - Gareth Davies-Jones
18 June - Kimber's Men
25 June - Double Header Amy Atkinson & Midnight Special and Ian McKone

02July - Roger Sutcliffe
09 July - Vin Garbutt
16 July - Double Header Anna Shannon and Jon Brindley
23 July - Double Header Andy Hill and Five and Dimers
30 July - Robb Johnson

06 August - Singers and Musicians
13 August - Singers and Musicians
20 August - Singers and Musicians
27 August - Singers and Musicians

03 September - Jez Lowe
10 September - Double Header Andi Neate and Ewan McLennan
17 September - Dana and Susan Robinson
24 September - Singers and Musicians

01 October - Martin Wyndham-Read
08 October - Cathryn Craig & Brian Willoughby
15 October - Rag Mama Rag
22 October - Duncan McFarlane
29 October - Queensberry Rules

05 November - Singers and Musicians plus Raise Your Banners Songwriting final
12 November - Marian Bradfield
19 November - Broom Bezzums
26 November - Singers and Musicians

03 December - Gwyneth Keen and Scarlett Bazaar
10 December - George Papavgeris
16 December - Scarlet Heights plus Holbeck Mummers NB we know the 16th was a Wednesday
24 December - Singers and Musicians
31 December - Closed

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January has temps down to -22degC in some parts of Britain. Huge earthquake in Haiti, and an even huger one in Chile. Amy Williams wins GB skeleton bob Olympic gold. Ash cloud from an Icelandic volcano disrupts European air traffic. General Election in the UK results in a Con-Lib coalition, the first peacetime coalition in 70 years, with David Cameron as Prime Minister - and £83 billion in cuts. Massive oil spill from BP drill rig in Gulf of Mexico. The Glastonbury Festival is 40, with temps 50degCs higher than six months ago... World Cup football in South Africa, England were bundled out of it 1-4 to Germany, then fail to win bid to host 2018 event. 25th anniversary of Live Aid. Pope visits Britain. Ed Miliband beats brother David to be new Labour leader. Los 33 miners rescued after 69 days stuck 2000 feet underground in Chile. Sebastian Vettel is the youngest ever Formula 1 world champion. North Korea tries to start WW3. WikiLeaks releases hundreds of thousands of secret US military and diplomatic messages. Rare Topic Gig cancellation! 3 December 2010's performance by Bowie, Bliss and Cockerham off owing to heavy snow. Students protest fees going to £9000 a year.

07 January - Singers and Musicians
14 January - Double Header Paula Ryan and Sarah Dean
21 January - Brian Peters
28 January - Fiona-Katie Roberts

04 February - Singers and Musicians
11 February - Ray Hearne
18 February - Tom Leary & PJ Wright
25 February - Zoox - Linda Game, Jo May and Becky Menday

04 March - Anthony John Clarke
11 March - LightGarden - David Moss and Masha Kaestner
18 March - Singers and Musicians (Irish theme for St Patrick's)
25 March - Tattie Jam

01 April - Steve Ashley
08 April - Wendy Arrowsmith
15 April - Singers and Musicians
22 April - Mark Newman
29 April - Katriona Gilmore and Jamie Roberts

06 May - Singers and Musicians
13 May - John Kirkpatrick
20 May - Grace Notes - Maggie Boyle, Lynda Hardcastle, Helen Hockenhull
27 May - Double Header Eddie Lawler and Pamela Wyn Shannon

03 June - Rubus - Emily Portman, David Newey and Christi Andropolis
10 June - Mela Matik Singers and Musicians
17 June - Ewan McLennan
24 June - Larry Hanks

01 July - Roger Sutcliffe
08 July - Singers and Musicians
15 July - Double header James Bar Bowen and Zoe Mulford
22 July - Pat Sherry & Stuart Douglas
29 July - Robb Johnson

05 August - Singers and Musicians
12 August - Singers and Musicians
19 August - Singers and Musicians
26 August - Singers and Musicians

02 September - Steve Tilston
09 September - Singers and Musicians
16 September - Edwina Hayes
23 September - Sarah McQuaid
30 September - John Tams & Barry Coope

07 October - Tich Frier
14 October - Singers and Musicians
21 October - Suntrap - Sara Byers, Elisa Bergersen, Paul Hoad, Mary Wilson
28 October - Lynne Heraud and Pat Turner

04 November - Singers and Musicians
11 November - Winter Wilson
18 November - Hall Brothers and John Carey with Michelle Plum
25 November - Singers and Musicians

02 December - Bowie, Bliss & Cockerham booked but gig was cancelled due to snow
09 December - Kieran Halpin
16 December - Roger Davies
23 December - Singers and Musicians
30 December - Singers and Musicians

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Small earthquake in Yorkshire, epicentre near Ripon. Bert Jansch dies - he was at the Topic in 1965. Old Topic minute and treasurers' books turn up, and Trevor Charnock fills in missing details of acts hosted by us from 1960 to 1970. Sudan splits. Massive La Nina floods in Australia and Brazil. Popular uprising in Tunisia. Popular uprising in Egypt, internet cut off, President Mubarak ejected. Massive earthquake and tsunami hits Japan and kills 20,000. Popular uprising in Libya leads to Western military intervention and death of Gaddafi. Popular uprising in Syria leads to suppression. US Special Forces kill Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad. Queen visits Ireland - first monarch in 100 years. William and Kate get married. Obama makes state visit to Britain. In one week in July, the eighth and last Harry Potter film is released, ten years after the first; the last ever Space Shuttle is launched, 30 years after the first; and the News Of The World comes to a sudden final issue 167 years after the first, victim of its phone-hacking culture. Eurozone crisis, esp in Greece. Occupy Wall Street protests all over the West. Kim dies in North Korea.

06 January - Singers and Musicians
13 January - Double Header Luke Hirst and Kath Reade
20 January - Gerry McNeice & Niamh Boadle
27 January - Plum Hall Reg Meuross had to cancel owing to family illness

03 February - Singers and Musicians
10 February - Tom Kitching and Gren Bartley
17 February - Dave Swarbrick - 45 years after his first appearance here
24 February - Lester Simpson

03 March - Singers and Musicians
10 March - Jez Lowe - legend from the North East
16 March - St Patrick's Special - A Wednesday event
24 March - Lucy Ward - eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary folk songs from Derby
31 March - Darren Poyzer & friends - singer-songwriter and friends

07 April - Singers and Musicians
14 April - Tom Bliss and Phil Wilcox
21 April - Jinski - acoustic guitar duo Steve Wegrzynski, (songwriter) and Dave Kennedy
28 April - Jason McNiff

05 May - Singers and Musicians
12 May - Brother Crow - acoustic duo from Weardale, Andrew Davison (guitar and bouzouki) and Graeme Carroll (mandolin).
19 May - The Hut People - duo playing tunes from around the world, Sam Pirt (accordion) and Gary Hammond (percussion)
26 May - Rodney Branigan - blends rock, folk, flamenco, madrigal, classical, bluegrass and jazz

02 June - Singers and Musicians -
09 June - GU4 - four part a cappella harmony group based in Leicestershire
16 June - Andi Neate - Scottish singer-songwriter from a west coast island
23 June - Rebekah Findlay - singer and multi-instrumentalist based in North Yorkshire
30 June - Roger Sucliffe - hardy perennial blues man and former Topic resident

07 July - Singers and Musicians
14 July - Robb Johnson / plumhall - combining protest and chanson
21 July - Double Header Jon Harvison and Phil Cockerham - two local songwriters
28 July - Gareth Davies-Jones - performer, activist and campaigner originally from County Down

August - Singers and Musicians

01 September - Double Header Jason Johnson and Garron Frith - two Manchester songwriters
08 September - Walsh & Pound - harmonica/banjo duo
15 September - Tom & Barbara Brown - married duo singing together since 1970
22 September - Gerry Cooper & Phil Snell
29 September - Reg Meuross

06 October - Singers and Musicians
13 October - Richard Grainger and Chris Parkinson
20 October - Paul Handyside
27 October - Christi Andropolis & Matt Price

03 November - Faerd, Dørge, Becker & Hjetland
10 November - Singers and Musicians
17 November - Benny Graham Featured Support: VoiceMale
24 November - Martin Carthy Raise Your Banners night special

01 December - Singers' and Musicians' night
08 December - Miranda Sykes and Rex Preston
15 December - Pat Sherry and Stuart Douglas
22 December - Singers' and Musicians' night
29 December - Singers' and Musicians' night

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Encyclopaedia Britannica discontinues its print edition after 244 years, as does Newsweek magazine after 80. Last solar Transit of Venus until 2117. Whitney Houston, Donna Summer and Davy Jones die. Also guitarist Bert Weedon, author of Play In A Day; Levon Helm, of The Band; Deep Purple's Jon Lord and Bee Gee Robin Gibb. And Max Bygraves. Outside music, Clive Dunn, Larry Hagman, Neil Armstrong, Vidal Sassoon and Bernard Lovell die. The 100th anniversaries of the death of Scott of the Antarctic (March), and the sinking of the Titanic (April). Titanic film-maker James Cameron makes it to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest solo descent. Felix Baumgartner jumps from a record 24 miles high and is the first person to go supersonic by by himself. The Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Wettest April and wettest June in the UK for 100 years. Andy Murray is the first British male to reach a Wimbledon singles final in 74 years, then wins the US Open. 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London go very well. Bradley Wiggins wins Tour de France. Europe nicks Ryder Cup. Jimmy Savile posthumously exposed as a serial paedophile. Higgs boson discovered, and some wacky exoplanets. Enormous Frankenstormsurge called Sandy floods New York. ("IT'S GLOBAL WARMING, STUPID" is Bloomberg Businessweek's headline). Obama re-elected President of the US.

05 January - Singers and Musicians
12 January - The Sail Pattern
19 January - Dave Vermond
26 January - Pilgrim's Way - Edwin Beasant, Lucy Wright and Tom Kitching

02 February - Singers and Musicians
09 February - The Durbervilles - Lee Walsh, Mark Boyce, David P. Crickmore, Gus Taylor and Ruth Wilde
16 February - Pete Morton
23 February - O'Hooley & Tidow

01 March - Singers and Musicians
08 March - Jon Palmer Acoustic Band - Jon with Ricky Silvers, Matt Nelson, Bernie Gilmour, Nick Settle and Tom Cassidy
15 March - St Patrick's - Open Mic Night
22 March - Stanley Accrington
29 March - Caffrey/McGurk

05 April - Singers and Musicians
12 April - Vicki Swann and Jonny Dyer
19 April - Greg Russell and Ciaran Algar
26 April - Marie Little

03 May - Singers and Musicians
10 May - Leon Rosselson
17 May - Dave Ellis & Boo Howard
24 May - Katriona Gilmore and Jamie Roberts
31 May - Joseph Topping

07 June - Singers and Musicians
14 June - Paula Ryan
21 June - Brian Peters
28 June - Martin Wyndham-Read

05 July - Singers and Musicians
12 July - Roger Sutcliffe and Liz Ryder
19 July - David Newey and Shona Kipling
26 July - Robb Johnson

02 August - Singers and Musicians
09 August - Singers and Musicians
16 August - Singers and Musicians
23 August - Singers and Musicians
30 August - Singers and Musicians (Dana and Susan Robinson were booked but had to cancel as Dana broke his wrist)

06 September - Roger Davies
13 September - Jaywalkers - Mike Giverin (mandolin, guitar, harmony vocals); Jay Bradberry (fiddle, guitar,lead vocals); Lucy Williams (bass, harmony vocals)
20 September - Anna Elias and The Forlorn Hope: Harvey Elias (guitars and backing vocals), Colin Dunkley (cello) and Matt Wendels (guitars)
27 September - Gren Bartley

04 October - Singers and Musicians
11 October - David Gibb & Elly Lucas
18 October - Fiona Katie Roberts and Eddie Lawler
25 October - Alistair Russell

01 November - Singers & Musicians Special tribute night for club founder Alex Eaton
08 November - Soundsphere - Paula Ryan, Judith Simpson, Sarah Dean, Angela Michel, based in York
15 November - Roger Wilson
22 November - Steve Tilston
29 November - Gerry McNeice Band

06 December - Singers & Musicians
13 December - Emily Weygang and Ben Harker
20 December - Pat Sherry & Stuart Douglas
27 December - Festive Singers and Musicians

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First known fatal helicopter crash in London. Pope Benedict XVI resigns - the first pope to do so in 598 years (which is more than 10 times the lifespan of The Topic) - and Francis I takes over. In February a 7,000 tonne meteor arrives over Russia at 40,000 mph, exploding several miles in the air with the force of 30 Hiroshima-level atom bombs. Richard III (the 15thC king) confirmed found buried in a Leicester car park. Horsemeat-in-beef-products scandal alarms Europe. Nelson Mandela dies. And Richard Briers, Margaret Thatcher, Ray Harryhausen, Alan Whicker, Mick Aston, David Frost, Louis Killen, Lou Reed, Ronnie Biggs, Peter O'Toole and Mel Smith all die. Iain Banks pre-announces his own death, then marries his future widow (as he put it). Alex Ferguson retires as Man United manager after 26 years; David Beckham also retires. Riots in Turkey and Brazil. Same-sex marriage becomes law in England and Wales. Syria civil war worsens, with chemical weapons. Andy Murray wins Wimbledon. Edward Snowden releases tons of information about the extent to which the NSA and GCHQ monitors everyone and reduces online security for everyone by deliberate borking privacy controls. India launches probe to Mars. Comet ISON breaks up going round the sun.

03 January - Singers and Musicians
10 January - Bella Gaffney
17 January - Will Kaufman's presentation on Woody Guthrie - Hard Times and Hard Travelin'
24 January - Steve Hicks & Lynn Goulbourn
31 January - Wendy Arrowsmith

07 February - Singers and Musicians
14 February - Plumhall - Michelle Plum and Nick Hall
21 February - Lousie Jordan
28 February - Jez Lowe

07 March - Singers and Musicians
14 March - Ray Hearne
21 March - Michael J. Tinker
28 March - Gavin Davenport & Tom Kitching

04 April - Singers and Musicians
11 April - Winter Wilson - Dave Wilson and Kip Winter
18 April - Miriam Backhouse-Evans
25 April - Duncan McFarlane with Anne Brivonese

02 May - Singers and Musicians
09 May - Kyle Carey with Josienne Clarke and Ben Walker
16 May - Steve and Ruth Smith with Nancy Schneeloch
23 May - Reg Meuross
30 May - James Hickman and Dan Cassidy

06 June - Singers & Musicians
13 June - Bob Fox
15 June - Special Saturday Event: Singing Workshop & Soundsphere (Bradford Fringe Festival, 10th-16th June)
20 June - The Hut People - Sam Pirt (accordion) and Gary Hammond (percussion)
27 June - Andy Hill

04 July - Roger Sutcliffe
11 July - Singers and Musicians
18 July - Paul Metsers
25 July - Greg Russell and Ciaran Algar

01 August - Singers and Musicians
08 August - Singers and Musicians
15 August - Singers and Musicians
17&18 Aug - Shuttle Shuffle Arts & Music Festival - featuring many Topic regulars playing in a dedicated Topic room
22 August - Singers and Musicians
29 August - Singers and Musicians

05 Sept - The Durbervilles - Lee Walsh, Mark Boyce, David P. Crickmore, Gus Taylor and Ruth Wilde
12 Sept - Landermason - Paul Mason and Fiona Lander from Northumberland
19 Sept - Prelude- Brian and Irene Hume and Ian Vardy
26 Sept - Jon Loomes and Tom Kitching

03 October - Colum Sands
10 October - Singers and Musicians
17 October - Cathryn Craig and Brian Willoughby
24 October - The Hometowners - Kevin Clarke, Pete McMillan and Mick Collins
31 October - Lynne Heraud and Pat Turner

07 November - Singers and Musicians
14 November - Bill Adair
21 November - Dana and Susan Robinson
28 November - Children in Need Night

05 December - Singers and Musicians
12 December - Hadrian's Union - Stew Simpson (vocals/guitar) and Danny Hart (fiddle, mandolin and guitar)
19 December - Pat Sherry and Stuart Douglas - Last night Topic is at the Irish Club.
26 December - Closed

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Topic moves to Glyde House. Syria going from bad to worse. Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia - Russians lead medal table, Brits get four. Political upheaval in Kiev leads to Russian annexation of the Crimea. One Malaysia Airlines 777 goes missing over Indian Ocean in strange circumstances - hijack, accident, suicide, aliens? A second Malaysia 777 is shot down by Russian separatists in Ukraine. And at the end of the year, an Air Asia plane, also Malaysian plane is lost. Peter Capaldi is the new Doctor Who. Pete Seeger, Tony Benn, Sue Townsend, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rik Mayall, Peaches Geldof, Shirley Temple, Joan Rivers, Mickey Rooney, Lauren Bacall, Richard Attenborough and Robin Williams all die. South Korean ferry sinks, killing hundreds of schoolchildren. 200+ Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram. World Cup in Brazil, and the hosts beaten 7-1 by Germany in the semi-finals, who then win the final over Argentina 1-0. Islamic State declares Caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria. Scotland votes 55-45 against independence. Ebola in West Africa spreads. European Space Agency lands probe on comet for the first time.

02 January - Singers and Musicians
09 January - Roger Davies
16 January - Sail Pattern - Joe Alderson, Alex Haydock, James Bentham and Bob Alderson
23 January - Becky Mills
30 January - Sunjay Brayne

06 February - Singers and Musicians
13 February - Tom McConville
20 February - Phil Cockerham Trio with Dave Bowie and Dickie Dixon
27 February - Union Jill - Helen Turner and Sharon Winfield

06 March - Singers and Musicians
13 March - Gloria Jeffries
20 March - Gareth Davies-Jones with Calum Stewart
27 March - Pete Castle

03 April - Singers and Musicians
10 April - Stan Graham
17 April - Barluath - from Scotland: Ainsley V. Hamill, Alistair Iain Patterson, Colin Greeves, Edward Seaman, Eilidh Firth
24 April - Pete Morton

01 May - Singers and Musicians
08 May - Double Header: Strid (Jennie Kif and Simon Allan) and Keystone Acoustic (Peter and Pam Stone)
15 May - Kate Denny
22 May - The Young'uns - Sean Cooney, David Eagle and Michael Hughes from Teesside
29 May - Luke Hirst with support from Black Horse Fairy

05 June - Singers and Musicians
12 June - Alan Reid and Rob van Sante
19 June - Desi Friel and Musaic (Lynn Holt (flute & whistles), Paul Cunningham (guitar & vocals), Sam Cheshire (keys) and Ben Jones (percussion)
26 June - Roger Sutcliffe

03 July - Singers and Musicians
10 July - Dave Ellis and Boo Howard
17 July - Bella Gaffney with support from Dariush Kanani
24 July - Plumhall - Nick Hall and Michelle Plum
31 July - Robb Johnson

07 August - Singers and Musicians
14 August - Singers and Musicians
21 August - Singers and Musicians
28 August - Singers and Musicians

04 September - Kath Reade
11 September - Ribbon Road - Brenda Heslop, vocals/guitar; Jill Heslop, vocals/keyboards; Geoff Heslop, vocals/guitar
18 September - Bob Wood
25 September - James Findlay

02 October - Singers and Musicians
09 October - Bright Season - singer and guitarist Michael J Tinker, fiddle-player Ella Sprung and accordionist Simon Dumpleton
16 October - Roisin Ban - Chris Dyson, Paddy Heffron, Steve Lacey, Tom Leedale and Mark Flett
23 October - Haddo - husband and wife team Will and Nicky Pound
30 October - Luke Jackson

06 November - Singers and Musicians
13 November - Beck Siàn & Jonathan Kershaw
20 November - Ewan McLennan
27 November - Hall Brothers - Nick and Duncan Hall with John Carey

04 December - Club AGM & Singers and Musicians
11 December - Magical Christmas Tree Tour - Pete Morton, Emily Sanders (ex Isambarde), Chris Parkinson
17 December - Pat Sherry & Stuart Douglas
25 December - Closed!

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Terror attack in Paris on satirical mag Charlie Hebdo, killing 12, with backup killings of a policewoman and kosher supermarket customers by an associate. Huge protests in response. Possible cease fire in the Ukraine. Spock actor Leonard Nimoy dies, and so does Discworld creator Sir pTerry - Terry Pratchett. Also Ron Moody and Christopher Lee. And Lemmy. Almost total solar eclipse in almost all the UK in March (and totally total in a bit of it).Germanwings airliner deliberately crashed into French mountain by co-pilot. Hundreds of refugee migrants drown in the Mediterranean. Massive earthquake in Nepal kills 10,000. Large numbers of FIFA high-ups arrested by the FBI; Sepp Blatter by the Swiss. Murderous ISIS attack on tourists in Tunisia, 38 dead. Big mostly-Syrian refugee crisis develops over the summer across the Middle East and Europe, given extra impetus by affecting photos of a drowned 3-year-old boy on a beach in Turkey. Pope goes to America. Jeremy Corbyn becomes surprise Labour leader. Russia joins in bombing Syria. Autumn sees more ISIS: the bombing of a Russian tourist airliner in Sinai, killing 224, and the shooting of 129 gig-goers and bar punters in Paris. UK Parliament votes to extend bombing to Syria. First official (ie UK Govt-funded) British astronaut Tim Peake blasts off to the ISS

01 January - Closed
08 January - Nick and Sarah Smout
15 January - Beggar's Bridge - Alan Catton, Mark Pollard, Martin Hainstock, Sam Martyn, Dave Watts, Dave 'Spud' Jordan
22 January - Jack Blackman
29 January - Sam Barrett

05 February - Singers and Musicians
12 February - Jinski - Dave Kennedy and Steve Wegrzynski
19 February - Gerry McNeice Band - Gerry McNeice, Liam McNeice, Hannah Walker, Chris Bunyan, Dave Turner
26 February - Broom Bezzums - Mark Bloomer & Andrew Cadie

05 March - Singers and Musicians
12 March - Rod Clements
19 March - Jon Palmer Acoustic Band - Jon Palmer, vocals and guitar; NMick Settle, guitar and vocals Chris Bunyan, drums and vocals; Rik Silvers, double bass and vocals; Matt Nelson - mando and vocals Wendy Ross, violin and vocals
26 March - Keith Kendrick and Sylvia Needham

02 April - Singers and Musicians
09 April - Kieran Halpin
16 April - Sarah Horn and James Cudworth
23 April - Jaywalkers - Jay Bradberry and Mike Giverin)
30 April - Dave Vermond

07 May - Singers and Musicians
14 May - Sarah McQuaid
21 May - Morfran Heights - Martin Francis and Paul Morris
28 May - Stuart Douglas

04 June - Singers and Musicians
11 June - Wendy Arrowsmith
18 June - Richard Grainger and Chris Parkinson
25 June - Singers and Musicians

02 July - Roger Sutcliffe
09 July - Greg Russell & Ciaran Algar
16 July - Fake Thackray (aka John Watterson)
23 July - Harp and a Monkey - Martin Purdy (vocals, glockenspiel, accordion, harmonica and keyboards), Simon Jones (harp, guitar, viola) and Andy Smith (banjo, melodica, guitar and programming)
30 July - Jacquelyn Hynes Trio

06 August - Singers and Musicians
13 August - Singers and Musicians
20 August - Singers and Musicians
27 August - Singers and Musicians

03 September - Damien Barber & Mike Wilson
10 September - Roger Davies
17 September - Becky Mills
24 September - Jez Lowe

01 October - Singers and Musicians
08 October - The Durbervilles - Lee Walsh - vocals, 12 string guitar, mandolin, bouzouki, mouth organ; Mark Boyce - drums, vocals; David P Crickmore - lead guitar, mandola, banjo, slide guitars, backing vocals; Gus Taylor - accordion, vocals; Ruth Wilde - double bass
15 October - Double Header: Nick Hall and Black Horse Fairy
22 October - James Hickman and Dan Cassidy
29 October - Rebekah Findlay

05 November - Singers and Musicians
12 November - Thomas McCarthy
19 November - Fil Campbell & Tom McFarland
26 November - Union Jill

03 December - Singers and Musicians and the AGM
10 December - Luc McNally with Eddie Seaman Support: Tim Moon
16 December - Christmas Party
24 December - Closed
31 December - Closed

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Tim Peake makes first UK spacewalk. Einstein's gravity waves discovered in February. Loads of celebrity deaths this year, many of them super-famous during TV's hey-day, the 1970s: David Bowie, Robbie Corbett, Alan Rickman, Terry Wogan, Victoria Wood and Prince. Also George Martin, 5th Beatle. And Glen Frey of The Eagles. Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane. Muhammad Ali. Leon Russell. Leonard Cohen. Rick Parfitt of Status Quo. George Michael of Wham. Carrie Fisher off of Star Wars, and then her mother Debbie Reynolds of Singin' In The Rain a day later. Richard Adams of Watership Down. Birstall MP Jo Cox is shot and stabbed to death in her Yorkshire constituency. Referendum vote for whether the UK Brexits from or Bremains within the EU doesn't really grip the nation - until the 52-48 result in favour of exit, and things get confusing and heated. Cameron resigns, Theresa May forms new government. £18bn+ Hinkley Point C is delayed, then approved. Also Heathrow third runway, after 40 years of discussion, is approved. Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton to be 45th US President. Fidel Castro dies. And John Glenn dies, the first American in orbit, and later, at 77, the oldest person in space. The ancient city of Aleppo falls to Syrian regime forces and their Russian and Iranian allies.

07 January - Singers and Musicians
14 January - Louise Jordan
21 January - Gerry Cooper & Phil Snell
28 January - Geoff Lakeman

04 February - Singers and Musicians
11 February - Niamh Boadle Support: Yan Tan Tether from Otley: Tess Leslie, Lynne O'Malley and Rosie Knighton
18 February - Phil Langran Band: Phil (vocals and acoustic guitar), Steve Benford (acoustic guitar, banjo, vocals), Mark Walker (bass, vocals), Frank McCarthy (electric guitar, vocals) and Alistair (fiddle)
25 February - Joe Solo with Rebekah Findlay

03 March - Singers and Musicians
10 March - Simon Kempston Featured support: Lowri Evans
17 March - John Conolly
24 March - Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne Jack Harris had to cancel with little more than 24 hours notice due to flu. Actually, American singer-songwriter Steve Dan Mills was originally originally booked, but had to pull out. Is this double-cancellation a record?
31 March - Ninebarrow : Jon Whitley and Jay LaBouchardiere

07 April - Singers and Musicians
14 April - Red Hippo: Peadar Long (Kitsyke Will, Celestial Echoes), Daz Jones (The Real Macaws, Skavolution, The Skiband), Simon Chantler (Whisky Priests, Shinjig, A Rookery)
Featured Support: Rum Doodle: Martin Brennan (vocals, guitar) and BB Tim (guitar)
21 April - Lyn Heraud & Pat Turner
28 April - Caffrey McGurk Madge: Ed McGurk, Nick Caffrey and Robin Madge

05 May - Singers and Musicians
12 May - Colum Sands
19 May - Landermason: Fiona Lander (vocals, piano, whistles, saxes, clarinet and recorder) and Paul Mason (guitars and vocals)
26 May - Ewan McLennan Featured support: Sam Martyn

02 June - Singers and Musicians -
09 June - Kelly Oliver
16 June - Paula Ryan-
23 June - Jess Morgan
30 June - Roger Sutcliffe - hardy perennial blues man and former Topic resident & committee member & secretary

07 July - Roger Sutcliffe
14 July - Singers and Musicians
21 July - Robb Johnson Featured Support: Katie Spencer
28 July - Karin Grandal-Park and Rosie Clegg

04 August - Singers and Musicians
11 August - Singers and Musicians
18 August - Singers and Musicians
25 August - Singers and Musicians

01 September - Michael Chapman Featured Support:Keystone - Pam and Peter Stone, Yorkshire musicians and songwriters
08 September - Greg Russell & Ciaran Algar - two-time BBC Folk Award winners duo
15 September - Bob Fox - one of the leading champions of the North East's great musical heritage
22 September - Dana and Susan Robinson - there are no finer exponents of Americana than this couple from North Carolina
29 September - Joe Topping - a "cross between Ry Cooder, Woody Guthrie and Paul Brady"

06 October - Singers and Musicians
13 October - Dave Burland, who first appeared in January 1969. Featured Support Wilson McGladdery had to cancel
20 October -Tom McConville - Tyneside virtuoso fiddle player
27 October - Lowri Evans and Lee Mason - Welsh singer-songwriter and accompanying guitarist and singer

03 November - Singers and Musicians: Performances of newly-written Topic Songs for the 60th anniversary
10 November - Tom Lewis - "North America's finest exponent of contemporary nautical songs"
17 November - Bob Pegg - singer, songwriter and folklorist, who first came to the Topic in 1968
24 November - Beggar's Bridge - six-piece band from Hull. Featured support: Wilson McGladdery - Saddleworth duo

01 December - Singers and Musicians, after the AGM
08 December - Roger Davies - one of West Yorkshire's best-known performers
15 December - Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies Christmas Show: "Snowed In". Jez with Kate Bramley, Andy May, David de la Haye.
22 December - Bric-a-Brac - foot-stomping young folk band. Bella Gaffney, Chris Elliott, Caitlin Jones, Heather Sirrel, Dan Latham. Featured Support: The Holbeck Moor Mummers
29 December - CLOSED



Donald Trump spends his weeks before becoming president rubbishing the CIA, and his inauguration speech rubbishing the USA and threatening the rest of the world, and the days after making most people feel unbalanced. Then fires FBI chief to head off Russia investigation. Possible war with North Korea following a series of missile and bomb tests. Snap general election in the UK called for June 8th - PM Theresa May expecting to increase majority from 17 to 150 but ended up losing seats and a hung Parliament and turmoil. Large ISIS-inspired suicide bomb kills 22 people at Manchester Arena in May, followed by stabbings in London. 79 at least killed in a London tower-block fire when the cladding proves to be inflammable. Big floods in India, Bangladesh and Houston. Massive hurricane Irma pummels West Indies. Catalonia attempts independence from Spain. Army coup precipitates the end of Mugabe's 37 year rule in Zimbabwe.

05 January - Singers and Musicians
12 January - Yan Tan Tether - close harmony trio from Otley: Tess Leslie, Lynne O'Malley, Rosie Knighton
19 January - Stuart Douglas - unpretentious Bradford local favourite
26 January - Ray Hearne - established songwriter and musician and poet

02 February - Singers and Musicians
09 February - Soundsphere - a capella trio Sarah Dean, Judith Simpson & Paula Ryan
16 February - Pete Morton - songwriter, singer and "folk rapper"
23 February - Jon Palmer Acoustic Band - Jon Palmer, Nick Settle, Wendy Ross, Roy Whyke, Ricky Silvers, Matt Nelson

02 March - Singers and Musicians
09 March - Stanley Accrington
16 March - Ribbon Road - Brenda Heslop (vocals, guitar), Jill Heslop (vocals, keyboards), Geoff Heslop (vocals, guitar)
23 March - Roy Bailey
30 March - Phil Cockerham Trio - Phil with Dave Bowie on bass and percussionist/harmonist Dickie Dixon

06 April - Singers and Musicians
13 April - Iain Thomson & Marc Duff
20 April - Wilcox:Hulse Support: Heather McNeill
27 April - Rubber Wellies

04 May - Singers and Musicians
11 May - Jess & Richard Arrowsmith
18 May - Susan Herndon (USA)
25 May - Ben Savage & Hannah Sanders Support: Bernard Hoskin

01 June - Singers & Musicians
08 June - Double Header Helen McCreary and Henry Parker
15 June - Alistair Russell & Chris Parkinson
22 June - Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne
29 June - Singers & Musicians

06 July - Roger Sutcliffe
13 July - Harp and a Monkey - Martin Purdy (vocals, glockenspiel, accordion, harmonica and keyboards), Simon Jones (harp, guitar, viola) and Andy Smith (banjo, melodica, guitar and programming) Featured Support: The Fates - Tegwen Roberts, Sue Cain, and Bay Whitaker
20 July - Jon Harvison
27 July - Gloria Jeffries Support: Jan Porter and her Ensemble

03 August - Singers and Musicians
10 August - Singers and Musicians
17 August - Singers and Musicians
24 August - Singers and Musicians
31 August - Singers and Musicians

07 September - Enda Kenny
14 September - Sam Barrett
21 September - Róisín Bán - Chris Dyson on fiddle, octave mandola & vocals, Steve Lacey on guitar, banjo, mandolin, bodhran & vocals, Paddy Heffron on melodeon, vocals & sean nos dancing , Gordon Tyrrall on flute, guitar, vocals.
28 September - Hicks & Goulbourn - Steve Hicks and singer songwriter Lynn Goulbourn

05 October - Singers and Musicians
12 October - James Hickman & Dan Cassidy
19 October - The Mile Roses - Edwina Hayes, Kate Bramley and Simon Haworth
26 October - Chloe Jones

02 November - AGM & Singers' and Musicians' Night
09 November - Brian Peters
16 November - Kimber's Men - John Bromley, Neil Kimber, Gareth Scott, Steve Smith
23 November - Fil Campbell & Tom McFarland
30 November - Bandersnatch - Dennis Dodds, mandolin, guitar, banjo, & vocals; Ian Kell, acoustic/electric guitar, piano & vocals; Ed McGurk, guitar, cittern, whistles & vocals; Norman Raw, bass & vocals; Rebecca Raw, violin/viola & vocals; Alan Roscoe, guitar & vocals.

07 December - Singers' and Musicians' Night
14 December - The Strid & Den Miller Trio - Jennie Kiff and Simon Allan with Den Miller
21 December - Crickmore:Crewe - ex-Wenchall Emma Crickmore & Virginia Crewe with husbands Pete Crewe and David Crickmore
28 December - Closed

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Jan 1 kicks off the year, as is traditional. Elon Musk launches his electric roadster to the asteroid belt on top of a resuable rocket. Winter Olympics in South Korea give Britain five medals, best haul in history. The Beast from the East causes major weather disruption to much of the UK in early March. Ken Dodd and Stephen Hawking die in the same week. Nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury, blamed on Russia, leads to Cold-War style diplomat expulsions. Chemical attack in Syria leads to US, UK and French missile attacks on the Assad regime. Hottest April day since 1949. North and South Korean leaders meet at the border. Trump pulls out of Iran nuclear deal. Trump finds G7 allies exasperating. Trump meets Kim Jong Un & Putin and manages to annoy even his own supporters . England progress out of group stage of the world cup of football, but lose in the semi-final to Croatia, who then lose the final to France. Summer heat wave in various parts of the world ignites fires - esp Greece and California.

04 January - Singers and Musicians
11 January - Trials of Cato - Robin Jones (mandolin, tenor banjo, vocals); William Addison (Irish bouzouki, vocals); Tomos Williams (guitar, vocals)
18 January - Tom Kitching & Zoe Mulford
25 January - Sally Ironmonger & Brian Carter

01 February - Singers and Musicians
08 February - Ninebarrow - Jon Whitley and Jay LaBouchardiere
15 February - The Hayes Sisters - Cathryn, Angela and Jennifer Hayes
22 February - Steve Turner

01 March - Singers and Musicians - cancelled due to inclement weather from The Beast from the East
08 March - Duncan McFarlane & Anne Brivonese
15 March - Karin Grandal-Park & Karl Robins
22 March - Mike Silver
29 March - Janet Russell

05 April - Singers & Musicians
12 April - Kieran Halpin
19 April - Paul Walker & Karen Pfeiffer
26 April - Twangles - Kevin Loughran: Vocals, Guitar; David Bowie Jr: Bass; Phil Snell: Mandolin, Fiddle, Guitar

03 May - Singers and Musicians
10 May - Phil Hare
17 May - Peter and Barbara Snape
24 May - Plumhall - Michelle Plum and Nick B. Hall
31 May - Louise Jordan - No Petticoats Here - stories of women of the First World War through songs and narrative

07 June - Singers and Musicians
14 June - Red Hippo Featured support - Pete Ivatts
21 June - Bob Wood
28 June - Miriam Erasmus (formerly Miriam Backhouse)

05 July - Roger Sutcliffe
12 July - Singers and Musicians
19 July - The Quiggs - Stephen and Pernille Quigg
26 July - Steve Dan Mills

02 August - Singers and Musicians
09 August - Singers and Musicians
16 August - Singers and Musicians
23 August - Singers and Musicians
30 August - Singers and Musicians

06 September - Reg Meuross
13 September - Prelude - Irene Hume, Brian Hume, Ian Vardy
20 September - Caffrey McGurk Madge - Ed McGurk, Nick Caffrey and Robin Madge
27 September - Na-Mara - singer-songwriter and guitarist Paul McNamara and mandolin player Rob Garcia

04 October - Singers and musicians.
11 October - The Hometowners
18 October - Bella Gaffney & Polly Bolton with Sarah Smout and Holly Brandon
25 October - The Foxglove Trio - Patrick Dean (melodeon), Cathy Mason (cello) and Ffion Mair (vocals)

01 November - Singers and Musicians
08 November - The Heathen Kings - Rachael Sutcliffe on lead vocals, harp and percussion, Mark Daniel Rogers on guitar, mandolin and vocals and Steve Foster on bass and vocals
15 November - Jack Blackman Featured Support: Hebric - Phil "Jimi" Bond, John Bromley, Dave Calvert, Malcolm Stocks
22 November - Roger Davies
29 November - Clay Liftin' - Aiden Kilroy (bodhran and vocals) Martin Lennon (whistles) Ian Pearson (fiddle) and Martin Mcgroarty (guitar)

06 December - Singers and Musicians
13 December - Paula Ryan
20 December - Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer
27 December - Club closed



Chinese Chang'e 4 is the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the Moon. Brexit political turmoil. New Cardiff City footballer Emiliano Sala dies in light plane crash. An Ethiopian 737 MAX 8 crashes after takeoff from Addis Ababa killing everyone on board and leading to the worldwide grounding of the type for months. Brexit political turmoil. Scentists ceate an image of a black hole at the centre of the Milky Way. Venezuelan political turmoil - also in Sudan, Libya, and Algeria. Julian Assange leaves the London Ecuadorean embassy after seven years, and is arrested. The roof of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris burns. Comedian Volodymyr Zelensky, who played a Ukrainian president on TV, is elected President of Ukraine for real. Emperor Akihito of Japan abdicates. The IPBES warns that biodiversity loss is "accelerating", with over a million species now threatened with extinction. US-China engage in trade war and tit-for-tat tariffs. Brexit political turmoil - Theresa May resigns, Boris Johnson become UK PM. England wins cricket world cup in England, draws Ashes, which Australia keep. Big protests in Hong Kong. NOAA reports that July 2019 was the hottest month on record globally. Tension with Saudi Arabia/Iran in the Arabian Gulf. Fires burning in the Amazon rainforest at a record rate. Turkey invades Kurdish-held bits of Syria. Thomas Cook, originally founded in 1841, collapses after debt issues. UK General Election, unusually, on 12th December, resulting in a large Tory majority in Parliament.

03 January - Singers and Musicians
10 January - Stuart Douglas
17 January - Yan Tan Tether - Rosie Knighton, Tess Leslie and Lynne O'Malley
24 January - Alden Patterson & Dashwood
31 January - Edwina Hayes

07 February - Singers and Musicians
14 February - Alice Jones
21 February - Daria Kulesh
28 February - Nick Dow

07 March - Singers and Musicians
14 March - The Jon Palmer Acoustic Band
21 March - Gareth Davies-Jones
28 March - Tom Kitching and Jon Loomes

04 April - Singers and Musicians
11 April - Stanley Accrington - stepping in when Craig and Willoughby had to cancel
18 April - Mockingbirds - Cath Harney and Pam Johnson, stepping in when The Trials of Cato had to cancel- (two in a row - a record!)
25 April - Róisín Bán - Chris Dyson on fiddle, octave mandola & vocals; Paddy Heffron on melodeon, vocals & sean nos dancing; Gordon Tyrrall on flute, guitar, vocals

02 May - Singers and Musicians
09 May - Greg Russell
16 May - The Dovetail Trio- Jamie Roberts (vocals and guitar rhythms), Rosie Hood (vocals), Matt Quinn (multi-instruments)
23 May - Becky Mills
30 May - Jack Rutter

06 June - Singers & Musicians
13 June - Jez Lowe
20 June - Kelly Oliver
27 June - Singers & Musicians

04 July - Roger Sutcliffe
11 July - Cath & Phil Tyler
18 July - Stables - Matthew Lowe and Daniel Trenholme
25 July - Double Header: Tom & Manny McKenzie and Chris Elliot & Caitlin Jones

01 August - Singers and Musicians
08 August - Singers and Musicians
15 August - Singers and Musicians
22 August - Singers and Musicians
(Last night at Glyde House, which is closing down. After this date, the Topic moves to The Merchant Bar on Peckover Street)
29 August - Singers and Musicians

05 Sept - The Hall Brothers - Nick & Duncan Hall and John Carey
12 Sept - Ranagri - Dónal Rogers, Eliza Marshall, Ellie Turner and Joe Danks
19 Sept - Serious Sam Barrett and James The Fang
26 Sept - Lynne Heraud & Pat Turner

03 October - Singers and Musicians
10 October - Dave Vermond
17 October - Double Header: Ruth Nielsen; and Kath Reade & Alison Dhuanna
24 October - Chris Cleverley - Support: Atlas Bridge
31 October - Dan Webster

7 November - Singers and Musicians
14 November - Double Header: Henry Parker and Katie Spencer
21 November - Kimber's Men - John Bromley, Neil Kimber, Gareth Scott, Steve Smith
28 November - Dana & Susan Robinson

05 December - Singers and Musicians
12 December - Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne
19 December - Crickmore: Crewe - ex-Wenchall members Emma Crickmore & Virginia Crewe with husbands Pete Crewe (ex Brillig) and David Crickmore (The Durbervilles) ; plus The Holbeck Moor Mummers
26 December - Closed

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2020 kicks off with the US assassination of Iranian no.2 leader General Soleimani. In the ensuing tense situation, Iran shoots down a Ukrainian airliner taking off from Tehran airport. Massive bush fires in Australia raise more awareness of climate change. UK formally leaves EU on January 31st after 47 years. Pres. Trump avoids impeachment. Coronavirus Covid-19 erupts in Wuhan province, China, leading to mass quarantines there. Parasite - a subtitled South Korean film - wins Best Picture Oscar. Big and long-lasting floods in Britain. Covid-19 spreads around the world, causing lockdowns, panic buying, airline grounding and stock market crashes. Governments struggle to keep the rise in cases within the capacity of their health services to cope. Joe Biden wins US election, but Trump refuses to concede, claiming massive voter fraud but unable to find any evidence for it.

02 January - Singers and Musicians
09 January - Philip Cockerham Trio - with double bass player Dave Bowie and percussionist/harmonist Dickie Dixon
16 January - Mockingbirds - Cath Harney and Pam Johnson
23 January - Hazjak - Steve Chapman Smith and Lynne O'Malley
30 January - Honey & the Bear - on Hart (guitar, bass, bazouki) and Lucy Hart (guitar, ukulele, bass, banjo, mandolin & percussion) (Sam Kelly Duo with Jamie Francis originally booked but had to cancel at very short notice due to illness)

06 February - Singers and Musicians
13 February - Paul Walker and Karen Pfeiffer
20 February - Tom McConville and Tony Wilson
27 February - Ragged Trousers - Ben, David and Alastair

05 March - Singers and Musicians
12 March - Bandersnatch (Last Merchant Bar gig - on resumption in November 2021 The Topic moved to Groove Pad in Shipley)
19 March - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Odette Michell
26 March - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Steve Pledger

02 April - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Singers and Musicians
09 April - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Luke Daniels
16 April - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Christopher Mark Jones
23 April - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Fil Campbell & Tom McFarland
30 April - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Bill Jones

07 May - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Singers and Musicians
14 May - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - The Mile Roses- Kate Bramley, Simon Haworth & Kari Macleod
21 May - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Mishra - Kate Griffin, Ford Collier and Joss Mann-Hazel. Idea of holding virtual S/M sessions via Zoom first mooted
28 May - CANCELLED due to Covid-19 - Goff Lakeman

04 June - First experimental Topic Zoom meeting, hosted by Joy Leach
11 June - No Session
18 June - No Session
25 June - No Session

02 July - Second experimental Zoom meeting
09 July - No Session
16 July - No Session
23 July - No Session
30 July - No Session

06 August - First official Singers and Musicians Zoom session
13 August - No Session
20 August - - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
27 August - No Session

03 September - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
10 September - No Session
17 September - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
24 September - No Session

01 October - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
08 October - No Session-
15 October - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
22 October - No Session
29 October - Singers and Musicians Zoom session

05 November - No Session
12 November - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
19 November - Singers and Musicians Zoom session: John Palmer Trio
26 November - Singers and Musicians Zoom session

03 December - No Session
10 December -Singers and Musicians Zoom session
17 December - Live Streaming: Henry Parker
24 December - No Session
30 December - S/M Zoom session featuring The Boar of Bradford Mummers Play (and it was on a Wednesday)

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07 January - Singers and Musicians Zoom session - Jim Saville starts as semi-permanent Host
14 January - Live Streaming: Katie Spencer
21 January - Singers and Musicians Zoom session: theme: Scottish and Welsh material
28 January - Live Streaming: Bella Gaffney

04 February - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
11 February - Live Streaming: PlumHall
18 February - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
25 February - No Session

04 March - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
11 March - Live Streaming: Hazjak
18 March - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
25 March - Live Streaming: Duncan McFarlane

01 April - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
08 April - Live Stream: Mossy Christian
15 April - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
24 April - Live Stream: Kath Reade
31 April - No Session

06 May - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
13 May - Live Stream: Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne
20 May - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
27 May - Live Stream: Mockingbirds

03 June - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
10 June - Live Stream: Mishra
17 June - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
24 June - No Session

01 July - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
08 July - Live Stream: Edwina Hayes
15 July - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
22 July - No Session

05 August - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
12 August - Live Stream: Serious Sam Barrett
19 August - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
26 August - No Session

02 September - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
09 September - Live Stream: Tim Moon
16 September - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
23 September - No Session

07 October - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
14 October - Live Stream: Ben Ashton
21 October - Singers and Musicians Zoom session
28 October - No Session

04 November - Singers and Musicians - first session at Groove Pad, Shipley
11 November - Stuart Douglas
18 November - Singers and Musicians
25 November - Katie Spencer

02 December - Singers and Musicians - preceded by the club's AGM
09 December - Hazjak - Steve Chapman Smith (vocals, guitar, banjo, bouzouki, bass and mandolin) and Lynne O'Malley (vocals, piano, tenor guitar, banjo, percussion and harmonica)
16 December -Singers and Musicians
23 December - Crickmore: Crewe
30 December - Singers and Musicians

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06 January - Singers and Musicians
13 January - Henry Parker
20 January - Singers and Musicians
27 January - Kath Reade - Duncan McFarlane & Anne Brivonese were originally booked but had to reschedule due to a Covid issue

03 February - Singers and Musicians
10 February - Bella Gaffney
17 February - Singers and Musicians
24 February - Dan Webster and Emily Lawler

03 March - Singers and Musicians
10 March - Plumhall - Michelle Plum and Nick B. Hall
17 March - Singers and Musicians
24 March - Roger Davies (solo)
31 March - Pete Ivatts

07 April - Singers and Musicians
14 April - Pete Dilley - The Jon Palmer Acoustic Band had to cancel on the morning of the gig due to illness
21 April - Singers and Musicians
28 April - Dave Vermond

05 May - Singers and Musicians
12 May - Iona Lane
19 May - Singers and Musicians
26 May - Atlas Bridge - Becky Taylor (Uilleann pipes, Northumbrian smallpipes, whistles and mandolin), Madeline Andrew (vocals, 5-string banjo, guitar, bodhran and whistle) and Steve Lacey 

02 June - Singers and Musicians -
09 June - Jez Lowe
16 June - Singers and Musicians
23 June - Alice Jones
30 June - Duncan McFarlane and Anne Brivonese

07 July - Singers and Musicians
14 July - Roger Sutcliffe
21 July - Singers and Musicians
28 July - Mic and Susie Darling

04 August - Singers and Musicians
11 August - Singers and Musicians
18 August - Singers and Musicians
25 August - Singers and Musicians

01 SeptemberSingers and Musicians 08 September - The Hayes Sisters - Ange (vocals and guitar), Jen (vocals, guitar and banjo) and Cath (vocals ad guitar)
15 September - Singers and Musicians
22 September - Painted Sky - siblings George (guitar/vocal) and Holly (fiddle/vocal) Brandon
29 September - Roisin Ban - Chris Dyson, Paddy Heffron and Gordon Tyrrall

06 October - Singers and Musicians
13 October - Christopher Mark Jones
20 October -Singers and Musicians
27 October - Jack Rutter

03 November - Singers and Musicians
10 November - Jon Palmer Acoustic Band - Jon Palmer, guitar and vocals; Wendy Ross, violin; Eddy Green, bass; Iain Cunningham, key; Adam Hopkins, percussion.
17 November - Singers and Musicians
24 November - Honey & the Bear - Jon Hart (guitar, bass, bazouki) and Lucy Hart (guitar, ukulele, bass, banjo, mandolin & percussion)

01 December - Singers' and Musicians' night - and Annual General Meeting
08 December - Winter Wilson - Kip Winter and Dave Wilson
15 December - Singers' and Musicians' night
22 December - Edwina Hayes -plus The Holbeck Mummers
29 December - Singers' and Musicians' night

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05 January - Singers and Musicians
12 January - Alistair Russell
19 January - Singers and Musicians
26 January - Becky Mills

02 February - Singers and Musicians
09 February - Pete Morton
16 February - Singers and Musicians
23 February - Chris Elliott & Caitlin Jones

02 March - Singers and Musicians
09 March - Robb Johnson - CANCELLED due to heavy snow conditions
16 March - Singers and Musicians
23 March - Chris Ronald - Support: Hebble Sam Hodgson (aka Samh), singer-songwriter, guitarist, & bouzouki player; Aidan Kilroy - bodhran player & singer; Helena Drumm - cellist & singer
30 March - Dougie MacKenzie & Brian Miller

06 April - Singers and Musicians
13 April - Paul Walker & Karen Pfeiffer with Support: Heslop and Stringer - Mark Heslop and Matt Stringer
20 April - Singers and Musicians
27 April - Den Miller - Support Act: The Boothtown Rats

04 May - Singers and Musicians
11 May - Reg Meuross
18 May - Singers and Musicians
25 May - Auka - Kirsty Lomax (Irish flute and whistle); Matt Gilchrist (rhythm guitar); Joss Mann-Hazell (Mishra) (double bass) - Cobalt Tales were also due to come but had to cancel

01 June - Singers & Musicians
08 June - Lizzy Hardingham
15 June - Singers & Musicians
22 June - Terry Hiscock
29 June - John Ward Trio
- John Ward, vocals, acoustic guitar, bodhran, harmonica; Lynne Ward, vocals; Les Woodley, double bass, vocals

06 July - Singers & Musicians
13 July - Roger Sutcliffe
20 July - Singers & Musicians
27 July - Enda Kenny

03 August - Singers and Musicians
10 August - Singers and Musicians
17 August - Singers and Musicians
24 August - Singers and Musicians
31 August - The Jigantics - Mark Cole, Martin Fitzgibbon, Sarah Kelly, Keith Thompson

07 September - Singers & Musicians
14 September - The Art of Simon - duo Bryan and Jeremy
21 September - Singers & Musicians
28 September - Ken Nicol and Wendy Ross (Sally Barker had to cancel at short notice)

05 October - Singers and Musicians
12 October - Jon Wilks
19 October - Singers & Musicians
26 October - Double Header Chris Brain and Johnny Campbell

02 November - Singers' and Musicians' Night
09 November - Power of Three (formely Phil Cockerham Trio) - Phil Cockerham on guitar and vocals, with double-bass player Dave Bowie and percussionist/harmonist Dickie Dixon
16 November - Singers & Musicians
23 November - Dave Ellis and Boo Howard
30 November - Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne

07 December - Singers' and Musicians' Night
14 December - Kimber's Men - John Bromley, Neil Kimber, Gareth Scott, Steve Smith
21 December - Singers' and Musicians' Night
28 December -Singers' and Musicians' Night

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04 January - Singers' and Musicians' Night
11 January - John Hegley Support: Chris Manners
18 January - Singers' and Musicians' Night
25 January - Bryony Griffith and Alice Jones

February 1 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
February 8 - Cancelled - no Club evening - first Union Jill had to cancel, and then the replacement Singers and Musicians session was cancelled due to inclement weather
February 15 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
February 22 - Tom Bliss with Den Miller - charity gig for the Multiple Sclerosis Society that raised over £500
February 29 - Double Header: Abbey Thomas and Mockingbirds (Cath Harney and Pam Johnson) - Maddie Morris lost her voice and had to cancel on the day, so Mockingbirds, from Keighley, stepped in with about three hours notice.

March 7 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
March 14 - Plumhall - Michelle Plum and Nick B Hall
March 21 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
March 28 - Joe Topping Support: Robert Lane - Crowes Pasture were originally booked but had to cancel their entire tour.

April 4 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
April 11 - Louise and Chris Rogan
April 18 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
April 25 - Serious Sam Barrett with support from Lewis "Burner" Pugh

May 2 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
May 9 - Double Headliner Cobalt Tales - Pat and Nuala - and Hazjak - Steve Chapman Smith and Lynne O'Malley
May 16 - Singers' and Musicians' Night
May 23 - Enda McCabe and support Andrew Lockwood
May 30 - Tom Kitching and Marit Fält

June 6 - Singers and Musicians
June 13 - Robb Johnson and Support Johnny Campbell
June 20 - Singers and Musicians
June 27 - Louise Jordan

July 4 - Singers and Musicians - last event at Groove Pad, which closed suddenly in the following week
July 11 - Roger Sutcliffe and Friends - with Pat Sherry, Nigel Broadbent, Jim Jarratt and Gerry Cooper. First event at Hullabaloo.
July 18 - Singers and Musicians
July 25 - Daria Kulesh

August 1, 8, 15, 22 - Singarounds August 29 - Caffrey McGurk Madge and support Pete Dunne

September 5 - Singers and Muscians
September 12 - Sally Barker
September 19 - Singers and Muscians
September 26 - Saul Rose and MacLaine Colston

October 3 - Singers and Musicians
October 10 - The Brothers Gillespie
October 17 - Singers and Musicians
October 24 - Stuart Douglas
October 31 - Double Headliner: Hebble (Sam Hodgson, singer-songwriter, guitar & bouzouki; Aidan Kilroy, bodhran & vocals; Helena Drumm, cello & vocals) and John Bromley

November 7 - Singers and Musicians November 14 - Bella Gaffney and Support: Her Orange Coat
November 21 - Singaround
November 28 - Steve Turner

December 5 - Singers and Musicians
December 12 - Jim Causley
December 19 - Singers and Musicians
December 26 - CLOSED

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January 2 Singers and Musicians
January 9 Hall Brothers - CANCELLED due to bad weather, rescheduled to 3rd April
January 16 Singers and Musicians
January 23 Waite Collective - Mal Waite, Rebecca Holmes and Katrina Turner - with support Kath Reade & Colin Speakman
January 30 Jez Lowe

February 6 Singers and Musicians