At: Hullabaloo, 41 Westgate, Shipley, BD18 3QX |
Est: 1956 |
Map |
The Topic Folk Club Constitution and Rules
The Topic Folk Club - Constitution and Rules 1 Name The society shall be called “The Topic Folk Club” and shall meet in the Metropolitan District of Bradford each week, or at times arranged by the committee.
2 Objects The aims of the society are to encourage the study and performance of folk music.
3 Membership 3.1 All persons over the age of sixteen are eligible for membership. 3.2 The annual subscription shall be due and payable on the 1st January each year. 3.3 The committee shall have the power to suspend or expel any member who shall infringe the rules, or whose conduct on club premises has, in their opinion, been prejudicial to the interests of the society.
4 Officers 4.1 The business of the society shall be conducted by a Club Secretary, a Treasurer and a Chair; and a committee of no more than five other members. 4.2 Any officer may be removed by resolution at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).
5 Election of Officers 5.1 The committee of the society shall consist of no more than eight members, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The officers of the committee shall be decided amongst the elected committee at the first meeting after the AGM. 5.2 Written nominations for committee membership, proposed and seconded with the nominees' signed consent, shall be handed to the Club Secretary at least seven days before the AGM. 5.3 Officers shall continue in office until the next AGM. 5.4 The committee shall have the power to draw up the rules for voting at elections.
6 Treasurer The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the society, and shall submit a report on the society's financial position to each meeting of the committee.
7 Club Secretary 7.1 The Club Secretary shall be responsible for the proper governance of the society. 7.2 The Club Secretary shall call a committee meeting each quarter, and at other times as necessary. 7.3 The Club Secretary shall call an EGM at the request of the committee, or upon receipt of a requisition stating the purpose of such a meeting signed by no fewer than one fifth of the society's members. 8 Chair The Chair shall chair meetings of the Committee, and also the AGM and any EGMs. If the Chair shall be unavailable for any meeting, he/she may nominate another Committee member to deputise.
9 Committee 9.1 Any member of the committee shall be deemed to have vacated his/her seat if absent for more than three consecutive meetings of the committee without satisfactory justification. 9.2 Vacancies shall be filled by co-opting members, so long as these members are approved by a majority of the committee. 9.3 Any four members shall form a quorum and shall have full power to conduct the business of the club. 9.4 The chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote whether or not he/she shall have voted previously.
10 Annual General Meeting 10.1 The AGM will be held between 1st November and 15th December each year. 10.2 Fourteen days' notice of the AGM, stating the business to be transacted, shall be given by notice displayed at the society’s premises. 10.3 An account and balance sheet of the financial affairs of the society shall be presented to the members at the AGM 10.4 The meeting shall be quorate if 10 members or one fifth of the membership, whichever is the least, are present. Should an AGM be inquorate within 15 minutes of the advertised start time, then a further meeting will be convened for the same time on the same day one week later. Such a further meeting shall not be subject to any quorum.
11 Extraordinary General Meeting 11.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting of the society (EGM) may be called as set out in Clause 7.3 above. 11.2 At least one week's notice of an EGM, stating the business to be transacted, shall be given by notice displayed at the society’s premises. The quorum for an EGM, and the procedure if an EGM is inquorate, shall be identical to those for an AGM set out in Clause 10.4 above. 11.3 No business other than that specified on the notice shall be transacted at an EGM. 12 Alteration of the Constitution No alteration in or addition to the Constitution of the society shall be made except at an AGM or an EGM. Such alterations or additions must be approved by a two-thirds majority of those members present.
13 Winding up of the society 13.1 Any proposal to wind up the society must be approved by the members at an EGM called under the provisions of Clause 11.2 above. 13.2 Upon winding up or closing down for any reason, the assets of the society shall be realised and donated to a suitable charity or charities, or similar not-for-profit organisations, to be decided by the members at the EGM. JW Sept 2017