Wednesday January 2, 2002
Greetings one and all.
This isn't really an edition of the newsletter, just a reminder that this Thursday night is another singers and musicians' nights, with the loose suggested theme of "Summertime" to counteract the weather. Not that I for one can think of any summertime songs that I know well enough to perform. No-one should feel put off attending by the fear of the theme!
Last week's singaround was a surprising success, with twelve attendees, seven of whom were performing. The theme of "Humour" was more honoured in the breach than in the execution, but most performers made at least some attempt before the Theme was officially abandonned at the beer-break.
It's singarounds every Thursday until 24 January when we have Tom McConville. But if we can carry on getting the numbers we managed last week, and especially the variety of styles and instruments on offer, there's no harm in that.
Hope to see as many as possible of you over the next few weeks . . .
John Waller
Topic Informal Newsletter Editor