Newsletter No. 91 - September 2009
At the Bradford Irish Club, Rebecca Street, BD1 2RX - a wheelchair-friendly venue
Welcome to the Topic's Autumn Season. Hope you've had an enjoyable summer. Perhaps you managed to get along to one or two of the Singers & Musicians evenings which continued throughout August. This month starts with a guest night, and ends with an S&M night. You'll find that October is brim-full of guests so the next S&Ms after that will be at the beginning and end of November, but more about that later. Meanwhile please come down when you possibly can to see our excellent line-up of guest performers.
3rd September Jez Lowe. What better way to start the new season? Well known to many Topic regulars, Jez Lowe's songs reflect the hard times, the good times, the hard work and hard play of the region where he was born and raised. Folk supremo Richard Thompson called him "the best songwriter to emerge from the UK in a long time", and his songs are among the most widely sung by folk singers and bands around the country‚s clubs and festivals. £5/£6
10th September Double Header. Two contrasting young performers, new to the Topic and well worth checking out: Andi Neate, an expressive performer, with a gift for melody, memorable hooks and delightfully offbeat lyrics. She was one of the winners of the prestigious Burnsong Gathering (2007), the national competition to find and promote the best new songwriting talent in Scotland. "An upbeat, sophisticated air that is easily on a par with Beth Orton, Suzanne Vega and Tori Amos" - Get Rhythm. Ewan McLennan is a talented young man from Scotland who came to Leeds in 2005 to do a three year degree course in music at Leeds University School of Music. His singing and playing covers the broad range folk music has to offer; from traditional ballads sung unaccompanied, to dance tunes and melancholic airs arranged for the guitar, and his own contemporary songwriting following firmly in the folk tradition. £5/£6
17th September Dana & Susan Robinson have proved popular at the Topic on past visits. Two rich, intimate voices, intricate and powerful guitar and banjo playing with occasional fiddle and mandolin. Dana writes songs and tells stories about America, the land and its people. They bring to their performances an understanding of America's musical heritage and convey its significance to our culture. £5/£6
24th September Singers & Musicians. Last month the slightly earlier start time of 8.15pm was introduced for Singers & Musicians evenings due to the high attendance we'd been enjoying. We'll continue this new start time and see how things go. If you're an inexperienced performer wanting somewhere to try out your performance skills this would be a good place to start as it's quite informal and not too scary. Experienced people also very welcome of course. Free Entry (plus raffle).
1st October Martyn Wyndham-Read returns to the Topic after an 18-year absence so there'll be many people looking forward to welcoming him here again. He's one of the most engaging performers you're ever likely to see. He combines songs, humorous bush poetry recitations, stories and anecdotes of outback life and comments on Australian history and culture. To date his recording career spans 33 years and more than 30 albums, many considered classics of their genre. £5/£6
8th October Cathryn Craig & Brian Willoughby are an accomplished, professional, entertaining but also very personable duo. American singer-songwriter Cathryn Craig and accomplished British guitarist Brian Willoughby, who formerly played with the Strawbs, create an intimate atmosphere with songs about life experience, coupled with amusing anecdotes. Their 'Anglicised Americana' blurs music boundaries, showcasing Cathryn‚s voice and Brian‚s guitar and their intricately crafted songs. £5/£6
And coming later:
October: Rag Mama Rag, Duncan McFarlane, Queensberry Rules
November: Raise Your Banners Songwriting Competition Final (with S&M), Marian Bradfield, Broom Bezzums
More details in the next newsletter or see
Hope to see you sometime at the Topic. You don't have to be a member, but if you would like to join you may do so any Thursday evening at the club. Usually £5 but as it's getting towards the end of the year we can offer a reduced membership fee to take you up to the 31st December this year if you wish.
Everyone is welcome every Thursday at the BRADFORD IRISH CLUB. 8.30pm start. (Singers & Musicians nights start at 8.15pm)
Floor singers are always welcome, especially in the first half. Please get there by 8.15pm if you‚d like a slot ˆ it helps the MC to plan the evening.
Rahel Guzelian Topic Newsletter Editor
Topic Newsletter No 91 September 2009