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TOPIC NEWSLETTER No 20, 09 July 2003 Greetings it’s been sometime since the last full Newsletter. So, the rest of the Summer programme: July 10 Tony Martin and Roger Knowles. Guitar, slide, banjo and mandolin; singing English, Appalachian, Country, Blues, French, Spanish and their own material. They did us the honour of popping in to do a brief FS spot with Roger Sutcliffe last week, so we can confirm that they will provide just what it says on the tin. Come along and enjoy a relaxing and relaxed evening. Featured support for them will be provided by David Fairfax, one of the inimitable Lost Boys, who graced our stage only a few weeks ago. (Pedants will point out they didn’t use the stage, preferring the piano but never mind). July 17 Tom Napper and Tom Bliss. A pairing of two well-travelled and experienced musicians, playing and singing some traditional material; but also a great deal of Tom Bliss's excellent original material too. Expect a wide array of stringed and holed instruments, some lovely harmonies, and downright professionalism. Featured Support from Carol Langdale, who provides unaccompanied traditional songs in a clear strong voice. Maybe she’ll bring her promising daughter. July 24 Singers and Musicians. Theme: Chorus songs, to round off the season. Choruses, reprises, refrains, reveals. Or anything else you fancy, as always. July 31 Roy Harris. Roy officially retired from the full-time circuit all of three years ago, but is celebrating turning 70 with a year-long non-comeback tour of all his favourite clubs after 40 years touring. Expect some unaccompanied songs with choruses you didn't know you knew - but you do. He'll tell a tall traditional tale or two, as well. Featured Support tonight is a newcomer to the Topic, but hardly to the Melborn stage. Nigel Broadbent is singer, songwriter and base-guitarist for well-regarded Bradford group Scarlet Heights. He is also now a regular performer at the Wibsey/Buttershaw Gaping Goose singaround sessions (Wednesday evenings). August is filled with singers and musicians evenings. So we are still open, every Thursday evening. And quality, in terms of enjoyment of the evening, is not always related to quantity of participants so don’t feel chary of coming down. LOOKING FURTHER AHEAD There’s some good acts lined up for the Autumn. I am particularly looking forward to our opener, Howden, Jones and Taffinder they get better and better. October 16 should be a good night too, with entertainer Darren Poyzer from Manchester supported by brilliant guitarist Julie Ellison. Get that one in your diaries. Let alone into November 20 with The Amazing Mr Smith who a sort of musical and visual version of Les Barker. We offer everything, from these new, younger and diverse acts, to the true tradition of Tom and Barbara Brown. With much in between. Oh yes. There’ll be a proper Newsletter introducing all these acts in greater detail sometime towards the end of August. Meanwhile, just note the names and dates overleaf (if you are reading the paper version) or in a variety of odd fonts and settings beneath (if the email version). THE AUTUMN SEASON Sept 4 Kate Howden, Paul Jones and Tony Taffinder Oct 2 Kevin Loughran; Featured Support: Ian Hill (tbc) FEATURED SUPPORT (again) You’ll have noticed that we are booking Featured Support slots already. In fact, you have to go back to February this year to find a guest night where we didn’t have a featured support act. There are several acts out there considering this Autumn list, and it will fill up on a first-come, first-served basis. But if you feel you are worth more than the usual two-song floor spot, then volunteer. I want to fill as many slots as possible before the July 20 deadline for copy for Tykes News. You’ve been warned. CDs FOR SALE, FOR SALE Topic regulars will be aware that two of our number now have CDs out. Rahel Guzelian has finally completed her epic work 15 tracks, support musicians and professional production by Alastair Russell. Sorry, I haven’t its name or price in front of me (see next week) but if anyone would like more info or even to buy a copy sound-unheard, as it were, let me know and I’ll pass the request on. Meanwhile, my own (John Waller)’s home-produced CD Liberator is also still available. This runs to 11 tracks, and is just him + green guitar. And is only £5 plus £1 p&p if required. And finally this email list is currently about 150 people long. I intend in future to try to divide it into two the A-list who get weekly reminders as well as full newsletters, and a B-list who only get the newsletters. You can opt for which you’d prefer. Meanwhile, a reminder to anyone - if you want to cease getting these newsletters altogether, just let me know, and you'll be deleted from the list. See you all some Thursday at the Melborn at one of the above events! 8.30 start. Be there by then if you want to perform a floor spot, which are still available every night even where there is a Featured Support artist booked. No smoking. Log On! To our Website: - updated every week John Waller Topic Newsletter Editor |