Mon July 22 2002
Greetings one and all. FIRST, NEWS OF WHAT'S COMING UP
25 July- Hall Brothers. These guys are good Duncan (the intellectual and writer) and Nick (the noisy one) doing a mixture of their own material and borrowed stuff. Come and support our local (well, Silsden) talent. We are promised an inspiring evening.
1 August - Singers and Musicians. This was initially ascribed the theme of Winter, but since then it has been pointed out to me (I hope with a degree of accuracy) that 1 August is Yorkshire Day. SO. Let's have some Yorkshire songs. And when we've run out of them, some Lancashire songs. Or Surrey songs (in case we've just beaten them in the cricket the day before). Or Somerset or Kent songs (in case we'll be playing them in the final). Any songs with a county or regional feel.
8 August - Stanley Accrington. Something of a clown, I understand. Has a collection of hats, a zany manner, and will make up songs (and anagrams) on the spot. But what the hell, it's a Folk Club. We cater for all sorts, us.
From then on its is singers and musicians (too far in advance to dictate themes) until:
5 Sept - Roy Clinging
19 Sept - Pete Castle
26 Sept - Keiran Halpin with Featured Support Anne Curran
3 October - Ray Stubbs
There have been one or two changes to the programme from then on (Paul Tiernan can't come, so the AGM has been brought forward that sort of thing) but I'll be in touch well before then with a more definitive listing.
Slide played a much appreciated set based on their recent tour of (and knowledge of) the Channel Islands. They neglected to bring any of their CDs to sell, but if you email he will put you in touch with the band member charged with selling them. It's worth getting one.
See you all soon!
John Waller
(On a personal note, many thanks to members and regulars who have sent their best wishes following my operation, which appears to have passed off successfully. To receive a hand-delivered card from the Roger Sutcliffe audience while still in intensive care was very touching.)
THE TOPIC FOLK CLUB - The oldest Folk Club in the World - Founded 1956, still going strong. Meets every Thursday at the Melborn Hotel, White Abbey Road, Bradford, 8.30pm. The Melborn is a Real Ale pub, and the Club is proud to be a no-smoking venue. Floor singers welcome, but please arrive and sign up by 8.30pm if you want to perform on Guest Nights.
23 July 2002