Greetings: and welcome to the early-July Newsletter: Let’s end the summer season with a bang!
July 12 A Double Header evening FYRISH. FYRISH is a duo with a wide repertoire of folk songs from all over the world. Marjorie Paterson (cello), originally from the Black Isle, grew up in a musical family and plays in a wide range of styles, and Dave Cowan (vocals and guitar) is from Glasgow and has been singing traditional and contemporary folk songs for years with a relaxed, easy style and a mellow voice. Liz Ryder was born in LA in 1981 into a Greek/American, English/Welsh family. She grew up in the UK and has been writing and playing various music and instruments for as long as she can remember. She is now based in both the UK and Northern California. Influenced by Folk and Americana (amongst other things) she directs her music with a spirit rooted in tradition as well as the contemporary. She was Featured Support for Jez Lowe in January this year, and impressed us with the quality of her voice and the inventiveness of her guitar tunings. £4 / £5 to come in, MC Simon Alexander.
July 19 An Invited Singers evening. A new variation for the Topic, this is an opportunity for some of our well-respected local singers to have slightly longer on stage than the usual one-or-two-song floor spot. Among those who have agreed to perform are Rahel Guzelian, with a repertoire of her own songs; Simon Alexander, ahead of his forthcoming CD launch, Tony Levy, famed and engaging folk-tyro of Tykes News fame, Ceri Mai Pedrick, unaccompanied singer of her own ballads, Dave Kidman, keeping the unaccompanied tradition alive, and John Waller with at least one new song you probably won’t have heard before. There may be room for guest appearances from others too – do come down. Entry will be a straight £2, and all the door takings will go to Amnesty International.
July 26 Robb Johnson If the above two evenings are not big enough bangs for you, this one should be. Robb is simply one of the best and most committed political singer-songwriter in the field, combining direct and accessible lyrics with excellent guitar accompaniment, and a live performance style that simply oozes passion, belief and good humour. His performance this time last year (in an extremely warm room – but we’ve got ceiling fans in now) was absolutely brilliant. His acutely topical memoire of Beirut (remember last summer’s bombardment) was a tear-jerking joy. And if you haven’t yet found yourself singing his wonderful chorus “Be reasonable! Demand the impossible now!” then prepare to. Featured support comes from YLEM, one of the most intriguing fusions of eastern-European and Western folk music around. Three performers covering flute, whistle, fiddle and guitar plus vocals. Infectious tunes rich in frenetic rhythms. A really great evening in prospect: £5 / £6 to come in. MC Ian Gobbi.
August is given over entirely to Singers and Musicians; but we open up in September with Roy Bailey, and the brilliant Australian duo cloudstreet.
Watch this space (or log on to www.topic-folk-club.org now to see how bookings are progressing into 2008).
See you all some Thursday at the C.ock and Bottle at one, all or more of the above events. 8.30 start. Floor spots are available every night, even where a Featured Support artist is booked; though it helps if you arrive by 8.30. No need to say ”no smoking” any more!
John Waller
Topic Newsletter Editor
Topic Newsletter No 66: Early May 2007